� � . ��14�1475
<br /> � � � � � � � ��
<br /> for the ��epaii�s and r�staxation in a s�ngle paym�nt o�� in a seri�s of progxess paym�n�s as �he �vark is �
<br /> c�mpletecl, If�11� i�su�ance or c�nd�mnation �raceecis are rtot suffi�i�nt tfl r�pair �r r�store t11� Pt�operty,
<br /> B�rr�wer is nat t�eliev��i �f B�t��owe��'s abligati�n for tI1� �ampletion o�such r�pair or ��s�toratian,
<br /> Lender o�� z�s ag�nt may mak� �easonabl� �n�ries upon an�. inspec�ions o�th� Property, �f it has r�asana�l�
<br /> ca�s�, Len�l�r may ins��c� tilae �nteriflr of��.� improvcments �n the P�op�rty, �e��er sha11 give Barro�er
<br /> �aotic� at the t���e of��priar ta su��. an in�et�ior inspection specifying such reasonabl� ca��se,
<br /> �. ��rr�w�r's Loan Applicafiivn. Barra�e�� sha�I be in �iefau�t rf,. during the Loan applicatian process-,
<br /> B o�ro�v ei� or an� pe�s�ns ar �ntitiies a��ing at tl�� di��c�ion fl�B�rrov�er or w i�h Borrower's knflw 1e�.ge or
<br /> �anse�at gave m a�eriall�r false, tn islea�.it�g, or inaccurate zn�orm at�a�� or st�teme��ts to Lender �or faile� �o
<br /> pravide Let�d�i� �ith material information� in c�nn�ctian with th� L�an, M ate�ia� repres�nta�ions include, but
<br /> ax� nat limiteci ��, r�presen�ati�ns con��t�ning Bor��o�ei�'s occupan�� o�t�� prfl��r�y as B���rQw�r's pxincipal
<br /> resid�n��.,
<br /> 9. Pro�ectEon afi Lender'S lnter�s� in the Praperty and Righfis Under fihis Securifiy �nstrumen�. I��a}
<br /> Bor��awer fails �o pe�f�rtn th� ca�renan�s a�ci ag��e�men�s contained in �h�� Se���z�ity Ins�r��men�, �b} th�re is a
<br /> l�gal pr��ee�ling that inigh� sig�ificantily affe�t L�n�er's int�r�st in the P�ape��y andlo� rights under tl�is
<br /> Se�urit� Itrstrumen� {such as a proc�eding in bankr�ptc�, p�abate, fai� �onde-mnation a-r fo��f�iture, for
<br /> e�forcement of a lien �vl�i�h inay attai�. priorit� ovet� this Securi�y Instrun�ent ar to �nfo�c� laws or
<br /> r�gu�ations�, ar �c} B�rrower has ab�n�ione� �h� Pr�p�z�t�., �h�n L�nd�r may �lo and pa� f�r whate��r is
<br /> r�as-onable �r apprapr���� �o protect L��nder's in��t�est in th� Pr�per�� and �igl�ts unc�eti �his Securit�
<br /> Instrument, incl���ii�g pz�ot�c�ing an��ox ass�ssi�ag the value of the Property, and sec«ri�g andlat� r�pa�t�ing
<br /> th� Property. Lender's a�tiot�s cai� �nclu�.e, but ar� not limi�e�l ta: �a} �ayi��g any sums secured �y � li�n
<br /> �vhich has p�iorit� o��r this Se�����it� Ins�rumen�; ��} a�p�aring i�. �ourt; anc� ��} paying r�asai�abl� a����ne�s'
<br /> ��es �a �rat�.ct i�s in��r�st in tlae Proper�� andlar rights undcr tl�ts Sec��rity �ns�r��men�, zncluding its sec�t�ed
<br /> p�sition in a �ankr��p�cy pr�ceeding, Securing th� Pro��rty incluc��s, but is na� limi�ec� �o, entering th�
<br /> Pr.aperty to m ake i��pai�s, ch��ge lo�ksy r�p�ace or board r�p doars an� �v indow s, dra�n v�a�er fro�n pipesy
<br /> �Iimi��ate buil�ling or other co�e via�ations or dang�raus c�n�itttons, ant� hav� uti�iti�s tur�ne� on ar �ff,
<br /> A�tha��gh L�n�er ma� take ac�ian una�er this S�c�ion 9, Len�i�r does ��t �lave �a do so and is not under any
<br /> du�� ar obliga�i�n t� c�o so, It is agr�e�l that Letad�r incurs na l��bili�� f�r �o� �aking any ar alI acti�ns
<br /> authorize�t u��de� this S�ction 9,
<br /> Any amout�ts disburs�d by T�enc�er ��nder �his S�ctio�� � shall becom� addi�i��ial de�t af Borrov��r sec��red �y
<br /> t�is Secu�ity rns��utnet��, Th�s� ai�lountis sha11 bear i���er�s� at �he Note ra�e fram t11� date of��sbursement
<br /> ��ad. shal� �e paya���, v�it�� such int�z��st, upot� nati�e fram Lender t� Borrawer req�uesting p�yment,
<br /> �f this Sec����itiy �nsti�l�ment is an a teasehald, Borro��r s�aall cat�ply �vith aIl the pxavisions o��he lease, �f
<br /> Borro�e�� acqu�z��s �ee t��1e to �h� Pr�perty, �h� �easehold and the fee ti�le sh�ll not m�rg� unless L�nder
<br /> agr�es to �h� merger in writing,
<br /> �4. f�or�gage �nsuran��. Zf Len�e� re���ire� M artgage Insurance as a condi�ion af making th� Loan, Bot�rower
<br /> shall pay ��e �rctn i��m s r�qui��e�. ta m ainta�n the M artgage Znsur�nc� �n �ff�c�. If, �or any reasan,-th�
<br /> M ortga�� Insura��ce �o�erage requir�� �y L���der c�ases �a b� a�ailable fz�o�n �he n��r�gage ins�ir�� th�t
<br /> previously �z�ovided s��c� insur�nce and B orrow er �v as z��qu���e� �� m ake sepa��a���y designat�d paym�nts
<br /> tou�.a��d ��� pr�m ium s �a�� M o�tgage Znst�ran�e, B ot����w�r sha�l pa� �h� p��em�um s r��ui��ed �a obtait� �overage
<br /> su�s�antiall� �qu�vale��t �o th� M ortgag� Inst���an�� pt��vi�usly ��� eff�ct, a� � �ast substantially eq��i�alent �a
<br /> ��1� COS� �0 B�I�ro�ve�� af the M or�gag� �nsui�anc� pr.e�ious�y in �ff�ct, ft�on� an alte��ilat� t��artgag� insure��
<br /> s�l��te� by L�n�ler, If subs�antially �q��ival�nt M ai�tgage Z�lsi�rance co�erag� is no� availabl�, Borrower sl�all
<br /> 9�435�fl57.79�
<br /> �IE�HA51�A-5ingla Family-Fannie MaelFreddfe�Iac UNIF��M II�STRLJMEI��' Form 3D2� 1f�1
<br /> VMP n VMF6tNEf�13�2}
<br /> Wolters ECluwer�inaitcial Services Page�of 17
<br />