' ` � � � � �� ��14�1475
<br /> �� �
<br /> � �
<br /> Any applicatian a�paym�r�ts, insurance pr�ceecls, or M iscellaneous P��c���ls to �r�taci�al_du� unc�er the Note
<br /> shall na� ��t�n� or pastpone �he �lue dat�, �r chang� �he amo��nt, of the Periodic Paym�nti�,
<br /> 3� �`�z�ds fo�F Es�z*ow I�ems, Bo��ra�v�r sha�t pay ta Lender an t�e �lay P�rio�ic Payn��nts are du� under the
<br /> Note, un��l ��� Note �s pai�i in f��Il, a sun� ��h� "Fu�a�.s"} �o provide for paym�nt of amoun�s due for; �a} taxes
<br /> ancl assessments and �ther it�ms u�h�ch �an attaii� priori�y over th�s S��uri�� Instxunaen� �s a 1ie� or
<br /> encumbran�e on �h� Praper��; �b} lease�aol� paym�n�s ar ground re�ts a� �he Pi�ope��ty, if atl�; ��� pr�miums
<br /> far �ny at��. all i��suraxace z�equir�d b� Len�er unci�r S�c�ion S y and �d} N�a���gage �nsuranc� pr�m ium s, �f any,
<br /> or an� s���n� paylbl� b� �or�o��r t� Lcnde� in Ii�u of the payme��� ��M�r�gag� Insuranc� pi�emiums in
<br /> accordance �i�h the p�ovisio�s of Sectior� 1�, These item.s ar� call�d "Es���av� rteir�s." At az�iginaxi�n ar at
<br /> �ny tim� during th� �erm af t�� Loan, L�nd�r may require tha� �ommunit� Ass�cia�i�n Du�s, Feesy and
<br /> Asse�smentsy if an�, �e �scrawed �y Borrower, ai�d sucla d��es, fees at�d assessmenGs stial� �e an Es��ow
<br /> �t�m, Borro�e�� sha�l promptl� fi�rnish to Lender a�l n�tices of am�unts to be pa�d un�l�r t�is Seetion,
<br /> B�rra�ver shall pa� Lend�r the Fur�ds,f�r Escr�w Items ��nless Len���r waiv�s Borrawer's o�liga�ion to �aY
<br /> th� Funds for any or alI �s�ra� r��ms. Lend�z� may waiv� Bort�aw�r's �blig�tion t� p�y to L�r��l�r Funds �o��
<br /> any or all E s�r.ow zt�m s a� any �im�, A ny su��� w aiv�r m a� �nl� �e ir� w�iting, In the ��r�n� af s��ch �v aiver,
<br /> Borro��r shall p�� �i���ct�y, v�h�n �nd wh��.e pa��bl�, the amaunts ��u� �oi� a�y Escro� �tems f�r wl�ich
<br /> payment af Func�s h�s �eei7 waive�� �y L�nde� anci, if Lend�r r�q��ir�s, sha�1 fu��nish t� ��nder r�ceipts
<br /> �vi�l�ncing such p ay na ent v�it�a�n su�h tim� pe�iod as Len�l��� m ay requir�, B ar��o w e��'s obligatior� t� m ake
<br /> such p��m�n�s an� to p�ovi�i� receip�s shall f�r alI pu�poses be d��med �o �e a co�r�nan� and agre�ment
<br /> cantain��. in this S�cur�ty Instrumen�, as �he phras� "cov�n��t a�r�i agr�emen�" is used in Sectian �, If
<br /> B ar�ow�r is a���gaxec� �a pay Es�ro�v ztem s ctir�ct�y, pursuan� to a w aiver, a�d B Q��ro�uer fails to �ay th�
<br /> amaunt due far an Escrow �t�m, Lendcr may exer�ise its rights under Sec�i�n 9 and .�ay such amou�� and �
<br /> �ari��w�r s11all tl��n �e obl�gated und�r Section g to repa� to Lend�r �ny su�h amount. L�ncier ma� r�vak�
<br /> tl�� v�aivcr as t� any or all E scr�v� Item s a� ar�y �im e �y a��.oti�� giv en iia a�cfl��ance w ith �e�t�on �5 an�.,
<br /> upon such re���ation, Baz�row�� sh�Il pay �o L���d�r a11 Fun�s, an� in suc� amaunts, tha� are �hen r�qui�e�l
<br /> under ���is Sec�ia� 3.
<br /> L�nd�� ma�f at any tina�, c�llect anci ho�d Funds in an amount �a} sufficier�t �o p�rm�t L�nd�r ta ap�l� ti��
<br /> Fun�is a� ���e time specif�ed un�le�� RESPA, an� ��} not �o e��e�� the maxii��um a�noun� a 1en�lez� �an require
<br /> under RESPA. Lende� slaall es�ii»a�� the amoun� of Funds c�u� on th� basis af�E�rre��t d��a at�d reasonab��
<br /> es�imates flf expeil�itur�s af�u�ure �scro�v Items or a�he��vis� in a�c����ance v�it� Applica��� Law,
<br /> Th� Funds shall be helt� in an institution �hose d�posits are i��su��ed �y a f��i�z�al ag�ncy, inst�ume�tality, or
<br /> entity �inclu�ling L�nd�r, i� Ler�d�r is a� institution v�hose d�p�sits ar� so insur��i} a�� in any Fe�eral �om�
<br /> Loan Bank, L�r�der shall app�y the Funds ta pa� �he Escra� I�ems no Ia�er than th� t�m� sp�cifie�i und�r
<br /> RESPA, Lend�� sl�all not ctlarge Barr�wer f�r laolding and applying the_Fut�t�s, annual�� analy�ing tl�e
<br /> �s��ow �c��un�, ar �erifyii�g t�ae Es�r�u� It�m�, ��nless Le�der pays Barro�v��� in��res� on the runds and
<br /> App�ica�l� Law perm.its Let�d�r to tnak� su�h a chaxge, Unless an ag�eerri�nt is ma�e in �riting ot�
<br /> Applica�l� Law requi��es inte��st to �e pai� o�a �h� Funds, Lend�i� sha11 n�t �e requi���d to pay Bat�ro�er any
<br /> int�r�st�r eariaings �n the F��nds, Borra�ve� and L�nder can agree in �rriting, ha�ev�rg that �za��r�st shal� ��
<br /> pai�l �n the runds. L�n��r sl�al� giv� to Bot�rower, �vith�ut�tz�z�ge, an annua� accaunting of the Funds as
<br /> re�uired hy RESPA,.
<br /> If thez�e is a sut��l��s of Fl�ncls �a��d in �scr�u�, �s c�efined under RESPA f Lend�r shall acc�unt �o Bor��au�er for
<br /> �he exc�ss �un�s in accordanc� wi�h RESPA, If t�er� �s a shortage of I`�Ynds he�d tt� �scraws �s ��fir�ed u�ad�r
<br /> R�SPA, L�nd��' Sh��� 11D�1�y Bfl��r��r�r as ��c�uir�d �a� RESPA,. and B�rrow��� s��a�l pay to Lender th� amaunt
<br /> n�c�ss�ry to mak� up til�� shortag� �n accordance �vith RESPA, bi�t in na morc� t��an �2 manthly paymet�ts, Zf
<br /> ther� is a de�iciency �f Fu�zds hc1�i in esc��ov�, as ciefine�. unde�� RESFA, L�ncier shall notify Bo�r�we�� as
<br /> 9�fl35�467794
<br /> NEBRASKA-SEngla�amily-Fannie Mael�reddle Ma�UNIF�RM IiJSTRUME�IT �orm 3�28 1�4i
<br /> VM P(Q VM P6�1��1�13D�y
<br /> Wof#ers K�uwer�inar�oial Servfaes p����Qf�7
<br />