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� ! <br /> � � � <br /> �; � `� � �� ��14�1475 <br /> B�RR��ER C��ENANTS that Boxxower is �awfull� s�is�d af�he estate ��reb� con�r�y��l and has th� right to <br /> g�a�� and �onvey the P��flper��r and that tla� Prop�t�ty is un�ncumbe�+ec�, except far encl�m�ran�es of re�ard, <br /> B�rrov�er �v arran�s and w ill �iefentl gen�rally the title to t�ae Pi�opert�r agains� ��1 �la�ms a�c� dem ands, subj�ct ta <br /> any �nc��mbran�es �f rec.ord, <br /> TH�S S�C U RZTY IN STRU M EN T coinbines unifortn cavenants �or r�a�ional i�se and no�-uniform cov�nants w i�h <br /> li�nited variati�n� by jurisdiction ta consti�ute a uni�ot�m se�urit� inst�um��� �overing real prapert�. <br /> Uniform Cov�nant�. Borrawer and Lender covenan� a�ld agree as fo�laws: <br /> � . �aymenfi of Principal, �n�eresfi, �scr�vu lfiems, Prepay�nen� �harges, and La�e Cha�ges� Bari�ower <br /> shall �ay wh�n du� the prin�ipal o�, ar�� int�res� on, t�e ti�bt evid�n���. by the No�e anc� any pr�payment <br /> chaxges and lat� charges due und�r the Note. Bor�ower shall alsa pa� fu��s f�� �scro� �t�ms pursuant to <br /> Section 3, Payments d�e undez� the Nate and this Sect�ri�y Inst��unaent s�all be matle in U.S, currency. <br /> ��owe�ex, if any ch�ck ar o�her instrumen� ��ceived liy L�n�er as payment under �he N��e ar this S��uri�y <br /> Inst��ument is r���i��l��i to ��nc�er �npa�d, Len�.�r may require t11a� any a�� all su�s�quenti pa�m�nts c�ue un�1e� <br /> th� N ate and this S�cu��ty �ns�r��in�nt be m a�ie in one or mor� af th� follo�v ing form s, as s�le�t��l by L�ndcr, <br /> �a� c�sh; ��� maney or�ler� �c} certi�ied check, �ank check, treasut��r'� �heck �r cas�.ier's ch�ck, pro�id�d an� <br /> such ch�c1� is dra�n upon an ir�s�itu�ion whose d�p�sits are insure� by a f��le�al ag�ncy, instruna�nta�ity, or <br /> en�it�; or �d� El�ctroni� Funds Transf�r, ' <br /> Pa�ments axe �leem�d ���ceived by Lender �h�� t�eceive� a� th� locati�n designat�d in �he Not� ar a� suc� <br /> a�h�r ��catzon as ma� be c�esigna�e� b� Len�.er in accar�an�� wi�h �he notice provisi�ns it� S�ct'ion �.5, <br /> L�i�d�� may retuxn any payment or par��al paym�nt if�l�e pay�nen�ar p�r�ial paym�nts a�e �nsuffi�ient t� <br /> bring t�e Loa�� curr���at, Lend�i� may ac�ept an� paym�nt ot� par�ial payment insi�fficient to �ring the .Loa�� <br /> curr�nt, �ui�hout w�iv�r of any rights h�reunde� a�� prej��di�� to its ��igh�s �a ��efuse s�x�h pa�ment ar partial <br /> payments in �he fu�ure, ��t L�nder �s �at obligated t� �ppl� such payments a� th� �im� s��ch pa�m�r�ts are <br /> ac�ept��, If�a�h P�rifldic pa�in�nt is applied as of zts sch��uleci du� datie, then Len��r ne�d n�t pay inter�st <br /> on u��ap�Iie�i funds, L�nd�r may hold su�h unapp�ied func�s ��ntil Borrowe�� mak�s �aym�nts tQ bring th� <br /> La�n cu�ren�, If B�xrower d�es not da so �ri�hin a� p�riod �f tim�, Lend�� shall eit�er apply su�h <br /> funds �r return �he�n ta Borrow�x, z��ot applied ear�i�r, su�h funds v�ill �e applied to th� autst�.nt�ing <br /> p�inc�pal �alanc� und�r �he No�e immediately pri�r to for�closut�. Na o��set oi claim which Borr�w�r migh� <br /> have na�v or in �h� �u�l�re against Le�zc��r shal� ��eli��e Borro�v�r f�am making payments �r�e und�r �h� Note <br /> and �his S�curi�y Ii�strumet�t or pei��orming th� cov�nants at��l agr�ements secured by �his Se�uz�it� <br /> Instruna�nt, <br /> �, App�icat�on of Paymenfis ar Pr�ceeds. �xcept as ath�rwise desci�i�ed ii� this Se���on 2, a�I pa�m�nts <br /> ac��pte� and app�i�c� by Len�ter shall �e applie� ir� th� follow i�ag order a�pri�rity: �a} int�r�st due unc��r the <br /> Natey ��} �rin�ipal �u� under ���� Note; �c} an�a��nts du� ��nd�x Se�tian 3, Such payments shall �� app�i�� ta <br /> �ach Perio�ic Paymei�t in th� �rder in wh�ch it ���ame t����, Any r�maining amounts shall b� ���lied first to <br /> la�e cha��g�s, s��ond to any o��er amo��n�s �tx� undex �his S�curity Zns�rum�nt, and then ta re�iuc� the <br /> . principat ha�a��c� of the N�t�. <br /> If Lend�r t�ec�ives a payment from Bort��v�e�� for a d��inqu�i�� P�riodic Paym��t �vhich in�Iu��s a suffici�n� <br /> am�unt to p�y ai�� Ia�e c�axg� due, the pa��n�nt may be appli�d to �he d�linqu�nt pa�m�nt an� the late <br /> �hat�ge, �f m��e that� one P�t�ia�i� Paym�nt is ai�ts�and�ngy L�n�i�r m.ay app�� a��� pa�n��nt receiv�d from <br /> Bo��rou�er to the r�paym�i�t�f t�e Pei�iodi� Payments if, �nd to �he �x��nt t��at, e��h pa�ment can �e pai�i �� <br /> fu�l, To �he �xt�r�t t11�� any excess �xis�s aft�r �h� pa�n��nt is applie� t� the f��ll pa�ment af one �r more <br /> Pex�ioc�ic Pa�r��ntsy sE�c� excess �nay be applied ta an� late charges ���e� Volun�ary pre�a�ments shall �e <br /> �pplied itrst t� any pz�epayna�nt charg�s an� �lacn as descr�bed in th� N�te, <br /> �4a�s�os��9� <br /> N�BRA5KA-Singls Family•Fannie Mael�reddie Maa UNlFaRM iNSTRUM�iVT Form 30?8 1IOi <br /> VMP 0 VMP��NEy I1302� <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Financial ServEces Page�4 nf 17 <br />