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� <br /> , , � � ��� � �� ��14�1475 <br /> ��� <br /> �l�signated a s���s��tut� natice acidi��ss by no�ice �� Lencie�, Borrower shall promptly notify L�nd�� a� <br /> Barro�rer's chang� �f a�idress, If L�nd�r specifies a p�oc�dure for reporting Bor��ow�r's change af address, <br /> th�n B orro�v e�� shal� only �epo�t a change of a�dx�ess through �hat sp�cifi�ci proce�lui�e. <br /> Th�r� may be on�y ��e ��signated n�ti�e adciress unc��r �his S-�curit� Ins�rum�nt at any ane �ime, An� no�i�e <br /> �o Lender shal� be giv�n �y d�Ilvering it or �y mailing i�liy firs� class tnail to L�nder's address sta��� heret� <br /> unless Lenci�r has clesignated an�t�er a��tr�ss b� noti�e t� Borr�v��r, Any notic� in �onnec�ian �vith this <br /> S�cu�i�y Inst��umen� sha11 n�t�e ���m��l ta ha�r� b�et� giv�n tfl Lender un�il a��ually i�e�eiv�d �� Lender, rf <br /> an� notice required �y this Secti�it� Ins��um�nt is a�sa r��uire�l und�r Applicable La�v, the Applicable La� <br /> re�uirem ent w i�l satis�y the corr�spa nding r�quirem ent und��{ �his S e��rit�,Instrum en�, <br /> ��. Govern�ng Law; Seuera��I�ty; Rules of Constructi�n. This S�curit� Instrum�n� shall be g�v�rned by <br /> fed�ral law anr� �he Iaw of�1��jurisdictior� in which ��e Pr�perti� is Ia�ated. All rights an� ��liga�ions <br /> containe� tn thi� Security It�strumen� ���� subject�o an� ��qu�rem�nts and limi�a�ions o�Appli�able Law F <br /> Appli�able L��� might �xplicitly ar i�nplicit�y allav� �he parties �o agre� by ca��tract �r i� mjght�e si��n�, but <br /> su�h sil�nc� sl�all n�t be canstrued as a prohi�ition against agre�men��� �ont��ct, In the �v�nt th�t any <br /> p��visio�a o� c�ause of this Secu��ity Instrumen� or �h� Note conflicts with Applic��l� Law, su�h �an�lic� shall <br /> no� affec�othe��pra�isio�s af�h�s S��uri�y Instri�ment ❑r the Note �hich can b� gi�en �ffect u�ithoi�t the <br /> � co�afli�ting provzsion� <br /> A s us�� in this S�curity �nstrum.ent; ��} �v ox�ls af the m asculin� gender sha�l m ean an�l in��ud� �orrespot�ding <br /> t�eu�er words ar �voxds af the f�in�nine gen�er, ��} �rord� �n the sir�guiar shall mean and in�Iu�le the plural <br /> and vice versa; a�d ��} the v�ard "in ay'� gi��s sol� dis�re�io�n w ithaut an� obligation ta �ak� any acti�n. <br /> �7� �orrower's G�p�. B�i�rower shal� �� given on� c��y ���he Note ant� of�his S��urit� Instrume�t. <br /> 1�� Transfer af �he property or a Beneficial Intere5fi in Borrower. As use�l in this Se�tion 18i 11�nter�st in <br /> the Proper�ty,� means ar�y legal or b���fi�ial interest in tlae Prap�rty, inclu�iing, �ut nat �imited to, �ho�� <br /> betae��cial interes�s tra�nsferr�ci in a b��d for deed, contra�t �or d�ed, ins��llnient sa�es �ontract or �sc���v� <br /> agr��m�n�, the �nt�nt o�which is �he transf�r of tz��� by Borrou�er at a future c�at� to a pu��chas���, <br /> If alI �r any part o��h� Prapei�ty �r any Zt�ter�s� in the Prap�r�y is sald flr transf�rred �or i�Bor��ow�� is nat a <br /> ��atural pe��san and a b�n�fic�a� inte��st in �or�aw er is s�l� or �ransfer���d} w ittaau� L�nder's p�ior w rititen <br /> �ansen�, Ler�der may requi��e imm�rliat� pa�ment in fu�l of a�l su�ns secl�r�d by this Security Instr�lmen�, <br /> H ow�ver, this ap�ion shal� not �e exet�cised by Le�t�e.r if such excrcise is prol�ibited by Applica�t� La�v. <br /> If L�nder �x�r�ises �his aption, Lendez� shall give Bor��o�er i�oti�e flf acc�leration. Tlae natic� shall �rovid� a <br /> periad of n�t �ess �han 3D da�s fi�om tla� date �lle notice is giv�n in a�cot�dan�e wi�h Sectiion 15 wi�hin v�hich <br /> Borrov��� �nus�pa� aI� sums secured �y ��is Security Ins�xu�n�nt, if Bflrrov�er fails �a pay tl�es� s��m-s priar �o <br /> the �xpira�ion of this perio��, Len��r ma� inva�e any ���in�clies p���n�it��� by tl�is Securi�y Ins���umen� without <br /> fuz�ther notice �r deman�� on Bart�oWer, <br /> �9. g�rrower's Right to Re�nStat� Aft�r Acceleratian. If Bot�rov��r meets cer�a�n con�it�ons, Bor��a�r�r <br /> shall have �h� right �o ha�e enfarcem�nt�f�his S�curit� Instrum�nt �iscon�inued at any ��ane prior �a the <br /> �arliest of: �a} f�ve days bef���� sal� of th� Pi�Qperty pursuant �a a�y pa�v��� af sale contained �n this Se�u��ity <br /> Inst�ument; �b} suc� oth�r p���od as Applicab�e Lau� mfght speci�y for �he te�mination af Borra�ver's right to <br /> reinsta�e; or ��} en�r� �f a jucigm�nt �nfo��cing �his S��ur�ty znstrum�n�, Th�se con�litioi�s ar� tlaat Bo�r��rer; <br /> �a} pays Le�ade�� aIl sutns �vhi�h �hen wou1�1 �� du� under this Secut�it� �ns���um�nt and the No�e as if no <br /> �ccelet�ation laa� a�c��rred; �1�} cur�s any �iefaul� o�any �th�r c�venants a�� agreein�nts; �c} pays a�l exp�ns�s <br /> incut�i���l ii� enfflrc�ng xhis Secu��ity �nstr��m�nt, including,. but no� Iimi�ed to, reasot��ble attorneys' f�es, <br /> prope���� in�p�ctia-n a��d valuation fe�s, and �ther fees zncurt�ed for th� ���rpos� of�t�otec�ing L�n�er's int�t�es� <br /> 94036206779h <br /> N�BRASKA•5ingle�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac 11NIFQ�M INS�'RUM��VT �orm 3D28 1J01 <br /> VMP� VMPB�N�}(1342� <br /> Wofters Kiuwer��nancia[5ervices Page i 2 af 1 7 <br />
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