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<br /> in th� Prope�t� and rights un�ler this S�cu��i��i Instrument; and ��1} takes such ac��on as Lend�r ma�
<br /> r�asona�ly require ta assure tha� L�n��r's i���z�es� in the Ptap�rty �nc� rights und�r= this Se�ur�ty �ns�r��men�,
<br /> and Borrow er's o�Iigation �o �ay the sum s s�cur�d �y �his S�curi�y Inst��xm�nt, shall continu� uz�c�aanged,
<br /> Lend�r m a� ��equixe xh��B a�rov�e�� pay suc� reinstatem ent sums a�d exp�ns�s in ane �r m or� �f�he fol�ow it�g
<br /> farms, as sel�c�e� by Lend�r; �a} cash; �b} mone� axdery ��} certifi�c� �heck, �ank �heck, t��asurei�'s chec� �r
<br /> cashier's chec�, pro�id�d an� s�ch check is drawn ��po� �� insti�u�i�n whas� deposits are insuz��� b� a
<br /> fede�al agencyy �ns�rumentalit� �� cntit�; or �d} �lect�anic Funds Transfer. �Jpon ��insta�e�n�nt �y B�rro�er,
<br /> �his Seeuri�y zns�rum�nt an� obligatio�s secured h�r�by s1aa11 r�mai� f�I1y effectiv� as �f no a�ce�eration har�
<br /> a��urred, Hflw�v�r, th�s right to r�inst�te sha�l nat appl� in th� case of accel�rati�n ur�der Se�tian IS,
<br /> 2�, 5a�e o� Nvfie; Change of �.aan S�r�ice�; Nofiice of Grie�ran�e, T�� Note ar a �arti�l in��r�s� ir� �he
<br /> N ot� ���ge�he� w ith �his Se�urit� rnstrum ent} can �� solt� a�ie or mare tim�s �i�llo��t prio� na�tce t�
<br /> �orrowe�, A sale migh�r�sul� in a change in t�a� �nt��y �known as th� "Loc�n Set�vicer,"} �ha� coll�cts P�rtodi�
<br /> P aym�nts due l�ndet� the N o t� an�l this S�cu�i�y �nstrum en� and ��rform s ��h�r m oz�tg ag e ��an ser�ri�zng
<br /> abligatioi�s un�l�r �he Nate, -this Security Instrum�n�, �nd Applica�I� Law. Th�re also might�e an� ar �no��
<br /> �hang�s �f the Lo�n Servi�er �znr�Iated to a sal� ��th� Note, Zf the�e is a change o�the Loa� Se��vtc�r,
<br /> �orro��t� �i�l b� gi�e� �v��i�ten n�t�ce o��he chang� w�ich �vil� sta�e th� name and a�.�iress of the ��w L��n
<br /> Ser�ice�� the addr�ss to �rhich p��m�n�s should �� �nade an� any o�h�r infa��matioi� RESPA ��qui��es in
<br /> �onnectiio�l �i�h a nfltic� of transf�r �f s�r�icing, If t�ae No�� is sold and �hereaf��r the Loan is ser�ricec� �� a
<br /> Loan Sex�icer �th�r than �lx� pur�hase� �� �he No�e, �h� m��tig�g� loan servicing obligations �� Boz�ro��r will
<br /> z�emain with th� Laat� S�r�icer or �e �ransferr�d �o a �uccessor Loan Ser�ic�� and a�� no� assum�d by �he
<br /> N ote purchas�r ��n�ess o�herw ise pi���id�d �y th� N ote purchase�,
<br /> �Veithet' Bo�rower nor L�nd�r �nay �omme�ac�, join, o� �� j�ine� ta at�y judtcial acti�n tas eith�r an
<br /> indi�i�ual litigant oi• tl�� mem���� af a class} tl1a� a��ses f�om �he othe�� par��'s actians pu�suant ta this
<br /> Se�urit� Iilstrume��t ar tha� all�ges tiha� �h� ather pa��� has �rea�l�ed anY provis���� of, �� any du�y a�vec� b�
<br /> r�as�n afy this S��ur�ty xnstrum�nt, unti� suc� Bo���o��r or L�nd�r has notified th� ��her pa�t� �with s��ch
<br /> notic� givc� in complian�� �it� �he 1�equiremen�s of Se�t�at� 15} of such a�lege� �r�ach and affflrde�i �he
<br /> o�h�r party h�r�to a reasona��� peri.o� a�t�r tl�e gi�ing af su�h �i��i�e to take correctiv� a�tzo��, if Applicable
<br /> Law �rovi��s a tim� peri�d wh�ch must �lapse bcfor� c�r�ain a�tion �an b� �aken, tha� tim� period u�ill b�
<br /> deemed tfl be r�as�nabl� fflr purp�s�s of this paragrap�, The �aatic� of accele��tion �nr� o�pot�tuni�y to �ure
<br /> giv�� ta Bor��ower pu�suant t� Secti�n 22 and the n��ice of acc�I�ratian given t� Bor�a�v�r ���rsuant to
<br /> Section 18 shall be d�emed to satisfy �h� notzce at�d oppor�unity to tak� corr�ct�v� �ctian pz�ovisions of�his
<br /> Se��iot� 2�.
<br /> �� . Hazardaus Su�s�ances. As used in this S�ction 2�: �a} "Ha�arc�ous Sub�tan�es" ar� �l�ase su�s�an�es
<br /> defined as toxtc ar hazarcious su�stances, p�l�utants,. �r �ast�s by L�n�iro��mental Law anc� tl�� following
<br /> su�stances: gas�l�n�, keroser�e, other flamnaabl� ar tox�c pe�roleum prod��cts, toxic pesticic�es an� h�r�ici�ess
<br /> volati�e solv�nts, materials can�aii�ing as��stos o�� �ormald�hyde9 an� rad�o��tiv� materials� �b}
<br /> '��`n�vir�nrnenta�Lc�w►' t��ea�� f�d���al la�vs a�ad laws of th�ju��isdic�zo�a �here the Prop�r�� is la�at�� t�at
<br /> relate �o health, saf�ty or �n�rit�an�n��atal prat��tion; �c} "�nvi�+anm���c�d Cleanup" incluc��s an�r respans�
<br /> a�t�on, remed�a� actioi�, ar i+emoval a��f�n, as �efin�d in Er�����onmental La�r; and ��} an "�nvit�anmentat
<br /> Con�z�io�" m�ans a �anc�i�zon �hat can caus�, cantri�ute toy or oth��wis� �r�gger an Er��ironmental �I�anup,
<br /> Borr��rex s�all ��ot caus� o�� p�rm�� �he pres�nce, use, dzsp�sa�, s�orage, or ��e��as� ��any Ha�ar��ous
<br /> Su�s�ancesy a�� th���a�en �a r����s� at�� Ha�a��d�us S���stances, on ar in �h� Pr�pert�, Bot�ro�rer shall �ot do,.
<br /> nor al�a� anyone els� ta d�, �n�tlaing �ffecti�ag th� Pro�ei�ty �a} that i� ��� �vialation of a�� Enviz�onmenta�
<br /> Lav�, �b} �rhich cr�a��s ai� Envi���ame��tal Cat�t�i�i�ta, or �c} whichf c�ue ta th� pr�se��es us�, .or r�lease af a
<br /> ��a�ar��aus Si�bsta�cef cr�at�s a con�i�ian that a�v�rs�ly affe��s the �alu� of the P��op�rty. Th� prec��l�ng two
<br /> 9D03fi2�6779q�
<br /> NE�RASKA-5ing�e Family•�ann�e Mael�reddie�Iac UNIF�RM 1NS�'�UMENT �arm 3��8 1�0i
<br /> VMP Q VMp6(N�y�1302�
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