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f � ��14�1475 <br /> � � � � � � � �� <br /> ��. Bo�rower No� Re�eased; For�earance By L�nder No� a �aiver� Ext�nsion of the t�me fo� pa�m�nt or <br /> modifica�ion of amar�i�atior� of thc sums �ecur�� b� t�is S�curi�y 7nstrument grant�c� �� Len�l�r �o B��ro�ver <br /> or an� Succ�ssflr in �nterest af Barrawe� shall not op�rate t� r�leas� the liabi�it� af Borr�w-�r or any <br /> Successors in Interest of Borr��er, L�t��ler shall not�e requir�d to �om.m�nce proc��t��ngs against any � <br /> S���cessQr i�; In��rest af Borra�v�r or t� r��use �o ext�nd tiine far payme��t or other�rise modif� amor�i�ation <br /> �f�he s��ms secured by �his Secur�ty Instrumcnt by z��ason of any demand ma�e by the o�igznal Borrawex or <br /> an� Succ�ssors zn In�eres� o�B or�o���, A ny f�rbear�nce by Lender in exer�ising any right oz� ���m edy <br /> incluc�ing, �rithout�irrmitat`ion, Lender's acce�tance of paymen�s fratn thi�d p�rsons, �n�i�ies or Succ�ssars tn <br /> rnt�res� a�Borr�wer �r in amaun�s Iess than �he ama��nt then due, shall no� b� a �aiver of�r preclude the <br /> ex�rcise of any right oz� rem����, , <br /> 13. Joinfi and Severa� Liabili�y; ��-signers; SucceSsors and Assigns Baund. Borro�ver co�enants and <br /> agrees that B�rro�ver's obligations ancl Iiabi��t� sha�l �e joint and several, Ho�vev�r, an� Bor����er wh� <br /> �a�signs tt�is S�cr�rity �nstru�n�nt ���t �i�es n�t ex�cute �he Note �a "co-sign�r"}; ��} is c��signing �his <br /> S�curit� Instrum�nt onl� to mortgage, gi�an� anc� cat��r�� the co-sigt��r's int�rest �n the Prap�rty ��nder the <br /> terms of this Se�urity Ii�s��umenty ��} is no� persona��y obliga��d �� p�y the sums s�cur�d by �his Se�uri�y <br /> Instrum�n�; and �e} agr�es that L�n�l�r �nd any oth�r Bo���o�ver �an agr�e t� ext�nd, mod�fy, �or��ax or make <br /> an� a�commodations �vith regard to �he te�ms af this Security �nst��un�en� o�� th� Natie withflut th� co�signer's <br /> consent, <br /> Subject ti� the �ro�isions �f S��ti�n 18y any Successor in Interest of Barraw�� who assum�s Borrower's <br /> abligations ��nd�r this Secuz��ty Ir�sti�uinent in v�rft�ng, and is appro�ed �y Lenc�er, s�all obtain alI of <br /> B orrow er's t�ights an� ��n�f��s under this S�curit� Inst��um ent, B or�ow�r sha�l not �e release�i fr�m <br /> �or��u�er's o�Iigations and Iia�il�ty under this S�cu�jit� Ins���umei�t unl�ss L�nder �gi��es ta su�� releas� in <br /> writing, Th� �ovenax��s anc� agre�naentis fl� �his S�ct�r�t� rnstru�n�nt shall bir�� ���c�p� �s provided in Se�tion <br /> 2�} and �enefi�th� successors �nd assigr�s of Len��er, <br /> �4. Loa�n C harges, L�n�e�� m ay charge B orrow er fees fai� s�r�ices p�rfarm�d �n conr�ection w ith Boz�rflw ei�'s <br /> default, for tk�e �urpa se of protec�ing L�nd�r's interesx in t�ae Prapet�ty and rights u�c��r this Sec-urit� <br /> �ns�rume��, in�luding, bu�nat liinit�d �o, axto��neys' �ees, property i�aspe�ti�n and va�ua�io�a ��es. zn regard ta <br /> any o�her fees, �h� absenc� af express auth�rit� ir� this Se�ur�ty Ins�rument to charge a s���ifi� f�� to <br /> Bo�row�r shal� nat�e constru��i as a p��nhibi�ian on t�e �harging of s��ch fee, Le�de� may n�ti fees <br /> that are expressl� prohibzt�� �y this 5������ity rnst�ument or �y Applica�Ie Lav�. <br /> I��he Loan is su�ject �a a law which s�t� maximum �oan charg�s, a��� tl�at law is finally interp�eted s� that <br /> the inter�st or ��h�r loan charges co�le�ted or to b� collec��d i�a �or�nection w ittl th� Loan e��eed the <br /> ��rmitte� Iimits, th�n; �a} any such loan �ha��ge shall b� �e���c�d �� �he an�ount �a�c�ssar� ta redu�e th� <br /> �l�a��ge �o tl�� per�n i�te� lim i�; and ��} any suna s alr�a�y c��le�tec� �rom B ori�ow�er �vhich ex��ed.e� perm itte.d <br /> lim�ts w i�l �� refund�d ta B ort�o�v er. Len�er may chaose �o n�ak� this r�f«nd �� re�uc�ng �he principa� o�v�� <br /> under �h� N�te or �� making � ��rec�payment t� Borraw�r. �f a refund ret��rc�s p�inc�pa�, the re�iuction will <br /> be �reated as a par�ial pr�payment wi�hou� an� pr�payment�h�rge �wh��he�� or na� a p��epayment charge is <br /> �xovid��l far unde� th� N���}, B�xrow�r's ac�ep�anc� of a�ny suc� �efun� mad� �y �lzrect paym�nt t� <br /> Ba��rov�er �vill �onstit��t� a waivez� ��any. righ� of a�tion Bo�xo�r�r migh�have �ri.szng aut a�s�zch a�r�r�harg�, <br /> �5� N ofices. All notices giv�n �y Borrow�r oz� Lenciet� in ��nne�ti�n w ith this Securi�� Instrumcnt must b�� in <br /> writing. Any n�ti�e to Bo�lro�v�t� in conn�c�ian v��th this Se�uri�� ��astrum�nt shall b� deem�ci �o h�v� been <br /> given ta B o��row ei� �v het� m ail�� b� firist class m ail o�� w h�n a�tually c�eliver�d to B orro���'s na tic� a�d��e�s if <br /> ��nt �y oth�r mea�s, Notice to any ane Bort�fl�v�r shall canstit��t� noti�e to all Borz�aw�rs ��n��ss App�icable . <br /> L��r exp��essly req��ires otherwise, Th� notice acl�r�ss shall b� �h� P�op�z�ty Addr�ss unless Borrower has <br /> 9�D35206779�4 <br /> N�BRASICA•Single�amily-Fanr�ie i�ael�reddie Ma�UNIFDRM II�STRUMEiJT Form 3028 1101 <br /> v��D v��scN����3o2y. <br /> 1N olters Kluw er Financial Services Pa�e 1� af 1 7 <br />