` � ��14�1475
<br /> � � � � � � � ��
<br /> sa�rsfac��an, pro�i��d that such inspec��an shal� be und�r��aken pt��mptl�, Lend�r maY pa� foz•the repairs
<br /> and i�es�ora�ion in a singie disbursement o� in a s�xi�s of progress p�ymen�s as �h� wo�k �s ��mpl��ed,
<br /> Unless ar� agr�em�n� is tn�de in �vriting o� Applicab�e La� requir�s inter��� �o be paid on s��ch
<br /> M iscetl�.ne�us Pra��eds, �.�ndcr sha�l t�o� b� z��quir�d ta pa� B orrow e.r any in��res� o� earnings o� such
<br /> M iscellaneous Prac�ec�s, �f�1�� r�sta�a�ior� �r repair is not �c�n�m ica�ly feasz��e or L�n��r's secu��t� �ould
<br /> �e ��ss�n�ds �he M iscellan�ous Pra�eeds sha�� be appiied to the sums secur�� by this Securi�� Instr��m�nt,
<br /> �vh�t��r �r n�t thel� �lue, w ith th� �xcess, if an�y paid to B orr�w er, Such �I isc�Ilaneaus Praceeds s�al� �e
<br /> app�ier� zn the or�ier prov��e� for ii� Section 2,
<br /> In �he cv�nt �f a to�al taking, destr��ction, or I�ss in value of th� Prop�rty, the M is�el�aneous Proc�eds shall
<br /> be app�ie� to �he sum s se�ured �� this Securi�y 7ns�rum ent, �vh�ther or n�t �hen due, �i�h the excessy if an�,
<br /> �Oait� t� B ar�{�w��,
<br /> �n the �v�n� o f a par�ral taking, d�stru�ti�t�, �r lo ss in �a�u� o��he P rop���ty in v�hi�h the ��ir m�r��t value �f
<br /> the P ropert� im m ediatel� �efo�� th� p��tial �aking, d�s�ru�tio n, o r Io ss in v�lu� is �qual to ar grea��r than the
<br /> amount of the sums s�cured liy this S��l�rity �nstrumen� immed�ately befo�e t�� partial taking, �lestruct�o�, ar
<br /> io�s i� vali�e, unless Borrower and Lender ot�aer�ise agree it� wrl�i:�ag, th� sums s�cured by �his Se�urity
<br /> znst�un��x�� s�all �� re�uc�d by th� amo��n� af the M is���laneous Proce�ds multipli��i by tl�� fallo�ving.
<br /> frac���n: �a} the total am ount of the sc�m s secur�d im m�diat�Iy ���ar� �h� partiaZ ta�i�g, destruction, ar lass
<br /> in va1u� divide� �y �b} tlae ��ir market�alue af�h� Pra�ert� imme�ia��l� before the partial tal�ing,
<br /> destru��ion, �r�oss in valu�. Any balance shall b� paid to Borrow�r,
<br /> In th� ev�nt a�a p�r�i�l ta�ing, d�structi�n,. ar las� in value of the P��operty in which �he fair .ma.r�e�valu� af
<br /> the Prflper�y in��n�dia�ely �efar� ��� partial taking, des�ruction, or Ioss in val��� i� less t��a�l the amoun� of�h�
<br /> s�im s s�cured itn na�d�ately befo rc th� p art�al �aking, de�t�����ion, o r lo ss in �alue, unless B orra�er and
<br /> L�iad�r ather�vise agr�e in wt�i��ng, �he M is�el�a��ous Pra��eds shall b� appli�d �o �h� sums secured b� �his
<br /> Security Instrumen� �h�th�i� or no� the s��ms a�e �hen du�,
<br /> �f �he P�opert� is �l�andon�d �y Borrower, or ify afte� nati�e b� Lendc� to B�t�rower that th� �pp�sing Pat�ty
<br /> �as �efin�d in �h� i�ex� s�ntence} of�e��s to mak� an au�ard �o settl� a cla�m for �am�gesy Borr��er fails t�
<br /> r�spond to L�nci�r �vi�hin 3D c��ys af��r the c�ate �he natice is gi���a, L�ndet� is �uthori��d to �allec�and apply
<br /> th� M iscellaneous Pz�oc��ds either �a restora�ion or repai�� o�the Property or �o th� sums secu���� �� this
<br /> S�curity Instru�a�nty w�aeth�r or not then due. "�pposing Pa��y" �n�ans ��� th���l par�y that awes Bart��w�r
<br /> M isc�llaneaus Prac�eds or �h� party agains� w hom B a�r�w�t� h�s a ��ight af ac�ian in �egard t� M is��llaneoi�s
<br /> Pracee�is,
<br /> B o��ro�v�r shall be in �efa��It if an� action or proce�dir�g, �v he�h�r �i�i� ar crim inal, is begun tha�, in L�r�der's
<br /> judgment, cau�d r�sult �n f�rf�iture of the Proper�� or o�he� mat�rial iinpaii�ment flf L�nder's In�erest in �h�
<br /> Property �r righ�s ��nder this S�curity Inst��um�n�. Bo����o�ver �a� cure such a defau�t a�d, if acce�e�atian has
<br /> accu�red, reinstate as .p���vi�l�d in Se�ti�n 19, liy causing th� actian a�� p���cee��ing t� be dism issec� ���h a
<br /> rulin.g �hat, in L�nder's judgmen�, precll�d�s �orf�itur� of th� Pro�et��y or o���r ma�erial �mpaz��ment of
<br /> Lender's intei��st in th� Prap�rt� or rights under �his ��cur�ty Instrument. Th� p���ceeds �f�ny award or
<br /> �Iaim for dam��es tha� ar� att�ibuta��e to �he impairmen� of Lend���'s int�r�st ii� the P��p�rt� ax�e her�by
<br /> ass�gn�d and sha11 be pai� t� Len�e�,
<br /> A11 M is�el�ar�eous P��oceeds that �re t�ot app�ied t� res�oration oi� t��pa��� of the Property� shall b� a�pli�d irl the
<br /> arder provi��� for in S��ti�n 2,
<br /> sooa�zo��7s4
<br /> N�BRASKA-5in�le�amfly-�annie MaelFredd€e Mac tJN[F�RM INSTRUME�IT Form 3�28 f��i
<br /> VMP Q VMP6{��1�13�2�
<br /> W olters Kluw er Financial Sarviaes Page 14�f 1 7
<br />