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��14�1471 <br /> ASSI�IVN[ENT �F RENTS <br /> Lvan No: 'I4'��74139 {Continued} d�age 4 <br /> may exercise any one or mor� af th� fa[lowing righ�s and remedies, in addition�o any other rights or remedies pravided <br /> by law: <br /> Acc�lerate Indeh�kedness. Lender shall ha�e �he ri�ht at its op�ian to declar� �he entire [nd�b�edn�ss irnmediately <br /> due and payab�e, �nc�udin� any prepayment penal�y tha�gorrower would �e required to pay, <br /> �ollecf Rents. Lender shall ha�e �he right, with�u� n�tice to 6orrnwer or Granfor, �o �ake possessivn of the <br /> Proper�y and c�llect the Rents, incEuding amaunts past due and unpaid, and apply the net praceeds, over and <br /> abo�e Lender's cflsts, against the Indebtedn�ss. In furtherance o�F this right, Lender sha�l haWe a[I the rights <br /> provided for in �h� Len��r's Right t❑ Recei�e an� �ol[��t Rents 5ection, abo�e. Cf �he Rents are callected by <br /> Lender, then Grantor �rreWo�ably designates Lender as Grantvr's attorney-in�fact to endarse instruments rec�i�ed in <br /> payment therea�in the name of Grantor and to negatiate the same and coll�ct the pr�ceeds. Paymen�s by tenants <br /> vr other users to Lender in respvnse to Lender's demand shall satisfy the obligations fflr which �he payments are <br /> made, vvhether or nofi any proper grounds fvr the demand existed. Lend�r may ex�rcise its rights under this <br /> subparagraph eith�r in person, hy agen�t, �r�hrough a receiver. <br /> Dther Remedies. Lender shal! haWe all ather rights an� r�medies prv�ided in this Assignmen� or �he Note or by <br /> iaw. <br /> Elec�ian nf Remedies. E�ectian by Lender ta pursue any remedy sha�l nnt ex�lude pursuit o�any nther remedy, and <br /> an electian to make expendi#ures or to tak� action t❑ perform an obliga�ian af Grantor und�r this Assignment, after <br /> Grantor's failure to perfarm, shall na�affe�t Lender's right tv de�lare a default and exercise i�s remedies. <br /> Attorneys' Fees: Expenses. �t Lender insti�utes any sutt ar a��ion fin enfarce any of�he terms of�his Assignment, <br /> L�nd�r sha�l be entitle� t� r�ca�er such sum as the court may adjudge reas�nable as atfiorneys' �ees a� trial and <br /> up�n any app�al. 1Nhether vr not any court actian is inWof�ed, and ta the ex�ent n�� prohi�it�d by law� all <br /> r�asonabie �xpenses Lend�r incurs that in Lender`s apinian are necessary at any time far the protecti�n of �ts <br /> in�erest ar the enf�rcement�f its rights shall become a part�f the Indeb�edness payable on demand and shall bear <br /> inter�st at tne N�te ra�e from the date of the expenditure until repaid. Expenses ca�ered by this paragraph incIude� <br /> withvu� limitatian, howe�er suhj�ct to any limi�s under appli�abEe {aw� Lender's aftarneys' fees and Lender's lega� <br /> expenses, whether or no�k there is a lawsuit, inciuding a��orneys' fees and expenses for.bankruptcy pr�ceedings <br /> {including ef�v�ts t� modify or�acate any automatiC stay or injuncfii�n}, appeals, and any an�icipated pos��judgment <br /> co�lection servi�es, the c�st of searching records, ob�aining ti�le r�pnrts �including �orecl�sure repartsy� SLII'V��I�CS` <br /> reports, and appraisal �ees, �ti�kle insurance, and fees far the Trustee, to the �xtsnt permitted by appli�ab�e law. <br /> Grantor also will pay any court costs, in addEtion�a all ��her sums pro�ided by law. <br /> MIS�ELLANE�US PR�Vl�1�NS. The fallowing miscellaneaus prQvisivns are a par�o�this Assignment: <br /> Amendmen�s. This�Issignment, �ogether with any Related ❑oGuments, constitutes th� entire understanding and <br /> agr�ement a� the parties as ta the matters se� f�rth in this Assignment. No alterati�n of �r amendment to this <br /> Assignment shall be effecti�e unless given in writin� and sign�d �y �khe parfiy �r parties saugh� t� be charged or <br /> bound by the altera�ion❑r amendmen�. <br /> Captivn HeadEngs. �apti�n headings in this Assignm�nfi are f�r c�n�enience purposes Qnfy and are nvt�o be used <br /> to in�erpret or define the praWisions af this Assignment. <br /> ��verning Law. This Assignmen� will be governed by fed�ral �aw applicabie �o Lender and, t❑ #he extent not <br /> preernpt�d by federal law.the[aws of the 5�kate of Nebraska withau#regard to �ts cvnflicts af law provisions. This <br /> Assignment has been accepfed by Lender in the S�ate of Nebraska. � <br /> �haice a� Venue. If there is a lawsuit, Grantvr agr��s upan Lender's reques� tv submi� to the ju�isdi�tion afi th� <br /> ��urts af HALL Coun�ky, State of Nebraska. <br /> Jvint and SeWeral Liabi[ity. AII ❑bliga�ians o# 6�rrower and Grantor under this Assignment shall be joint and <br /> se�era[� and a!I references t�Grant�r shall mean each and e�ery Gran�vr. and a�l r�f�r�nces to �orr�wer shail mean <br /> each and every Borrawer. This means that �ach Grantor signing below is responsible for a�l vbligations in this <br /> Assignment. <br /> 11Jlerger. There shall be no merger af�he inferest or esta�e �reated by �his assignment with any other interest or <br /> estate in the Property at any time held by or for the benefii�a� Lend�r in any capacity, withvu�the writ�en consent <br /> �f Lender. <br /> �nterpre�ation. �1� In all cases wh�re there is more than ane 6orr�w�r ar Gran�ar, then a�l words used in this <br /> Assignment in the sfngular shall be de�med tv ha�e been us�d in the pluraE where�he canfiext and construction so <br /> require. {�} If mor�than one person si�ns�his Assi�nm�n�as "Grantvr," the obligations af each �rantar are joint <br /> and severa[, This means tha� if Lender brings a lavusuit� Lender may sue any one vr more o�F �he Grantors. if <br /> Borrower and �rantor are not th�same persan, Lender need not sue B�rrower�irs�, and that Bvrravuer need not be <br /> joined in any lawsuit. �3� The names �iven �o paragraphs ❑r sections in this Assignm�nt are fvr con�enience <br /> purposes oniy.They ar� nvt to be used ta interpret ar define the pr�visi�ns o�this Assignment. <br /> No Vllaiver by Lender. Lend�r sha11 not k�e deemed to ha�e wai�ed any rights under this Assi�nmenfi unless such <br /> wai��r is gi�en in wri�ing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on the par��f Lender in exercis�ng any right <br /> shali operate as a wai�er �f su�h right or any ather ri�h�. A wai��r by Lender of a pro�ision of �his Assignm�nt <br /> shall not pre�udice vr constitute a wai�er o� Len�er's right Qtherwise to demand strict cvmpliance with tha� <br />
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