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��14�1471 <br /> AS���NMEI��' �F �EN1'� <br /> L�an No: 'I�'���4'I 33 ���n$�nu�d� Page 5 <br /> provision or any o�her pra�ision of this AssEgnment. No prior wai�er by Len�ler, nor any caurse�f dealing between <br /> Lend�r and �rantor, shall cons�itute a waiWer vf any afi Lender's rights or of any of Grantor's ohligations as t� any <br /> �Future transa�tions. Vtilhens�er the consent a� Lender is required under this Assi�nment, �h� gran�ing ofi such <br /> c�nsent by Lender in any ins�ance shal� not �ons�itut� cantinuing Cons�n� to subsequ�nt instanc�s whsr� such <br /> �onsent is re�uired and in ali cases such consent may be granted or withheld En the sole discretion af Lend�r. <br /> Notices. Any notice required �a be gi�en under �his Assignmen� shall be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall be �ff�ctiv� <br /> when actua�ly deli�ered, when ac�tua�ly received �y ��lefacsim�l� {unless otherwise required by law}. when <br /> d�posit�d with a nationally recognized a�ernight�ourier, or, if mailed, when deposited En the United 5ta�es mail, as <br /> first class. certifiied �r reg�stered mail p�stage prepaid, direcfied t� the addresses shvwn n�ar the be�inning of�his <br /> Assignment, Any party may �han�e its address for notices under this Assignment by giving �ormal written no�tice <br /> fio the ath�r par�iss, spe�i�fying that the purpose of the notice is �o ehange the party's address. Far no��ce <br /> purpasss, Grantor a�rees to keep Lender informed at all �imes o� Grant�r's �urrent address. lJnless otherwise <br /> provided �r required by law, if ther� is more �han one Grant�r, any nnt�ce gi�en by Lender to any Grantar is <br /> deemed to �e notice�iv�n t�aEl �rantars. <br /> Pawers of Attvrney. The various ag�ncies and powers ofi a�t�rney c�n�eyed on Lender und�r this Assignment are <br /> granted for purpvses of security and may nat b� r�v�ked by Gran��r until such t�me as �he same are renvunced by <br /> Lender. <br /> 5e�erab�lity. Ifi a court of competent jurrsdic�i�n finds any pro�ision �f this Assignment to be il[egal, inWalid, or <br /> unen�vrceable as to any person or circums�ance, that�inding sha[I not mak�the offending pro�is��n illegal, invalid, <br /> vr un�n�Farceable as to any other person ar circumstanc�, if feasible, the o��ending pro�ision shall be cvnsidered <br /> modified so that i� becomes legal, �alid and �n�Forcea�le. I�the o��ending pro�isifln canno� he sa modified, it sha�l <br /> be considersd dele�ed �rvm �his Assignment, Unless otherwise required by law, �he i[legaiity, in�a�i�ity, ar <br /> unenfnrceability �f any pro�ision vf fhis Assignment shall not affe�t th� fegality, validity vr enfar��ability of any <br /> vther prfl�is�vn of this Assignmen�. <br /> 5u��essors and►4ssigns. Subject to any limi�ations s�ated �n fhis Assignment an�ransfer ofi Grant�r's interest,this <br /> Assignmen�t shall be binding upon and inure t� the bene�it of �he �arties, their successors and assigns. If <br /> ov�rnership o#th� Property becvmes �es�ed in a person vther than Grantor, Lender, without notice to �rantvr, may <br /> d�al wi�h Grant�r's successors wEth re�Fer�nce �o this Assignment and the fndehtedness by way of�orbearance or <br /> extension withaut releasing Grantor from the ob[igati�ns of this Assignment or iiability under the Indebtedn�ss. <br /> Tirn��s of the Essence. Time is ofi th�essence in the performance a�F this Assignment. <br /> �ai�er of Hvmestead Exsmption. Grantor here�y r�leases and �nrai�es all r�ghts and benefi�s o� the homestead <br /> ex�mptian laws of�he State of Nebraska as to all Ind�btedness seeured by this Assignment. <br /> WaiWer af Righfi o�F Redemp�tion. N�TWITHSTANDIhIG ANY �F� THE PR�ViSIUNS T� THE ��NTRARY <br /> CaNTA�NED �N TH15 AS5I�NMENT, �RANTDR HEREBY WAIVES AiVY AND ALL RlGHTS OF REDEMPTI�hI FR�M <br /> SALE UNDER ANY �RaER OR JUDGMENT �F F�RECL�SURE �N �RANT�R'S BEHALF AIVD QN BEHALF �F <br /> EA�H AND EVEFiY PERS�N, E�{CEPT JUDGMENT CREDIT�RS �F GRANTaR, ACQUIRING ANY IiVTEREST !N QR <br /> TITLE T�THE PR�PERTY SUBSEQUENT T�THE ❑ATE�F TH1S ASS�GIUMENT. <br /> DEFlIIlITl�NS. Th� fvllowing capita�ized words and terms �hal� haWe �h� �ollawing meanings when used in this <br /> Assignmen�. Unless specifically stated to fih� contrary, all references to dQ[lar amoun�s shall mean amoun�ts in law�ul <br /> mvney of the United Sta�es of America. VIlords and terms used in the singular shall in�lude the plural� and the plural <br /> shal� include the singular, as the can�ext may r�quire. Words and terms not otherwise define� in this Assignm�nt shall <br /> ha�e the meanings a�tributed to such'terms in th� tJni�Form C�mmercial �ode: <br /> Assignment. The word "Assignm�nt" means�his ASS1Gh[IVIENT �F RENTS. as �his ASSi�NMEIVT�F RENTS may <br /> be amended or modified from time to time, �tagsther with a�l exhibits and schedules attached �a this A55lGNMENT <br /> �F RENTS�r�m fiime t�time. <br /> Barrawer. The wvrd "garr�wer" means H 8�H EIVTERPRISES, 1111�NTY J, HADENFELDT and LEE A HADENFELDT. <br /> Default. The word "Default" means�he Default set farth �n�his Assignment in the section t�tfed "�e�ault". <br /> E►►en�a�F Defaul�. The w�rds "Event o�F Qe�ault" mean any af the eWen�s of defaul�set forth in_this Assignment�n <br /> the defau�t section of this Assignment, .. � .. . _ __ . �:-. . � <br /> Gran#or. The word "Grantvr" means MDNTY J. HADENFELDT and ANN M. HADENFELDT. <br /> Guaranty. Th� wor� "Guaranty" means the guaranty from gua�antor, end�rser, surety, or accommoda�ion par�y ta <br /> Lend�r, including without limitation a guaranty�f all or part❑�f the Note. <br /> Ind�b�edness. The word "Indeb�edness" means all principal, inte�-est, and other amounts� casts and expenses <br /> payable under the Note or Refated Dacuments, �age�her with aIl renewals of� extensions of, madifica�i�ns �f, <br /> conso[idatians of and suhstitutions for�he Note or Related Documents and any amounts expended vr advanced by <br /> Lender to discharge Grant�r's ob�igatians or �xpenses in�urred by Lender to �nf�rce Gran�or's ahligations un�er <br /> this Assi�nmen�, �og��her with in�erest on such amvun�s as pro�id�d in this Assi�nment. 5pecifically, withou� <br /> limita�ian, Indebt�dness includes the future ad�ances set farth in the Futur� Ad�ances pravision o� this <br /> Assignment,t�gether with aIl inter�st thereon. <br />