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��14�1471 <br /> Ae�S�C��VIMEI�T �F F�Ei11T5 <br /> Loan Na: 7 fl'1 Z7�"i 39 ��o�$��l�led} Page 3 <br /> Grantor a sui�able satisfacti�n o�f this Assignment and sui�able s�atem�nts t���ermina�ion �f any financin� statement an <br /> fi[e e�idencing Lender's securi�y interes� in the Rents and �he Praperty. Any t�rmina�ian fee required by law shall be <br /> paid by Grantnr, if permitt�d by appli�able law, <br /> LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. f�f any actian Qr proc�eding is commenc�d �ha� vtirvu�d materialfy affect L�nder's interest in <br /> the Prvp�rty or if�rantor fa�is to comp[y wi�h any pravision of this Assignment or any Related ❑ocuments, in�luding �ut <br /> no��imited t� Grantor's failure to discharge nr pay virhen due any amaunts Grantor is required tv discharge ar pay under <br /> this Assignment or any Related Documents, Lender on Grantar's beha�� may �but shal! n�t be �blEgated toy �take any <br /> aG�ion that Lender deems apprapriate, including hut not limited to discharging vr paying all �axes, liens, seGurity <br /> interests, en�umbrances and other,claims, at any time le�ied or pla�ed on the Rents or�he Praperty and paying all costs <br /> for insuring, maintaining and pres�rving the Pr�per�y. A[I such expendi�ur�s incurred or paid by Lender for such <br /> . purposes wiil then bear interest at�he rate charged under the N��e from the date inGurred or paid by Lender tv the dat� <br /> af repayment by Grantor. All su�h exp�nses will become a part of the Indebtedness and, at Lender's option, will �A} <br /> be payabl� nn demand; ��3y be added to th� balance of the Note and be appor�ioned among and be payable with any <br /> installment paymsnts to b�came due dur�ng e�ther �1} the term af any applicabi� insurance policy; ar ��} the <br /> remaining term of the Note; ar �Cy b� treate� as a balivon payment which will be due and payable at �he Note's <br /> maturify. The Assignmen�also will s�cure payment of these amounts. Such ri�h�shall be in addition�� all ath�r rights <br /> and remedies to which L�nder may be en�itled upon De�ault. <br /> ❑EFAULT. Each of�he fo![owing. a�Lender's aption, shalf constitut�an Event o�❑efault under this Assignment: <br /> Payment Default. Borr�wer fails ta make any paymen�when due under the lndebtedness. <br /> �ther De�Faults. Borrvw�r ar Grantvr fails �a comply with �r t❑ perf�rm any other term, ❑b�igati�n, cvvenant or <br /> conditian cantain�d in this Assignment �r in any of the Related Documents or ta camply wi�h �r �v perfarm any <br /> te�-m. obligation� coWenant or c�nditian contained in any�ther agreem�nt between Lender and Borrower or�rantor. <br /> Default vn Other Paym�nts. Fai�ure of Grantor wi�hin the �ime required �y this Assignment ta mal�e any payment <br /> for taxes or insurance� or any other payment n�c�ssary fo pre�enfi�iling �f❑r t❑effect discharg�of any lien. <br /> Fa[se 5tatements. Any war�anty, repr�senta�ion ar statement made or�urnished to L�nder by Borrow�r or Gran�tor <br /> or an Barrower's ar Grantor's behal�under this Assignm�nt or the Related ❑ocum�nts is fa�se or rnis�eading in any <br /> ma�eria{ r�sp�ct, ei�her naw or at the time made ar furnished ❑r becomes false or misleading at any time <br /> therea��er. <br /> []e�Fe�ti►�e Callateral�aation. This Assignment�r any of the Related Documents ceas�s to be in fulf fvrce and effect <br /> �including failure af any c�llateral docum�nt ta create a�alid and pertec�ed security�n�erest or �ien� at any time and <br /> far any reason. <br /> Death or lnsal�ency. The dissalution or termination a� 6arrower's or �rantor's exis�ence as a gafng business or <br /> the death of any parfiner, �he insol�ency �f Barrow�r o� Grantor, the app�intment af a receiver for any par� vf <br /> Borrower's or Grantor's praperty� any assignment for the benefit a�creditars. any type of creditor workout, ar the <br /> comm�nc�men�a�f any proceeding under any bankruptcy or ins�lvency laws by or against Borrower ar Gran�kvr. <br /> Creditor ar Forfeiture PrQ�eedings. Commen�ement of forecl�sure or far�feiture praceedings, whether by jud'€cial <br /> prvice�ding, s�lf-help, repassessi�n or any other me�hod� by any cr�di�or af Borrawer or Grantor o� by any <br /> go�ernmentai agency against the Rents ar any prvperty securing the Inde��edness. This includes a garnishment af <br /> any Qf Barrower"s or Grant�r's accaunts, including depos�t accoun�s. wi�h Lender. However, thts E�ent afi Defiault <br /> shal[ n�� apply if there is a g�od faith dispute by gorr�wer �r Grantor as t� the �alidity or reasonableness�vf the <br /> claim wh�ch is the basis of the cred�tar �r forfeiture proce�ding and Ef Borrower or �rantor gives Lender vuritten <br /> na�ice of the creditor ar for�eiture proceeding and dep�sits w�th Lender moni�s ar a surety band �or the creditor or <br /> forfeiture proceeding, in an amount determined by Lender, in its sole discretion, as �eing an adequate reserve flr <br /> bond�or�he dispute. <br /> Property Damage ar Lass. The Property is �vst, stolen, subs�antia�ly damaged, sold, ar bvrrowed a�ainst. <br /> E�ents Affec#ing �uarantar. Any o�the preceding �vents accurs with respec�ta any guaran�or, endorser, surety, <br /> or accommodation party of any of�he Ind�btedness or any guarantar, �ndorser� surety, ar acc�mmoda�ion party <br /> dies vr becomes incompeten�t, �r re�akes vr disputes �he �alidity af, ar liability under, any Guaranty of the <br /> Indeb��dness. <br /> Adverse Change. A mafier�al ad�erse �hange vccurs �n Grantor's financ�al condition, or Lender belieWes �he <br /> prvspe�t flf payment or perf�rmance of the lndeb�tedness �s impaired. <br /> lnsecurity. Lender in goad faith ��lie�es itsel�ins�cure. <br /> Cure Provisivns. i� any default, ather than a d�fault in payment is curable and if Grantnr has not been �iven a <br /> noti�� of a breach of �he same pro�ision of this Assignment wi�hin the pre�eding twelv� {1�} months, it may be <br /> cured i�F Grant�r, after Lender sends written natice ta Borrower demanding cure of such de�ault. {1} cures the <br /> de�ault within fifteen �15y days; or {�� i�F�he cure �equires more than fi�tsen {15y days, �mm��iately initiates s�eps <br /> which Lender deems in Lender's so�e discretion to be suffi�ient �o cure th� defaul� and thereafter con�inues and <br /> campletes a!l reasanable and necessary s�eps sufficienfi to pr�duce complian��as soon as reasonably practical. <br /> RI�HTS AND REMEDlES ❑11� DEFAULT. �pan the occurr�nc�of any E�ent vf Default and at any�tim�thereafter, L�nde�- <br />