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t <br /> � ��14�1375 <br /> su�h obl�ga��on; and the cost thereof shal� be added ta the �ndebtedness and paid on Lender's demand by <br /> �rantor. <br /> AS��GNMENT �F LEASES AND RENTS. As ad��t�anal se�urity far�he payment of th� �ndebtedness and th� <br /> perf�rmance of�he �o�enan�s con�a�ned her��n, �rantor h�reby ass�gns and transfers over tio Lender a�i rentis, <br /> �n��me and prof ts �TiRen�s"} under any presen� or future leases, subleases or l�censes �f the Property, 1nC�UC�Ing <br /> any guarant�es, extensxons, amendmen�s or renewa�s �hereof, from the use of the Prope�-ty. So Iong as Cran�or �s <br /> no�in default, Gran�or may re�eive, cal�ect and enjoy al� Ren�s a�cruing from the Pr�perty,t�ut no�more than one <br /> mon�h in ad�ance of the due da�e. Lender may a�so require �rantor, �enan�and any other user of��� Praperfiy�o <br /> make paymepts of Rents dire�t�y to Lender.H�wev�r,by rece�v�ng any such paymepts,Lender is not,and shal�nat <br /> be cans�dere�, an agen�f�r any part�or en�it�. Any amoun�s co�lec�ed m�ay, at Lender's sole discretion, be app�ied <br /> �o pro�e�t Lender's �nterest in �he Prope�-t}�, in�luding bu� not ��mited to �he paymen� �f �axes and insurance <br /> prern�ums and �� �he �ndeb�edness. At Lender's sfl�e d�scre�ion, a�� �eases, subleases and l icenses mus� firs� be <br /> approved by Lender. ; <br /> ��NDEMNATI�N. Gran�or shall g��e Lender notice of any actifln taken vr�hreatened�o be taken by pri�ate ar <br /> public en��ties to appr�priate the Praper�y;�r any par�there�f,�hraugh condemna�ion,eminent domain or any a�her <br /> act�an. Fur�h�r, Lender sha�l�be perm�t�ed to par��cxpa�e ar in�er�e��e in any of the abo�e described proce�d�ngs �n <br /> any manner i� sha�� at i�s sole d�scre��on de�ermine. Lender is hereby �iven full power, righ� and au�hor�ty ta <br /> rece�ve and receipt for any and all damages awarded as a resuit af�he fu1� ar par�ial�aking ar appr�priation and in <br /> ��s so�e d�scre�ian, �o appZy said awards��the �ndeb�edness, whe�her or nat then due �r otherw�se in a�cordance <br /> v���h app��cabie �av�. Uniess Lender o�herwise agrees �n wr��ing, any appl�ca�ian of proceeds �o the Indebtedne�s <br /> shai� not ex�end or postpone �he due date of the payments du� under �he �ndebtedness or change t�e amflun� of <br /> such paymen�s. <br /> �RANT�R'S ASSURANCES. At any �ime, up�n a reques� of Len�.er, Grantar v�i�l e�ecu�e and de]�ver �o <br /> L�rtder, and if appropriate, cause �o be re�arded, such further mar�gages, assignments, assignmen�s of Ieases and <br /> rents, secur��y agreemen�s, pledges, financ�ng statemen�s, ar su�h o�her d�cum�n� as Lender may r�quire, in <br /> L�nder's so�e d�scretion,�a effec�ua�e, complete and�o perfe�t as well as�o cantinue�a preser�e the �ndeb�edness, <br /> or�he l�en ar secur��y interes�crea�ed by�his Securi�y Ins�rument. <br /> ATT[]RNEY-IN-FA�T. Gran�or appoxnts Lender as a�t�rney-�n-fac� �n behalf flf�ran�or. If Grantar fails to <br /> fulfill any of�ran�or's �b��gat�ans under �h�s Security �ns�rument ar any Rela�ed Documen�s, inc�ud�ng those <br /> obligati�ns men��oned �n �he pre�eding paragraph, Lender as attarney-inWfact may fulf�l the ob�igaxxons vvi�hou� <br /> not�ce�a�ran�vr. Th�s power of a�torney shall no�be affected by the d�sability�f the Gran�or. <br /> EVENTS �F D�FAULT. The folIovWing even�s sha�l con��i�u�e defau�t un�er �his Se�ur��y Ins�rument �each an <br /> "Event of Defau��"}: <br /> �a} Faxlure�o make r�quired payments v�hen due under�r�deb�ednes�; <br /> �b} Failure �o perf�rm or keep any af�he ca�enan�s of th�s Secur��y Zns�rumen� or a defau�t und�r any af <br /> the Rela�ed Do�umen�s; <br /> �c} The making �f any ora� ar written s�atement or asser��on �o Lender that.�s false or misleading �n any <br /> material resp�ct�by�ran��r ar any persan ob�iga�ed on the Indeb�edness; <br /> �d� The dea�h, ��s�olu�ion, inso��ency, bankruptcy or recei�ership pr�ceeding of Gran�or or of any person <br /> ar enti�y abZigated an the�ndebtedn�ss; <br /> �e� Any assignment by Grantvr for�he benef�of�ran��r's creditars; <br /> �f� A rn�.aterial ad�erse �hange accurs xn the fnanc�al cond��ion, o�vn�rsh�p flr management �f Gran�or or <br /> any person obliga�ed on the In�ebtedness;ar <br /> �g} Lender deems�ts��f insecure for any reason v�ha�saever. <br /> REM�DIES �N DEFAULT. Up�n �he accurrence of an E�ent of Defau��, Lender may, v���h�u� demand �r <br /> not�ce, pay any or a���axes, assessmen�s,premiums, and liens reyuired to be paid by Gra��or, �ffe�t an�insurance <br /> pro�id�d for h�rein, ma�e such repairs, cause the abs�rac�s of tii�le or�ixle �nsuranGe pol�cy and�ax his��ries�f the <br /> Pr�p�rty �o be �er��f��d to da�e, or procure nev� abs�rac�s �f�i��e or ti�le insurance and�ax histaries �n case none <br /> v�ere furnished to �t, and pr4cure t��le repor�s covering�he Pr�pert�, includ�ng surv�ys. The amnunts paid for any <br /> such purposes w��l be added�o�he Indeb�edness and w���bear in�erest a�the rate�f interes�o�hervv�se ac�ruing on <br /> �he Indebtedness un��1 paid. in the e�ent of fore�l�sure, the abstracts of ti��e or �itile in�urance shal� be�ome the <br /> pr�per�y flf Lender. Al� abs�racts af�i�le,,�itle �nsurance, tax hi.s�ori�s, sur�eys, and ather documents perta�nin�to <br /> the�ndeb�edness w�lt rema�n in Lender's p�ssessian un��l the�nde��edness is paid in full. <br /> IN THE EVENT�F THE SALE�F THIS PRC]PERTY UNDER THE PR�CEDURE F�R Ft]RECL�SUR��F � <br /> A�E�UR�TY�NSTRUMENT BY ADVERTI�EMENT,AS PR.4V�DED BY APPLI�ASLE LAW, 4R�N TH� <br /> EVENT LENDER E�ER��SES ITS RIGHTS UNL3ER THE ASS�GNMENT �F LEASES AND RENTS, T�E <br /> LENDER SHALL PR�VIDE ALL STATL]TQR�LY RE�UIRED N�T��ES �F SALE AND N�TI�ES �F <br /> JUD��IAL HEARINGS BEF4RE L�NDER E�ERC�SES ANY �F ITS R�GHTS UNDER THIS <br /> �NSTRUMENT. <br /> Upon�he occurrence of an E�ent af Default, Lender may, withou�����ce unless reyuired by �av�, and at��s op�ion, <br /> declare�he entire Indeb�edness due and payab�e, as �t may e�e�t,regardless vf the date ar da�es�f matur�ty�hereof <br /> and, if permitted by s�a�e law, is auth�rized and emp�wer�d to cause the Propert�to be sa�d a�public auctian, and <br /> �� execute and delzver to�he purchaser flr purchasers at such sale any deeds of con�e�ance goad and suff c�en�at <br /> �a�v,pursuan�to the statute in su�h�ase made and pra�ided. The Trustee sha��app���he praceeds of tihe Trus�ee's <br /> �ale, f rs�, ta the �os�s and expenses of e�er�is�ng the power of sa�e and�f the sale, in��ud�ng the payment of. the <br /> Trustee's fee� ac�ual�y incurred; s�eand, �o pa�ment of�he ob�iga�ian secured by the �rus� deed; �hird, �a the <br /> C�24D4-2�13 Cvmpi�ance Systems,Inc.CBAE-A17C-2013L2.�.E1.655 <br /> Commercial Real Estate Security Inst�ment-DL4��7 Page 3 v#'S <br />