<br /> payment flf jun�or trust deeds, mor�gages, or other �ien�fl�ders and the ba�anc�, if any, �a the person or persons
<br /> Iega�ly en�i��ed there�o. The reci�als in �he T`rus�ee's deed sha�l b� prima facie e�idence of �he tru�h of the
<br /> s�a�emen�s made�n��. �f Lender cho�ses��inval��the power of sa�e,Lender or Trus�ee vt�i11 prav�de notice�f sale
<br /> pursuan��o app�icable IavW. Any such sale �r a sale made pursua�a�tQ a j udgmen� or,a decree f�r�he fore�lflsure
<br /> hereof may, a� the opt�on �f Lender, be made en masse. The cammencern.ent of proceed�ngs to forec�ose this
<br /> Security�nstrumen�in any manner authorized by law shall be deemed as exerc�se of�he ab�ve�p�ion.
<br /> Up�n �he accurrenCe of an Even� af Defau��, Ler�der sha�1 immedia�e�y be enti�led �� make app�icat�on for and
<br /> �b�axn the appointmen�of a receiver for the Proper�y and�f�he ea�n�ngs, �nc�me, �ssue and pr�fts �f it, vvlth the
<br /> povc�ers as �he �our�making �he appointments confers. Grantor hereby irre��cably c�nsen�s �o such appolntme�t
<br /> and waives na��ce of any applicati�n�herefor. �
<br /> N� �VAIVER. Nfl delay or failure of Lender to e�erc�se any righ�, rernedy, power or pr�vi�ege her�under sha�I
<br /> affec��hat right,remedy,power or pr���lege nor sha�l an�single ar par�ial exercise�hereof preclude the exerc�se of
<br /> any righ�, remedy, power or pri�iiege. No Lender d�lay Qr fai�ure�o demand str�ct adherence t��he terms of this
<br /> Security�ns�rumen�sha�l be deemed�o�onsti�u�e a course of canduct inc�risistent with Lender's r�ght at any t�me,
<br /> befare �r after an e��nt of defaul�, to demand stric� adherence tfl �he terms of this Securit� �ns�rumen� and �he
<br /> R�la�ed I]ocuments.
<br /> SUBS'I`ITUTE TRTJSTEE.Lender, a�its op�xon,may from time��time remove Trustee and appoin�a successar
<br /> trustee to any Trus�ee appointed her�under by an ins�rumen� recflrded �n �he county in wh�ch �his S�curity
<br /> xnstrument is recorded. �i�hou� cfln�eyance of the Property, the successor trus�ee shall succ�ed to all �he �it�e,
<br /> po�er and du�ies conferred upon Trus�ee herein and by applica�le�aw.
<br /> J�INT ANI] SEVERAL LIABILITY. �f this Security�nstrument should�e signed by mare than orie person, a�l
<br /> persons execu��ng this Se�ur�ty�ns�rumen�agree�hat they shall be�aintly and se�rera�ly bound,vvhere pern���ted by
<br /> Iaw. '
<br /> SURVIVAL. Lender's righ�s in this Security Instrument wi�� c�n��nue in i�s su�cess�rs and ass�gns. This Secur��y
<br /> Instrument is binding on al�heirs,�xecutors,ad�ninistrators,assigns and successors of Gran�or.
<br /> NaTI�ES AND WAIVER �F NUTICE. Unless o�herwise requ�red by app�icab�e law, any natice or den�and
<br /> given by Lender to any party is considered effect��e: �i} when i� is dep�sited in �he United S�a�es Mai1 w��h the
<br /> apprapr�ate postage; �ii� vvheri �t is sent �ia electronic mail; �iii� �he� i� is sen� �ia facsimile; ��v� v�rhen it �s
<br /> depos��ed w�th a na�i�nally recogn�zed ❑Wern�gh� �ourier ser��ce; �v� on the day�f persona� deli�ery; �r ��i� any
<br /> other commercia�ly reasonab�e means. A copy❑f any notice shall he sen��a each party a��the.address of�he par�y
<br /> gi�en a� �he beginn�ng af�his Se�urit� Ins�rument unless an al�ernat�ve address has been pr���ded to Lender in
<br /> vvrit�ng. To�he exten�permit�ed by�avv, Grantor wa�ves noti�e of Lender`s acceptance.flf�h�s Security�n�trumenty
<br /> defenses based�n sure�yship,any defense arising fram any elec�ion by Lender under the Uni�ed Sta�es Bankrup�cy
<br /> ��de, Un�farm ��mmerc�a� Cade, as enacted in the s�at� where Lender is l�cated flr ather applicable law or in
<br /> equity, demand, natice of accelerati�n, n�ti�e of non�aayment, presen�ment, pr�test, na��ce of dishanor arid any
<br /> other notice. �
<br /> RE�UEST F�R N�TI�ES.: �rantar reques�s that c�pies of the no�ice�f default and notice of sa�e be sent�a the
<br /> address of each party gi�en at the beg�nning of th�Secu��f.y Instrument.
<br /> 'WAIVER UF APPRAISEMENT R�GHTS. Grantor wa�ves al� appraisement righ�s re�a�ing�o �he Prvperty ta
<br /> �he exfien�perm�t�ed by lavv.
<br /> LENDER'S E�PENSES. �rantor agr�es to pay aIl expenses in�urred by Lender in c�nnect�on with enforcemen�
<br /> flf its r�gh�s under the �ndebtedness,�this Securit��ns�rument or in the e�ent Lender�s made pa�-ty�� any 1i�iga�ian
<br /> because af the exis�ence �f�he �ndebtedness or�his Se�urity Ins�rumen�, as well as court cos�s, col�ec��on charges
<br /> and reasonabie attorne�s'fees and disbursemen�s.
<br /> ASSIGNA�ILITY, Lender rnay ass�gn or othervvise transfer th�s Security Instrumen� ar any of Lender's r�gh�s
<br /> under�his Security �nstrumen�vvith�ut noti�e t� �ran�or. Grant�r may n�t assign th�s Security Instrunz�nt ar any
<br /> part af th�Se�urity Ins�rum�nt without the express�uritten��nsent�f Lender.
<br /> GUVERNING LAV4�. This Securifiy Ins�:rument wi�l be governed b��he 1av�s af the S�a�e �f Nebraska inc�ud�ng
<br /> a�l proceedings arising frflm�h�s Securifiy�nstrumen�. �
<br /> SE VERABILITY. Yf a cflurt of cornpe�ent j ur�sd�ct�on de�ermines any �erm or pr��ision of this Security
<br /> �nstrum�nt is invalid �� prohibi�ed by applicable la�, that �erm or provisia� v�x�X be ineffec�ive to �he ex�ent
<br /> required. Any�erm or prov�sion�hat has been determined t�be �n�alid or prohib�ted vsrill be s��ered fram the res�
<br /> of the Secur�ty �ns�ru�nen� w�thout inva�idating �he remainder of either th� affected provisian ar �his Security
<br /> Ins�rumen�.
<br /> 'L�VAIVER �F JURY TRIAL. Al� part�es to this Secur�ty Ins�rument hereby l�nowfngly and ���untarily
<br /> wai�e,t�the fulxest extQnt permitted by law, any r�ght to trial by j ury af any dis�ute,whether in contract,
<br /> tort,or atherwise,arising out of, in connect�on vvith, related tvy vr inc�denta�to th�relatianship estab�ished
<br /> betwe�n them �n this SQcurity TnStrument ur any other instrum�nt, documQnt or agreement executQd or
<br /> deii�ered in connection w�th th�s Security Instrument ar�h�Related Dflcument�.
<br /> C�2QQ4-2413 Compliance Syster�s,Inc.CBAE-A17C-2��3LZ.Q.E�.�55
<br /> Commerciai ReaI Estate�ecvrity rn�tr�ment-DL44Q7 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.compliancesysteins.�azn
<br />