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��14�1375 <br /> WARRANTIES. �ran�or, for �tself, its heirs, p�rsanal represen�a���es, successors, and ass�gns, represents, <br /> warrants,covena�ts and agrees with L�ender,i�s successflrs and ass�gns,as foll�ws: <br /> Perfarmance of �b�igatians. Gran��r promises �o perf�rm al� terms, c�ndit�flns, and c��enants of�his <br /> Security�nstrumen�and Related Documen�s�n accordance w��h�he��erms con�ained therein. <br /> Defens�and Title to Property.At the t��ne of e�ecu�ion and de�i�ery af�his i�strument, �rantor is lavvfu�ly <br /> seised of�he esta�e hereby c�n�eyed and has the e�c�usive righ�to mortgage, grant, convey and ass�gn th� <br /> Property.Grantflr�ovenants tha��he Praper�is unencumbered and free of a���iens,exc�pt for encumbrances <br /> of record accep�able �o Lender. Fur�her, Grant�r covenarits �hat Crantor will vvarrant and defend genera�ly <br /> the �i�le �o t�ae Proper�y against any and aI� claims and demands whatsae�er, subj ec� �o �he ea�ements, <br /> r�strictions, or a�her encumbrances af record accep�ab�e �� Lender, as may �be �is�ed in �he schedule of <br /> e�cep�io�s t� c��erage i� any abs�ract �f�itle or title insuranc� policy in�uring Lender's interes� in �he <br /> Proper�. <br /> C�nditi�on of Prop�rty. Grantar pramises a� a�1 �imes to preser�e and t� main�ain the Proper�y and every <br /> par��hereof�n good repair, v�orking nr�er, and c�ndition and v��il f�'om t�me to �ime, make all n�edful and <br /> proper repairs sa�ha��he�alue of the Proper�y shal�n��in any way be impa�red. <br /> R�mo�al of an� Part af�he Property. �rantor promxses n�t�o r�move any part of th� Proper�y from ��s <br /> present�acation,excep�.for replacemen�,n�ain�enan�e and re�oca�iax�in the ordinary course of bus�ness. <br /> Ai�erations tn the Prvper�y. Gran�or promises to abstain fram �he ��7mmiss�on of any waste on or in <br /> connection vv�th�he Praper�y.Fur�her,Gra�tor sha1�ma�e n�materia�al�era�ions,additions or�mprovements <br /> �f any �ype wha�soe�er to �he Proper�y, r�g�.rd�ess of whe�her such a��erations, addi�i�ns ar �rr�pro�ements <br /> would increase �he va�ue of the Properry, nor per�ni� anyane �o do s� ex�ept f�r tenant improvements and <br /> c�mpietxan �f items pursuant�o approved plans and specifications, v�i�hout Lender's pr�or written ��nsen�, <br /> vvhich consen� may b� wi�hhe�d by Lender in �ts so�e dis�re��on. �rant�r w�Il comp�� v�ith alI �aws and <br /> regula�ions of a�l pub�ic author��ies having�u�risdic�ion��er�he Proper�y�ncluding,without�imitation,�hose <br /> relating �� the use, �ccupanc� and ri�ain�enance ��ereaf and sha�� upon reques� pramptly submi�to Lender <br /> e��dence�f such comp�iance. <br /> Due an Sa���Lender's Con�en�. Grant�r sha�X no�se��,fur�h�r encumber or o�herwise dispose t�f,e�cep�as <br /> herein pra�ided, any or ail of��s interest in any part �f flr all of�he Proper�y withou� first ob�aining the <br /> wr�tten consen� af Lender. �f an� encumbrance, X�en, transfer �r� sa�e ar agreemen� for these is crea�ed, <br /> Lender may declare immediately du�and payab�e,the entire balance of�he indebtedness. <br /> Insurar�ce. Gran�or promises to keep�he Pr�perry insur�d against such r�sks and�n such form as may wi�hin <br /> the so�e dzscr��ion �f Lender be acc�p�able, caus�ng L�nder to be named as �oss payee or if reques�ed by <br /> Lender, as mor�gagee. The insurance company shal� be chosen 1�y Grantar subje�� to Lender's appr�val, <br /> v�h�ch shall not be unreasQnabl� withhe�d. A�� insurance p�I���es mus� pro�ide that Lender vv�ll get a <br /> minimum of 1 U days no�ice pr�or t�cancellat�on.A�Lender's discre�ion,Crantar may be requ�red�o pr�duce <br /> re�eip�s�f pa�d premiun�s anc�renewal policies. �f�ran�or fails t�obtain the required caverag�,Lender may <br /> do s�at Gran�or's exp�nse.Grantor hereby dire��s each and e�ery insurer af the Property to make payment of <br /> l�ss to Lender�v��h the proceeds�o be appl�ed, only a�Lender's�p��on,ta�he repair and replacen�ent of the <br /> damage or loss ar�a�be applied t�the Indeb�edness vvi�h the surplus, �f any,ta be paid by Lender ta�rantar. <br /> Payment �f Taxes and �ther Appiicabl� Charge�. Gran�ar p�•omises to pay and to discharge �iens, <br /> encumbrances,taxes,ass�ssments,lease payr�ents and any flther charges rela�ing�o�he Pr�perty v�hen 1e�ied <br /> or assessed agains�Grantor or�he Propert}�. <br /> En�ir�nmental Laws and Hazardous ar Toxic IV�aterial�. Gran�ar and e�ery tenan� have been, are <br /> presen��y and shal� �an��nue to be l�l str�c� c�mp�iance v�i�h any app�i�able la�al, s�ate and federal <br /> envir�nn�ental�av�s and�regula��ons. Fur�her,neither Gran�ar n�r any tenan�shal�manufacture, s�ore,handle, <br /> discharge �r d�sp�se af hazardous �r tox�c materials as may be de�ined by any s�ate or federal law on�he <br /> Praperry, e�cept �o �he e��ent �he ex�s�ence of such ma�eriaXs has been presen��y disclosed in wri��ng ta <br /> Lender. Grantor vvi�I immedia�ely notify Lender in vvriting af any assertion�r c�a�m made by any party as to <br /> �he possible vio�ati�n of app�icable state and federal en�ironmental la�s including �he l�cati�n �f any <br /> hazardous or t�xic materials�n or about the Pr�per�y. Gra�tQr ind�mnifies and h�lds L�nder harmless from, <br /> without �imi�a�ion, any Iiability or expense af vvha�soe�er nature �ncurred direc��y ar in��rectly ou� of or in <br /> connectian wi�h: �a}any environmen�al�avws affecting alI or any par�flf th�Praper�y or Grantor;�b�the pas�, <br /> presen� ar fu�ure exis�ence of any ha2ardous materials in, on, under, ab�u�, or emanating frQm or passirig <br /> �hraugh �he Proper�y ar any par� there�f or any pr�perty adj acent �here�o; �c� any pas�, present or future <br /> hazardaus ac��Wity a� �r in connec�iori wi�h the Properry or any par�thereof; and �d} �he noncamp�xance by <br /> Grantar or Grantor's failure�o c�mp�y fully and time�y w��h enviranmen�al lav�s. <br /> Financ�a�Information.Grantor agrees ta supply Lender su�h financia�and o�her informa�ion con�erning its <br /> affaxrs and the sta�us of any of i�s assets as Lender, from time �� tim.e, may reas�nably reques�. Gran�or <br /> further agrees �o permit Lender �o �erif� accounts as well as ta �nspec�, copy and to exam�ne the b�oks, <br /> recards and f�les of�ran�or. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter.Lender�r Lender's agents shal�ha�e the r�gh�and access to inspe���he Proper�at <br /> ali reasona�le �imes �n �rder �o attend to Lend�r's interests and ensure comp�ianGe w��h �he terms of�his <br /> Secur�ty �ns�rument. �f the Property, or any part th�reof, shall requ�re insp�ction, repair ar n�ain�enance <br /> wh�ch Gran��r has failed to pro��de, Lender, after reasonab�e notice, may enter upon the ProperCy to effect <br /> �2a�4-2�13 Cornpliance Systems,Inc,CSAE-A17C-2013L2.�.E1.555 <br /> Carx�mercial Reai Estate Security Instrument-DL4��7 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.campiiar� <br />