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<br /> Hom�Fed�ra�Sa��ngs&Laan Asso��a��nn c�f �vme Federal Sa�ings&Loan Asso��a�ion vf
<br /> Grand Istand Grand�sland
<br /> Z2� South Lacust Stree� 2��_ South Locust Str�e�
<br /> (Spa�e Abave This Line Far Recordin�Data)
<br /> Th�s C�MMERC�AL REAL ESTATE DEED �F TRUST�"Security �nstrument"� �s made an March 5,��14 by
<br /> �he gran�ar�s} MART.�NE� ENTERPR�S:ES, LL�, a Nebraska Lim��ed L�ab�lity Cnmpany, vvhose address is
<br /> 271� �LD FA�R RUAD, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 68SQ3-�O�Q �"Gran�or"}. The trustee is Arend R.
<br /> Baa�k,A�tarney whose address is P.�. BQx 79U, Gra�d �sl�nd,Nebraska 685�� �"Trus�ee"�. The benefciary is
<br /> H�me Federai SaWings & Loan Ass�ciatxon of Grand �s�and whase address is Z2� South L�cus� Street,
<br /> Grand �s�and,Nebraska�85�1 �"Lender"�,which �s arganized and existing under�he�avvs of�he Un�ted States of
<br /> Am.erica. Gran�or �n cansiderati�n af loans extended by Lender up �� a maximum pr�ncipal amoun� of.N�nety-
<br /> se�en Thousand and �UI�44 Do�lars �U.S. $97,UOD,UC�� �"Max�mum Principa� �ndeb�edness"�, and for ��her
<br /> valuable consid�ra�ion, �he rece�pt of�hich �s acknovv�edged, �rre�ocab�y gran�s, conveys and assigns tfl Trustee,
<br /> �n trus�,wx�h power af sa�e,�he fo�iawipg descr�bed proper�y lo�ated in�he Coun�y of Ha��, S�a�e of Nebraska:
<br /> Address:�7�5��d Fa�r Road,GRAND�SLAND,Ne��-aska�$8U3
<br /> Lega� Des�ript��n: Un�t Z7��, Island �Vest P�aza �andomin�um Pr�per�y Reg�me, in �he �x�y of �rand
<br /> Is�and,Ha��Caun�y,Nebraska.
<br /> Together v�z�h a�l easem�n�s, appurtenances abutt�_ng stree�s and a��eys, irnprovements, bu��d�ngs, fx�ures,
<br /> tenemen�s, hereditamen�s, equipment, ren�s, �ncame, profits and roya�ties, persona� g��ds �f whatever des�r�p��on
<br /> an� all other righ�s and privi�eges �nclud�ng a�l minerals, ��1, gas, water �whe�her groundv�ra�er, subterranean or
<br /> ��herwise}, water r�gh�s �whether riparian, apprapriate �r o���er��se, and whe�her vr not appur�enan�to the aba�ve-
<br /> des�ribed rea� pr�per�y�, v�e�ts, v�eli permits, d��ches, di�ch r�ghts, reser�oirs, reservo�r righ�s, r�ser�o�r s��es,
<br /> storage r�ghts, dams and water s�ack �hat may now, or a� an� ��me �n �he fu�ure, be loca�ed �n andlor used in
<br /> connect�on with �he a�flve-described real property, paym�nt awards, am�unts rece�ved from em�nen� d�main,
<br /> amoun�s rece�ved fr�m any and a�Z �nsurance paymen�s, and�imber v�hi�h may now or Iater be located, s�tuated,or
<br /> aff�xed on and used�n�onnectivn�herev�ith�here�nafter calied the "Proper�y"}
<br /> RELATED D�CUMENTS. The words "Rela�ed Documents" mean all pramiss�ry na�es, security agreements,
<br /> pr�ar mar�gages, prior deeds �f trust, prior deeds �a secure debt; bus�ness �oan agr�ements, �onstruc�ion loan
<br /> agreements, resa�u�ions, guaranties, en��ronmentaX agreemen�s, subflrd�nati�n agreei-nents, assignmen�s af�eases
<br /> and ren�s and any ot�er documen�s or agreemen�s executed in connec�ion vv�th �his Indebtedness and Security
<br /> �ns�rument,v�hether nav�ar hereafter ex�st�ng, in��uding any mod�fi�at�ons,extetas�ons, subs�i�u�ions ar rene�a�s af
<br /> any of�he foreg�ing. The Re�a�ed Do�uments are hereby made a par� of�his Sec�r�ty �ns�rurnen� by reference
<br /> theret�,wi�h the same force and�ffec�as�f ful��se�f�r�h here�n. .
<br /> INDEBTEI�NES�._This Securi�y�ns�rument secures�he pr�ncipal amaunt�ha�vn above as may be e�idenced by a
<br /> pr�missory �o�e ar n�tes of e�en, prior�or subsequen� date here�o, �ncluding fu�ure ad�ran�es and ev�ry o�her
<br /> indeb�edness �f any and��ery kind now or hereafter o�ing fram MARTINEZ ENT�RPRISES, LLC �o H�me
<br /> Federal Sa��ng5 & Loan Association of Grand I��and, hav�soe�er crea�ed ar ar�sing, v�het��er pr�mary,
<br /> secondary or cantingent, toge�her���h any interest or charges prov�ded in or ar�s�ng ou�of such indebtedness, as
<br /> well as �he agreements and ca�enants of�h�s Se�urity In�trumen� and al� Rela�ed Documen�s �here�nafter a1�
<br /> referred ta as�he "�ndebtedness"}.
<br /> FTITURE ADVANCES.T��he exten�perm��ted by�aw,�his Security�ns�ru�nen�w���secure fu�ure ad�ances as if
<br /> �uch advan�es were made�n�he date af�his Secur�ty �nstrument regardle�s flf the fact�hat from time�o t�me there
<br /> may be no balance due und�r the na�e and regard�ess of whe�her Lender�s ab��ga�ed to make such fu�ure ad�ances.
<br /> CR�SS C�LLATERALIZATI�N. �t �s the expressed in��n� of Grantor to crass collatera�ize ai 1 of i�s
<br /> �nd�btedness and ob��ga���ns to Lender, havvsoe�er aris�ng and vvhensoe�rer incurred, excep� any ob�igat�on
<br /> ex�s��ng or aris�ng agains��he pr�ncipa�dwel��ng vf any Cran�or.
<br /> ��D04-Zti13 Campliance Systen�s,Inc.CBAE-AI7C-2D13LZ.4,E1,G55
<br /> Cvmmercial Real Estate Sec�rity Instrument-DL4�d7 Page 1❑�'S www.cor�pliancesyst�err�s.�am
<br />