<br /> DEED �F TI�LJST
<br /> Lvan �v: 1 D���9�� ��o�t[nueC�� Pag� �
<br /> {inGluding ef�vrts�� modify�r�acate any automa��c stay vr in�unctivn}, appea�s,and any anticipated post-�udgment
<br /> co[[ecfiivn ser�ice�s, �he cost o�searching records; �btaining tQ�Ie reports {inciuding �vreclosu�re reports�r surveyorsr
<br /> r�ports, and appraisa� fees, title insurancs, and �ees for ihe Trustee, to the extent perrr�i�ed by app��cabl� �aw.
<br /> T�-us�or alsv v�ril� pay any coul--�costsr in addition tv a[[ather sums pro�ided by�aw,
<br /> F�igh�s of Trustee. T�-ustee shall have all af the�-ighfs and duties�f Lend�r as set�orth in�his sectian,
<br /> POVI�ERS AND �BLIGATt�NS �F TRL�STEE. The fvi[�wing pro�isivns re[ating tv the pov+�ers and obl�gations o�Trustee
<br /> are part of�h�s L�eed of Trust:
<br /> Pvwers vf�"rustee. !n addition to all pow�rs o�Trus�ee arisin� as a matker❑f faw,Trustee sha[I have the pow�r fo
<br /> take the follovving act��ns wifih respect�o the Property upon�he written reques�of Lender and Trus�or: �a}join in
<br /> preparing and �iling a map �r plat ofi the �eal Property, incfuding the dedreatiQn of s�r�ets or o�her rights �o �he
<br /> public; {b} join in gran`ting any easemen� or crea�ing any restriction on the Real Praper�; and {c} join in any
<br /> suhardination or other a�reement affecfing this Deed o�Trus��r the interes�flf Lend�r under this ❑eed of Trus�.
<br /> Trus�ee. Trus�kee sha11 meet all qualif�cat�ons required -�or Trustee under applicable law. [n addi-�ion to the rights
<br /> and remedies set �orth above, with respect to a[[ or any par� v�the Property, �he Trus�ee sha�� har�e �he right to
<br /> Toreclose by nvtice and sale, and Lender wii[ ha�e the right to �foreclose by judicia� far�c�osur�, �n either case in
<br /> accardance Vvi-�h and fifl th��uC[exten�pro�ided by applicab�e�aw.
<br /> Suc�essor Trus�ee. Lender, a�Lender's op�ion, may�ram time�o t�me appoin�a successor Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> appointed under thi5 Deed of Trus� by an 3nstrument executed and acknow�edg�d by Lender and recorded �n the
<br /> o�fii�e vf the recorder of HALL �oun�y, Sta�e of Nebraska. The instrum�nt shall contain, in additivn �o all other
<br /> matters required by state faw. -the names o� �h� ariginal Lender, Trus�ee, and Trus�o�, the book and page �or
<br /> com_puter system reference� where �his Deed o� Trust is recorded, and the name and address a� the successor
<br /> trustee, and the instrument shall be exgcufied and acknawledged by all the bene�ieiaries under this Deed of Trus�or
<br /> thei:r successors in interest. The success��trus�ee, wi�h�ut con�eyance o��he Proper�y, sha[[ succeed to alI �he
<br /> ti�le, power;and duties con-�erred upon the Trust�e in this Deed of Trust and �y app[icable law. Th€s Prvicedure for
<br /> substi�u�ion o�Trustee shali go��rn to the�xc[u:sion a�all v�her prv�is:ions for substitutian.
<br /> N�T�CES. Any n�tice r�quired t� he given und�r this Deed of Trust, in.clud�ng without fimitation any no�ice of defaul�
<br /> and a.ny notice o�sa[e sha[� be given in writing, and shall be effectQWe when actua[[y delivered, when actua��y rec���ed
<br /> by t�[-�facsimile {unless��herwise required by law}, when deposited�rtirifh a nationally recagnFz�d o�ernigh�courier, or, if
<br /> mailed, v�rhen deposited in th� LJnited St�tes mailr as�irst class, certified or registered mai[ postage prepaid, direct�d to
<br /> �he addresses shov�rn near the �eg�nn€ng of this L�eed o�Yrust. A[l copies of na�ices o�foreclosure from �he ho[der of
<br /> any [ien which has prior��y �ver this Deed of Trus� shall b� s�nt to Lender's address, as shawn near the beginning of
<br /> �his Deed of Trust. Any pe�son may change his or her address for no�ices under this Deed �f Trust by gi�ing fvrmal
<br /> writken no�ice tv �he other person or persans, specifying that �he purpose o� the not�c� is to change the person's
<br /> address. For no�i�e purpos�s,Trusfiar ag:rees to keep Lender informed at all times af Trus�or's current address. Unless
<br /> o-�herviri:s� pro�ided or required by lalrv, i��here is more fiha� one Trus�or, any notice giWen by Lender�o any Trustor is
<br /> deemed to be no�ice gi�en to aE�Trus�ors. ��will be Trustor's respo.nsibi[ity�o�ell�he others of�he n�tice from Len.der.
<br /> �lI�S�ELLANEQUS PRDOIISIDNS. The fol[o�nring rr7iscellaneous p�ovisions are a par�of fhis Deed o#Trust:
<br /> Anr�e�adrr�erats, V11ha� is written in this Deed �f Trust and in �h� Re�ated Documen�s �s Trustor's entire agreemen�
<br /> �vith Lender ca��ern�ng �he matters ca�ered by�hi� Deed o�Tr�s�, To he e�ffective, any change or amendment to
<br /> this �eed o�Trust r�us� be ira rrvritdng and rnust be signed by�nrhoe�er vvill he bound ar obliga�ed by�he �hange vr
<br /> amendmen�..
<br /> r �ap�ion Head�n�se �apt�or� headings in �his D�ed ���rus� are f�� canveni�n��e purposes ar�fy and are no� �o b�
<br /> used�ko interpret o�de€�n�the proWisivns of�his��ed d.f�rus$.
<br /> [11[erger. There�sha1l be.no merg�r o��he interest or es�a�e created by this Deed o�Trus�t wi�h any other interes�or
<br /> estate rn the P�-operty at any�ime held hy❑r for�he bene���of Lender in any capacity, wifihaut the writ�en cansent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Go�erning Law. This Deed v�Trus� wiII be gv�erned by federal I�w appliCab�e �o Lender and. #v �he ex�e'nt not
<br /> �reempted by federa��aw.#he Ia►nrs af*he Sta�e of Nebraska w�t�out re�ard to i#s confIi�ts vf law provisic�ns. This
<br /> De�d vf Trust has been accepted by L�nder in the 5��te of N�b�aska.
<br /> �ho��e o�Venue. [�there is a lawsua�, Trustor agrees upvn Lende�'s r�quest to subm��to the�urisdic�ion o�the
<br /> �o�r�s o-��la[[ Cvun�y, State of Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and �ev��ai Liabili�y, �41� obligati.�ns o� �or�-�w�� and 3rus��r und�r this De�d of �rus� shal� be joint and
<br /> se�eral� and a1� re�er�nce���Trus�ar shall rn.e�n eaeh and e�ery Trus��r, and af� ref�rences to �arro�ver shal� mean
<br /> ea�h an���ery Bvrrower. Th�s r�eans tha�each Tru��or signing b�lov►o is responsible�v�-a[[obligations in this �eed
<br /> o�Trust.
<br /> IVo iNai��r hy Lender. Trus�or understands Lender w�11 nvt gi�e up any of Lender's rights under�his De�d a�T�us�
<br /> un[ess Lender does so 'rn �rvriting, The �act fiha� L�nd�r defays or or�its �o �x�rcise any �ight �nri[1 not mean that
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that ��ght. [f Lender does agree in wri�ing �o giWe up one ❑f Lender's �ights, that does not
<br /> mean Trust�r wi�� not ha�e to comp[y with the other pro�isions o��his ❑eed o� Trust. Trustor also understands
<br /> that if Lender dves �vnsent �o a request, tha�t does no� mean tha�Trustor wi1! not haW� tv get Lender's c�nsent
<br /> again if the situa�ion happens again. Trusfor further unders�ands�ha�t just because Lender cvnsents to ane or more
<br /> o�Trustor's requestsr -�hat d�es nat mean Lender wi13 be required to cflns�nt to any of Trustor=s �uture requests.
<br /> = Tr�sfia�v+�a�Wes prese�tment, demand�For payment, pi-ofiest, and noti�e of dishonvr.
<br /> Se�erabiti�y. ��a c��:r-�finds �hat any pra�ision ��th�s �eed ��T�-us� is not �aiid or shau[d raot �e enforced, �h�t
<br /> �ac�by i�se��v�il�n��r�ean�hat the res�t of thos Deed a�Trus�v�rill not�e�afid or en�v�ced, Tf�ere�ore! a cour�wil�
<br /> enforce t�e res�of the pro�isions of th�s Deed vf l"rust eve�i€a pro�ision af�his Deed o�`'�rust may be��und�o be
<br /> €nva[id or unenforce�ble.
<br /> 5uccessvrs and Assigns. Subje�t ta any �imitativns stated in �his ❑eed o�F Trust on �rans�fer v��rustvr's interest,
<br /> this D�ed o�F Trust shall be �inding upon and inure to the benefit o��he parties, �heir su�cesso�-s and ass�gns. �f
<br /> ovtirnership of the Pr�per�y becomes �ested in a person other than Trus�tor. Lender, v+�ithout notice �o Trus�or, may
<br /> deal with Trus�or's success�rs with referen��e�v this Deed o�Trust and the lndebtedness by way o�fo.rbearance or
<br /> extension wi�hout releasing Trustvr fram�he obli�ations of�h�s Deed o�Trus�or liabil.i�ky under�he Indebtedness.
<br /> `��m�is af the Essen�e. T�me is o�the essence in the per�ormance�f�th�s Deed of Trusfi,
<br /> Waiv�Jury. AII par�ies tv�his Deee� v�Trust h�r��y wai►re t�e �ight�o any�ury trial in �y actiora, proceeding, or
<br /> cour+terclaim brnught�y any party agasn�#any other parfy, ,
<br /> illd�iver vf Hvr�est�ad Exer�aption. Trustor hereb� releases and �nr�iWes all rights �nd hene-�Ets �f �h� h�rr�estead
<br /> �xemp$iora [a�v�o��he 5tate��Nebraska�s�� all fnd�b�edness se�ured by�his Deed���rust.
<br /> DEFINIT��NS. �h�f�ll��rvi�g v�ords shall have�he�allowin� rr�ean�n�s when used �n�his D�ed�f�r�st:
<br /> Bene�raciary. The word `rBene�.i�iary'" m�ans Equ�tab[e Bank; and its successvrs and assigns.
<br /> ��rrvwer. The word "Borrower" means Jahn HvfFinan and inc[udes ai! co-s.igne�s and ca-makers signing the Nate
<br />