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��14�1355 <br /> DEEL7 �F�1�F�UST <br /> Loan N�: 7��Q89�a� �C�ntr�lu�d� Page � <br /> Lender deems in Lender's sole discretion tv be sufficient ta cure the defau�t and thereafter continues and <br /> cample�es a[[reasonable and neeessary steps suf�icien�to produ�e compfiance as soo.n as reasvnab[y practical, <br /> ., R��C�TS A1VD REfVtED�ES �N DEFAULT. I�an E� <br /> . ent of Defauft occurs under th�s Deed of�rust, at any-�im�thereafter, <br /> �Tru�tee or Lende�-may exercfse any one a�m�re o�the�Fo[Iavtir�ng rights and remedies: <br /> r <br /> � Acceleration Upon Defau��� Addi��onal Remedies. [�F any E�en�v�Default occurs as per�the terms of�he Nate <br /> secured hereb�, Lender may deciare a11 Indebtedness secur�d by�his Deed of Trust to b�:du�and payable and <br /> fhe same shaC[thereupvn becvme due and paya�aie with�ut any presen�km�nt, demand, protes�or n��ice of any <br /> kind. Thereaf�er, Lende.r may: <br /> �a} Either` in p�rson or by agent, with or without bringing any act��n or proCeeding, or by a receiver <br /> appointed by a court and wi-�hou�regard �o the adequacy o�F its security, en�e� upon and take possession <br /> ��the Prop.erty, or any part th�reof, in i�s vvvn name or in the name of Trustee, and dv any ac�s wh�ch it <br /> deems neeessary�r desirable to preserve fihe�afue,marketability or rentabi[ity o��he Proper�y, or part❑f <br /> the Pr�perty or En�erest in fihe Prflper�y; �ncrease the �ncome from the Property or pro�ecfi the security a� <br /> �he Property; and, with vr without �ak�ng passession of �he Prvper�y, sue for �r oth�rwise coI[ect �he <br /> rents, issues and profits o��he Property, including those past due and un,paid, and appEy-�he same, less <br /> costs and expenses o�opera-�ion and coIlection attorneys' fees,�o any indeb-tedness secured by this Deed <br /> of Trust, a[I in such vrder as Lender may d��erm�ne. The entering upon and taking possessivn o� the <br /> Property, �he coliec�ion af such rer�ts, �ssues �nd prvfE�s, and �he app��cation thereo�F sha[� nvt cure ar <br /> waiv� any defau[�or notice o�defau[�under�his �eed of�frus��; inWa[ida-�e any act dan� in �esponse to <br /> su�h de-�au[t or pursuant�o such nati�e of defau[t; and, notwithstanding th�continuance in possession o� <br /> the Property �r the co�[�ction, re�eipfi and app[ica�ion o� ren�s, issues o� pro�its, Trustee or Lender shaf� <br /> § be erifiifl�d to exercise��ery right pro�ided for in the Note or the Relarted Documents or by law upon the <br /> �ccurrence of any e�ent af d�-�au[�, �ncluding the�-ight tv e�€ercise the power of sa€e, <br /> �b} Commence an ac�ion�o torec�ose this Deed o�Trust as a mortgage, appoinfi a rece���r or specifical�y <br /> enforce any of the covenants hereaf;and <br /> . 4c} Deli�e�t�Trustee a writ�en deG[a_ration o�de-�auIt and demand for sa[e and a wr3tten notice of defiauft <br /> and e[ection to cause T�ustor's interest in the Proper-ry to be sold,v�rhich notice Trustee sha�t cause to be <br /> duly filed for r�cord in fhe appropriat�offices o�fhe County in which the Prvperty is loca�ed; and <br /> {d} 1Nith respect tv alI or any par��f the Persvna� Property� Lender shal� ha�e a�[th� rights and remedies <br /> a�a secured party under th� Nebraska Uniform Commerciaf Cod�. <br /> F�reciasure by Power of SaIe. �f Lender�fects�o �or�close by exercise a€the Power o€5a[e herein ��ntained, <br /> L�nder sha11 €�o�ify Trustee and sha�[ deposi�r�nr�th �rustee�his �e�d a�Trus� and the No�e and such receip�s <br /> and e�iderace o�expendi�ures made ar�d secured by this Deed of Trus�as Trustee may require. <br /> {a3 Upon receip�of such n�ti�e from Lender, Trus�ee sha11 �ause�to he recorde�, published and deli�ered <br /> t� Trustvr such Notice of De�ault and Notice o�f S�[e as �hen �-equired by Iaw and by this D��d ��Trus�. <br /> Trustee sha�1, without demand fln Trustor, after su�h time as may �hen be required by faw and af�er <br /> re�orda�ion o�such Natice of Def�u[� and a�ter Notice of 5ale hav�ng been gi�en as required by�aVv, sell <br /> fhe Property at �he tim� and place o� sale �i�ced by i� in suc�t Na�tice of 5ale, either as a whole, or in <br /> separ�te lfl�s vr parcels or items as Trustee shal�deem �xpedient, and in such order as it may de�ermine, <br /> at pub[ic au�ti�n to the highest bfdder for�ash in iawful rnoney nf the Uniied S�ates payable at the time <br /> of sale. �rustee sha1� deliver to suc� purchaser or purchasers thereof its good and suffic�ent deed or <br /> deeds cnn�eying the proper�y so so[d, b�a� without �ny �Qvenan� a� warranty, express or irnp[ied. The <br /> �eci�a[s �n such deet� �� any rrlaft�rs or �aet� �hall be �on��usive p��of o��the tr��thfu�n�ss �herevf. Any <br /> persort,�r��fud�ng vvithaut����ta�ivn Trust�r,�r�s�ee, ar Lender, rnay purGhase a�such sale. <br /> �b� �es may be perrn��ted by l��nro a�ter dedu�ct�ng aIi cos�s, �ees and exp�nses of T�-ustee and of this <br /> Trus�, incIuding�osts o�evid�nGe o�ti-�Ie in co�nnectian with sa�e,Trus-tee shall apply the�roceeds o-�sa�e <br /> to paymen�a�F �i} aI[sums expended under�he terms of this Deed o�Trus�or under�he t��-ms of the Note <br /> not then repaid, including bu� nat Iimi-�ed ta a�crued Ente�est anc� late charg�s, {i�} af� other sums then <br /> secured herehy, and �iE�}�he remainder, i�F any,to�he person or persons Iega��y entitled theret�, <br /> {c} Trustee may in the mann�r prv�ided by law postpone sale of aii vr any portion v�the Proper�y. <br /> Remedies No� Exc�usi�e. Trus�ee and Lender, and each vf �hem, shaf[ be enti�led tfl enforce payment and <br /> perfarmanca of any indebt�dness ar ob[iga�ions secured by ths:s Deed o�Trus�and to exercise aC[ righ�s and powers <br /> �nder this []eed ����-�rst, under the lVo�e, ur�der ar�y�f the Re�ated �vcurr�ents, or �tnder any other agreement or <br /> any€aws novv ar hereai��r in ��r�e; r�atwiths�anding, �ome vr ai� o�€such indeb�edness and ob��gativns secured by <br /> �his �eed c��Tr�s� rr�a� r��w or fierea�er be o���rwise secured, whe�her by rr�v�tgage, de�d� af�rust, pledge, lienr <br /> ass�gnr�en�c �r a�herwise9 1Ve��h�r �he a�cep�ance �f th�s Deed v� �rust nor �ts enfar��r�en�t, �vhether by court <br /> activn or pursuan�to �he power vf sa[e or vt�er �ow�rs contained �n this Deed �-�Trust� s:ha�l �re�udice �� �n �ny <br /> manner affec� Trus��e's �r Lender`s right �to rea[iz� u�on or enforce any other �ecuri�y nvw �r hereaf�er n�ld by <br /> T�-us�ee or Lender� it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each o�th�m,shali be entitlsd tv enforce this Deed <br /> o�Trus� and any other securEty now or hereaf�er he�d by Lend�r or Trustee in such order and manner as they or <br /> e��ther Q-�them may in their absolute discrefiion de�erm�ne. No remedy conf�rred upon or reser�ed to Trustee or <br /> Lender, is intended �o b� exclusi�e vf any other remedy in this D��d of Trus�or by [aw prov�d�d or permitted, but <br /> each shai� be cumula�ive and sha11 be in addi�ion to e��ry other remedy gi�en in this Deed o�r Trust or now or <br /> herea€�er exist�ng at Ia�rv or in equi�}r or by s�a�tute. E�ery power or remedy given by the Note or any of the F�elated <br /> Documents �a Trustee or Lender oc ta vtirhich ei�her vf -them may be otherwise enti�tiec�, may be exer�is�d, <br /> coneurrently vr ind�pendent[y, from t�me to-��me and as often as may be deemed e�pedient by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and ei�her �f �herr� rnay purs�e incons�st�n� rernedies, No�hir�g in this Deed of Trus� sha[[ be construed as <br /> prohibitir�� Lender�rom seeking a de€�ciency�udgr�nen�agai�s�the T�ustm�t�the e��nt s�ch actgo� d� per�mp��ed by <br /> la�. <br /> EIe�tic�r� �f Remediese �4[[ o� �en�er°s rights art� rerraedee� wil� �e �urr�ulati�e an�i r�-tay be �xe�-cised alone �r <br /> toge-�her. 1� �.ender decic��s �o s}�end money �r�o perforr� any��Trus-tQr-ps obligations �nder�hi� C�eed o€Trusfi, <br /> �ft�r Trus-�orrs failure �v da so, tha� dec�sion by Lender wi[� not af�ec-� Lend�r's righ��o declare T�-us��r in defaul-� <br /> and to e�€ercise Lender's remedies, <br /> l�eques�for�otice. Trustor, on behal�o�Trustvr and Lender, hereby��quests that a�opy o�any No�ice vf Defaul� <br /> and a copy of any Notice of Sa�� under-�his Deed of Trust he rr�ailed to th�m at the addresses se��arth inr�he frrst <br /> paragraph of-�his Deed vf Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fees: Ex�enses. �f Lender institutes any suit o�- ac-�ion tv en-�or�e any of the terms of this Deed o� <br /> Trusfi, Lender shall be en�itied ta recover sueh surn as�he court m�y ad�udge reasonab[e as at-�orneys' fiees at triai <br /> and upvn any appeal. �lllhether or not any court actia�a is en�fllved, arad �� the ��en� no-� prohib�ted by �aw, all <br /> a�easonabi� expenses Lender incurs tha�t Fr� Lender's �per�ion are necessary at any t'rrr�� �o� the pro�ec�i�n a� i�s <br /> interes�or the enfor�emen�o��ts rights shal[ b�c�rr�e a par�o�the �r�deb�edness payabie �� dern�nd ana sh��! bear <br /> 'rn�eres�a�The �a�e rate�rom�he date of t)�e expendi�ure�rrtpl repaid. E�€penses cove�ed h this <br /> y paragraph inc[ude, <br /> without [imE�ati�n, horrve�er subject to a�y �imits €�nder app�ica�[e Eaw, Lena�er's attorneys� �e�s and Lender°s lega6 <br /> ex�aenses, whether ar not �here is a �awsuitp in�Iud:ing �t�arneys° -��es and �x�er�ses f�r banlcrup-�cy p�oceedings <br />