<br /> DEED �F TC�U�T
<br /> L��n 1Va: ����89��
<br /> ���nt��u�d� Page 7
<br /> and a���heir successors anci assigns.
<br /> Deed of Trus�. The v�rords "Deed vf Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Trustor� Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> inc[udes wi�hout ��m�tation a[I assignment and securi�y in�erest pro�isions re[a�ting ta the Personal Property and.
<br /> Rents.
<br /> EnW�rc�nmental Laws. The virords °EnWironmental Lav�rs" mean any anc� all state, fed�ral and local sta�u�es,
<br /> regu�a�ions and ordinances reCati�,g t� �he protecti�n v� human hea[th or the en�ironment, including wi�hout
<br /> [im��ativrt the Co�prehensi�e EnWironmenta[ Response, Compensation, and Liabi[ity Act o�f 7 98�, as amended, 4�
<br /> L�.S.C. Sectio� 96��, et seq. {"CERCLA"}. the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act vf 'l 9$6, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 99-499 {"SARA"},the Ha�ardaus Mater�a�s Transporta�ion Ac�,49 U.S.C. Sec�ion '18��1, et seQ.,the Resource
<br /> Conser�ation and Reeo�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 69��. et seq., or other appfic�ble sta�e or�edera� laws, ru[es,
<br /> or regulati�ns ad�p�ed pursuant there�o.
<br /> Even�vf Default. The words 'rEvent o�f De#ault" mean any af�he events of defau[t set�vrth in this Deed of Trusfi in
<br /> the e�en�s of de�ault section o��hi�Deed of Trusfi.
<br /> Existing lndebtedness. The v�rards "Exist�ng lndebtedness" mean �he indef�tedness described in the Exi:sting Liens
<br /> provision of this Deed ot T�ust.
<br /> �uaraa��y. The word "Guaran�y" means the guaranty from guarantor, endarser, sure�y, or aCcommodation party to
<br /> Lender,Ene�uding without limi�atian a guaran�Cy of a[[or part of the No�e.
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstances, The words "Hazardous 5ubstances" mean ma�eriaCs �hat, because o-� their quant�ty,
<br /> concen�ration or physEcal, chemical o�- in#�ctious characteristics. may cause or pos� a present o� potential hazard
<br /> to human heal�h�r th� en�'rronmen�when improp�r�y used, �tr-ea�ed, stored, disposed o�, generated, manufactured,
<br /> -�ranspor�ed or otherwise hand[ed. The �nrords "Hazard�us 5ubstan�es" are used in �heir Wery brvadest sense and
<br /> inc[ude wi�hout [imitat�an any and aIE hazar�ous o� tvxi� subs�ances, materiais or waste as defin�d by or i�sted
<br /> under the Env�ronmen�a[ Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" also incCudes. wi�thout�im�ta�i�n, pe�roEeu;m and
<br /> petro�eum by-produ�ts or any fraction�he�eo�and asbestas.
<br /> Improvemen�s. The w�rd "lmpro�ements'� means a!� exisfiing and future improvements, burldings. st�uc�ures,
<br /> mobiie homes affixed on �he Real Property, �acili�ies, additions, replacemen�s and other construc�"ron on the Rea�
<br /> Property.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word '�[ndebtedness" means aI[ pri�.cipaf, �n�keres�, and other arnour�tsP costs and expenses
<br /> payab[e under �he Nvte or Rela�ed Documents, �oge�her �va�h ali �enewa�s o�, extensivns of, �vdi��catians o�,
<br /> consaf ida-�ions �f and substi�utivns�v��he No�e vr 6�����ed Dvcumer�ts and ar�y arn�unfis expenc�ed a�ad�anced foy
<br /> Lender �o discharge Tr�stor"s ��a[�gati�r�s or e�cp�nses ineurred b� Trustee vr Lender �o en��r�e Trustor°s
<br /> �bliga���ns under th'rs De�d o�F�rus�,�ogether w��h in�er�st�n�u�h amounts as�ro�ided �n th�s �eed�f Trus�.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Equ�table �ank, �ts su�cessors and assigns. The words "successors �r
<br /> assigns" mean any persan or company that acquires any interest in the Note.
<br /> , Note. The word "No�e" means�he pramissvey note dated March 6, 2�'i 4, in the orig�r�al �rinc�pal am�unt
<br /> 4f $�2,���,�Q -�rom Borrower tv Lender, t�gether wi�h af� renewals of, extensions ofi, mvdifications af,
<br /> re�inancings of, �onso[idations of, and substitutians for �he promissory note or agreemen�. The maturity date of
<br /> this Deed of Trus�is March '['[. 2027.
<br /> Persona� Property. The words "Persona� Prop�r�y" mean all equipment, fixtures, and other articles of pe�sonal.
<br /> property now or herea�trter o�nrned �y Trus�or, and nov� or he�reaf-�er at�ached ar a��ixed �a the Real Property;
<br /> tog��her with aIl accessions, p�rts, and additio.ns t�, a11 �ep6acements o�� and a[[ substitu�ians forr any o� such
<br /> property; and �ogether with alI proceeds 4�ncludin� �vifihou� Cir�titat�on af� �nsura�ce proceeds ar�d refu.nds o�
<br /> premiurns} from an�sa[e or v�her dispositior�o��he �ro��rty.
<br /> Prope�ty. The word "Proper�y'� r�eans colle��ively�he Rea� �roperty and�he Personal F'roperty.
<br /> Real Prv�er�y. The words �F�ea[ Rroper�y" mean the �-ea� proper-�yr ��terests and rights� as f�rther descr�bed in this
<br /> Deed of Trust.
<br /> Related Dacuments. The words "ReIated Documen�s" mean a[� pramissory nates, credi� agreements, [oan
<br /> agreements, en�ir�nmental agreements, guaran�i�s, securi-ry agreements; martgages, deeds vf trus�, secu�ity
<br /> deeds, colla�eral mortgages, and a�l vther �nstruments, agreements and doeuments. whether now or hereafter
<br /> e�isting,e�eecuted in connec�ion with�he lndebtedness,
<br /> l�ents. The �rvord "Ren�s" means a[[ pr�s�nt and fu�ure rents. revenues, �nc�me, �ssues, roya�fi�es, prvf�ts, and
<br /> other�ene��ts der�v�d�r�rn�he�rope�y.
<br /> Trus�ee. �he virord '°Trusteen rneans Equi�ahfe ��.n�C �Gr�r�d �sIand �eg�vn�, �hos� add�ess �s �'[3-��� � Locus�
<br /> 5tr PQ ��x ��C3p ��and �sland, NE �88�2-�����nd an�substitr�te€�r successar�r�s�eese.
<br /> Trustor. The�►rvrd �'�rus�or'� r�eans J�HN C H�FF11fiAlVs
<br /> TF�iJST�R �CK�VD�iVLED�ES �-I�IV�N� �iEAD ALL THE F'R�il'I�t�iVS OF YH�S DEE� �F l'����'� �►ND �'1�U�T�F�
<br /> A��EES T�IT5`�EF�MS.
<br /> TRUSTDR:
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