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1 . � � � ._'_ _ <br /> .r---aYOa�.�rri�.- . _-—_.�...�......r, - _._r._.�s <br /> • ' . . . " .a$�.�s��u..__. __ <br /> .�,�•;w�L.:Li.-..__ _'__. -.._._ -. ___...,y..=_�_.a�� �._..__..__..___,__�� <br /> ' ' � 9$—� �t11305i <br /> � - <br /> , �1DJUSTABLE RATE R.II)ER 2�o2s3so _ <br /> � (1 Yesir Tres�cury �ndcx- R�tr CWpti) <br /> � 31ST �,y Uf DECEM�ER , <br /> 199 THIS ADJUS"CABLL• RATG RIDER is n�adc this - --. <br /> 8 ,atxi is incorporated into a►xf shall be dame�l toanx�xl u�xl+upplen�nt ihe Mortgage.Uad of <br /> Trust or Security Dend(the"Securiry Instrument")of the sanx daie givai t+y thc undersignecl(ihe "Barn�wer")to <br /> aecure)he�itrow �'s Ad'us�ablc Ratc Note(the "Note")to <br /> T�e E���t�11e {�il�t�< <�� Lo�r A��oci�tio� ot On�d I�I��d, Meln�t�, A F�leral�ari�6� 6ut <br /> (the"Letxler")of the sanx date and covering the pmpcny described in the Security lnstrument and located at: <br /> 432 E HALL GRAND I SLAND, NEBRP��„AAdJ6S8OI-8044 <br /> T�IE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST <br /> RATE AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT, THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE <br /> BORROWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TiME ANp THE <br /> MAXIMUM RATE TH[ BORROWER MUST PAY. <br /> ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.In addition to the covenants end agreen�ents macle in ttie Security Instrurt�ent, <br /> go��,r�r atxll.cnder further covenant and agrce as follows: <br /> A.INTERESf RATE AND MONTHI.Y PAYMENf CNANGES <br /> 'fhe Note provides for an initial interest rate of 6.000 %.The Note provides for clt�nges in <br /> the interest rate atxi the monthly payments,as follows: <br /> 4.INTERFST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENTCHANCFS <br /> (A)Cla�n�e Dates J�INUARY , 2004 ,ud on ti�at <br /> The interest race 1 will pay may change on the fir�t day of <br /> day every 12th month the�eaftcr.Fach date on which my interest rate couid change is caliod a'ChanB�Da�." <br /> (B)Tl�e Index <br /> geginning with the first Change Date, my interest rate witl be b�i on:ui lndex•The"Index" is tt�woekly <br /> average yield on United States Treasury securities adjusted ta aconstant maturiry of i yar,as n�ic aYailabk by <br /> the Federal Resecve Board.The most recent index figure a��ilable as of thedate45 days befare each Chanee Da1e <br /> is callod the"Current Index." <br /> If the lndex is no longer available,the Note Holder will ct�oose a new index which is b�setl upon comp�t�bk <br /> infom�ation.The Note Hoider will give me notice of►his choice. <br /> (c)Cakulatioo or rbangrs <br /> Btfore each Change Date,the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adciin8 �)to��� <br /> .� percen�agepoinUs) ( 2.000 <br /> Indcx. 'The Pioce Holdcr will then rouncl the n;sult oF this add�tion to the aeuest onetighth of one percen�8� <br /> point(0.I25`!). Subject to the limits statecl iR Section 4(U) below,this roundod amo��nt wi11 be my aew nntecest <br /> rate uatii the next Change Date. <br /> 'i'he Note Holder will then determine the amount of the niaithlY paYment that woutd be sufficieat ta repoy t1� <br /> unpaid principal that i ari expected to owe at the Change Date in full on the 11�faturity Date at my new interest r�te <br /> in substantially equal payments.The result of this calcutation will tx the new amount of my monthly paY►nent• <br /> (D)Limits on Inter.est Rate Ctuinges �, � <br /> The interest rate 1;►m requireci ta paY at the first Change D�e wilt not be grcater than g�000 <br /> or less th:ui 4.OOQ no.ThereaRer,my interest rate will never be increasxd or decr�ued on <br /> any single Change Date by more than twa percentage points (2.D 9�)from the rate of interest I have been�ying <br /> _ for the preccding twelve months. My interest rate will never begreater than 11 .000 <br /> INy interest rate r+ri 11 never be lower t hnn 4 _OOQX. <br /> (E)ERectivr Date of Changes <br /> My new interest rate will become effective on ex►- Ciuinge Date. I uilt p�y the:imount of my new'nwnth[y <br /> payment beginning on the first munehly payment d�te atier. ihe Change Dare until the amount of my monthly <br /> � payment cf�angcs again. <br />'� (E?Notice uf Ctwnges , <br /> __:� ... .,.��.•�„t' _.�,��chznszes iu QiY interest c►�e:uxi the:unount of my <br /> �- TTie Note Noider wiii�ici;YC� �����•• .�.�'� .--•---- - <br />,:r; nwnthly payment Ixfurc the cff�titive date uf;ury chan�e.The ne�tice will inclade information requEreci by taw to <br /> :� be givcix nu and :�su the titic :uid tclePhone number uf u�rsun who will :uuwer any question I nuy twve <br /> r�g:►rd�nB thc nuticc. <br /> �:� <br />..k <br /> + MS1tTISTA7E ADJUSTABIE RATE RIDER-ARM 5•2• S�npla Family Fannl�MH1h'rMdi�Mac Unifa�m Instru�m 3t 17 3/86 <br /> � Pr�nted or R�tyclnd P�1ri' <br /> .. �•82Z{��3305� vMPRiOfiTGAGI FUM15 �ECO)S3� ]29� ,,,,r <br /> � _. . . ._. _. _ .___'.. ..._ "......... . . . .......... <br />