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. �,�.,.�-.. �� _ _ _ _ <br /> ��;C+a:'�..i.r.. � <br /> �..... .�t+.:r. - .._ <br /> .M9'�' '�- ..9• �-t:ic:' .. —_.. .. .._ .._ . _ . ..._ . .._ . .. <br /> 98.� ;s13os1 <br /> � <br /> �,T1tANSFER OIi'T1#E PROI'�RTY OR A Ii�NEFICIAI.INTERES'T IN BORRUWER <br /> Unifam Covetvnt l7 of the Securily Inctrumcnt i:�rrrcndod lu eud aa►fullowx: <br /> Trans[tr of ttte Praperty or a Rtne�lcl�� Inter.+t in Aorrnweir. If All or any part of tFu Property or any <br /> iderat in it is sold or Inuukrnd(ur if�beneficial interest in Rorrower is sold ar tranafrrred�nd F3arrower is not <br /> �natunl pereon)without Lerider'a prior written oonsent,L.ender may.�t its optian, requirc immedi�te payment tn <br /> full of all swna �xured by this SoCurity Irotrument. However, this option siull not be exercisod by Lender if <br /> exsreise is prohibitod by fodenl taw as of the ciate of this Sacurity Instrument. l.ender alsa sh�1�not exereise this <br /> aption if:{s)Borrower cuusea to be submitted to i.ender infomutioit requirod by Lender to evdwte tha interded <br /> trtnsferx�s if s new loan were being m�cie to the transfera:and(b)l.ender reASOrwbly determines that Len�kr�� <br /> ,�ecuriry will rqt be impaired by the loan as.wmption and thu the risk of a brcach of Any covetunt or�rame�►t in <br /> Uua Security Inatrumau is aoapt�ble to[.ender. <br /> To the extent permilted by �pplicable Itw, Lender may charge a rersonable fa u a condition to Lender'a <br /> consdu:o the loan�ssumption. I.ender rmy dso roquire the transfene�o sign an auumQtion�grexment th�t is <br /> �oc.epubk to I..ader and that obli�at�s the tramferee w kaQ sl(the promises ud ag�nts m�de in the Note <br /> �od ia this Sea►riry Instrument. Borrower will continue to be obl�gatod under the Note u�d this Secnriry <br /> lnsuumau un�.ess I.eryder rclaise�Borrower in writing. <br /> If l.ender eacacisa the option to requice immodiat� pym�nt in full. Lender shall give Borrowa uotia of <br /> �oceletatian. The notice shalt provide a periad of not leas than 30 days from the d� the noti�x is delivered or <br /> m�iled within which Ho�rower must p�y all sunLS secuced bY this Security Iiutrument. if Bormwer failt to p�y <br /> tbese sums prior to the expiration of this period. Lendet mty invoke any reu�edies pamitted b3/ this Sea�ritY <br /> (nsuument without furtt�er raticx or dem�nd on aocrower. <br /> BY SIGNIIVG BF:i.OW,Horrowa aocepts u►d tgrees to the ternu�nd covavnts cont�ined in tdia Adjuatabie <br /> Rate Rida. <br /> //s�, . ,�e _� �o �/ � (Sal) <br /> � <br /> .eorro—'�• �� <br /> � ..a,,Q_, _��� csaa) <br /> -Borrovrer -Homower <br /> — • Fwm 3111 31s6 <br /> _ � <br /> _ � <br />...'� <br />