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�.:��„ <br /> . ,:s�...a. . <br /> , .�.. . ., <br /> �..:.,�.,�.�y»:��.,... _ �:�. ..c __ . _ _ <br /> -r.,t�., ' .k;�i: _'� .�--.. _ - --- <br /> ,_..w .�:.�:.�=:�_s.._o._'---- . _- <br /> Q$— 113051 Zoo�a33o <br /> _ Upon receipt oC paymrnt ot the price bid, Trusta stwll deliver to the pa,rchwser Trustee's dced rnnveyin�the _., <br /> Property. The rdcitals in the Tnutee's deed shall be prima fwcie evideixz oi Ihe truth o[the stwtements made thercln. <br /> Tn�tee shall apply the procetds oi the sale in the following order:(a)to All cosls s�nd expen9es ot exenising the pnwer ot <br /> sale,and the s�le,including the paymmt of the Tn�atce's fees wctunlly incurred,not tu exceed S.0� `�+ <br /> of the principJ amount of the rate At the ttme of the declar�tian ot defputt, and reASOruible attorneys'[ee.c ns perrnitted <br /> by I�w;(b) to�II sums eecured by this Secudty Inatru�nent; �nd(c)�ny excese to the person or person+legally entitled to <br /> It. <br /> 22, Reoouve;���ce. Upan paymcnt of :dl sunu sccured hy this Securiry lnsirumcnt, Lcrder sHall request Tnista to <br /> roconvey the Property ord shall surrende� this 5a:urity Instrument wnd All notes evidencing debt cecured by this Security <br /> Inatrument to Trustee. Truata sFull recomey the Property without werrnnty:+nd withaut charge ro the�erson or persons le��lly <br /> endded�o it. Such peraon or persons slwll pay any recordaeion costs. <br /> 2.3.Sub�lkute Tnata. l.en�ler, at its option. m�y from time to tin►e rcmavo Tn�sta rnd appoint a succeuor tru�sta to <br /> w�y Trustx rppofnted he►eunder by an inatrument rocordeci in the county in which this Secuiity Instrument is recordeci.Wilhout <br /> �bnvey�r�ce of�he Propeny,tha succrssor t�usta shall succoed to all the title,pciwer and duties conferral upon Trusta lurein <br /> rixl bv�pplicr�ble law. <br /> 1A, Keq�a1 �or Notkta. Borrower rcqueste tlut copits of the notices uf dcfault�nd sale be scne to Hnrrower'�a�drcss <br /> which ii thc P'roperty Addrcaa. <br /> 2S.Ridetr to t64 Security I�trutnent.If one or morc dders�re eaecuted by Borrowtc and rao�ded tagether with Ihis <br /> Security lnstniment, the oovenants u�d agrcemcnts of each wch rid�r stalt be incorpo��ated inta�rwl shdl amnd �nd supRlsment <br /> the rnvnwnta ud agramenta of this Secunty InstNrnent as if the rider(s)were a put af this Secudty Instrument. <br /> [Chec��ppiicable bux(a)l <br /> Adjusu+ble Rate Ridcr ❑Condominium Rider 0 I-4 Funily Rider <br /> Gradwted Psyment Rider Pl�nn�d Unit Development Rider ❑Biwakly Payment Rider <br /> Balioon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider 0 Se�ond Home Rider <br /> V.A. Rider ❑Uther(s)I��fY] <br /> BY SIGNING BELOW,Horrower aocepts and agroes to the terms and covenants cuntainod in this 'ty Instrument u�d <br /> in any rider(s)executod by Borrower ud rocorded with i ^ <br /> WI�IIGS�CS: _ � � _ ' �� �_ r �f� <br /> l�+) <br /> L ENCE J PECK <br /> .. � (Seal) <br /> ANA L PECK •�� <br /> ��� (Sal) <br /> •Borrawer •Honorver <br /> STATE OF'PVEBRASKA, County se:HALL <br /> The forcgoing inttrument wss acknowledged before me this 31 ST day of DECEMBER •199$ • <br /> by LAwRENCE J PECK AND ANA L PECK • <br /> Witness my hud and rwtui�l seal in s�ic!Counh.thed�ute�fotesaid. <br /> �RAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> My Commission Expira: �� r' -- <br /> �NERAI NQiARP•SUteof Neprxq N0�'�"�K <br /> QAVIU F.QQHMEN <br /> Mh'��n.bp.Aul��,1000 <br /> r <br /> r�.q.e o�e � �� 0� <br /> .�_:��..�-,�._. <br /> -----:��i£��:��s�'��°-m= <br /> .:�.a�.�.- "--.,.::�__�.-�.�:=,-��:�.,�w.:��_--- - <br /> -_--_�._.:=,"!�i�:r-��r&t�,'tI`� .—__--- - ---- <br /> z:.L-;='• �_",�'�' �-T�_v�.��. - ---------- <br /> ''s �.� '" H...= .� -- - — - - - -- <br /> ;��3�Sif�;'�Si,L`��:���e'r-�.� ` °- - _ �---_- � _ <br /> A�..t� �,,, �t�:�'S6 <br /> ��yY.,+s��'��.7v t_ ���,���':'$.�Cp, -+�}aT�caaa�+�eQmrnr��a -- - <br /> -.k:};,?a. .ic�� a:u���l��i s _ _ ' __' _-- . -_ . . <br /> 1 ���-�-,t �`S��s^�Sl.� 4�ti.a _-._,e__.,--a __ __.. .-���.___.�.�,�..____ . ._."_"_ <br /> ..`���t � '1 Z �t�y` f-y7�'y'si�ImTag� _st^ _ � =.- . .�.���_�___��__`"'"— — — <br /> �,�y 1 i1t.. �Y'[ ti{' �lf.�..�� �— i <br /> . F�.n F _ ��?_ �fl{Si�l�� . . �ti��K..'�i 74!'�r's.�.� — — _ <br /> .ni. f 1��; _• J'� 3_ <br /> �Sl�� � � �� r••'�r�t'.a�+�}��/t'����3` �':��R��f' _ <br /> • " .•�'1 .,l 1r .Y.l�..e< JF4.�T:��: atf� �Wi 7 � .. <br /> , L . .. . � .� . � 4i��. <br /> . � . , , ' ... �t V .3:-'��t+...1L..C... 'r y�;JL��__.-- <br /> 319+� . ' ' . , , . � � {,,_ <br /> — ' ' ., , " - .' . .. :.•".��':.u�;'`- <br /> �_r��. ` . - ' . .. . l� i�t�41� ... . .. .— _- __—'----'—___. <br /> +�� �-. <br /> .:� - • ...._.,_ ' ' " ".. . �. ._' ' .. ... '`.'^;_.._�..:b.�,'.. '�6��1•i'lC _.� <br /> ..�....; . r!' ..� J���IR'R <br /> ! ��fd'.--.����,— <br /> �w.x'�....Zi'�t.:..�.rLd�_,:i::ati.6:�:..G..i,k.'i i..,i�� <br />