<br /> ��� ID #; ********9354Q2�14
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrovv �tems. S�rro�ver sha�� pay ta ��nder on �he day P�ri�d�c Payments are due un.d�r �he
<br /> N���, unt�l ��i� Na�e �s pa�d i.x�. ful�, a sum �the "Funds"} �a prov�d� f�r payment �f am.oun�s due for: �a}
<br /> taxes and assessments and other �tems�vh�ch can at�a�n pr��ri�y over�his 5ecurit� Ins�rumen�as a�ien or
<br /> encum�ranc��n the Pr�per�y; �b} �eas�hold pa�ments or graund rents on the Pr�perty, �f an�; �c} premiums
<br /> far an� and all insurance required by Lender u�.der Seet�on �; and �d} Martgage �nsurance prem�unls, if
<br />:;::: an�, or an�sums payable��r Forrav�e�r �o L�nder in�xeu of th� payment of Mortgag� �ns�urance prem.�ums
<br />=y`��� in acco�danc�v�ri�h the prov�si�ns af 5ec�x�n�D.These�tems are cal�ed "Escrow Items." A�ori rnat�on�r at
<br /> g
<br /> any t�me dur�ng the �erm. of�he Loan, L�nder �ay requ�re �ha� Communi�y Assoc�ation Du�s, �`ees, and
<br /> Assessm�nts, �f any, b� escr��ved �y Borrov�rer, and such dues, f�es and ass�ssm�n�s shal� b� an Escrow
<br /> It�m. Borro��r sha�1 promp�ly furn�sh to Lender a�l notices of am�unts to be paid und�r th�s Sectian.
<br /> Barrovv�r sha�l pay Lender th�Funds for Escrflw��ems un�ess Lend�r rt�va�ves Forrower's obiiga��on to pay
<br /> �.�Funds for any or all Escrow��ems.Lender ma�r v�a��e Borra�ver's o���gat�on to pay�o Lender Funds f�r
<br /> any�r aI�Es�ro�v I�ems at an�r�ime. Any such wai�er ma�flnly�e in vvr��ing. �n the event�f such v�a��er,
<br /> Borrow�r shali pa� dxrec��y, wh�n and �vhere payable, th� am�unts due far any Escr�v� Ztems for vxrhieh
<br /> payment of Funds h.as been wai�ed by Lender and, �f Lender requires, sha�� furn�sh to Lender r�ee�pt�
<br /> eviden��ng suc� pay�men� with�n such time per�ad as Lend�r may requir�. Borro�sr�r's o��igatxon t� make
<br /> su�h payments and �� pro��de r�ceip�s sha�l for a�� purposes b� de�med to 1ae a co�venant and agreem�nt
<br /> cQn�ained �.r� th�s 5ecu�rity �nstrument, as the phrase "covenant and agre�ment" xs used in Sec�ion 9. If
<br />��:�`�����: Borrov�er �s obligated to pa�r Escr��v �tems direct��, pursuant to a v�ra�ver, and Borra��r fax�s to pay the
<br /> amoun�du� for an Escro�sr��em, Lender ma� exerc�se �ts rights under Sec�ion 9 and pay suc�a�n.�unt and
<br /> Borro�ver sh�.i�then be�bl�ga�ed under S�ct�on 9 to r�pay�o Lend�r any such an�.�unt. Lend�r ma�r re�rake
<br /> �he vva�ver a�ta any or a�� Escrovsr��ems at any�ime by a n�tice g�v�n in aceordanc��r��h Sect�on 15 and,
<br /> up�n such rev�ca�ion, �orrower shall pay�o Lender a��Funds, and in su�h am�unts, tha�are�hen requ�r�d
<br /> under�his Se��ion 3.
<br /> Lende�r may, at any��me, co�lec�and hold Funds �� an am�unt �a} suffic�ent��p�rm�t Lender��app��r the
<br /> Funds a��h��ime specified under RESPA, and �b} not t�exceed the�naxrmum amount a�ender can requ�re
<br /> und�r RESPA. Lender shall estYmate the amoun.t of Funds du� on the bas�s of curren�da�a and reas�nab�e
<br /> est�mates of e�p�nd�tur�s of futur�Escr�w��ems or o�herw�s�in a�cordance v�ith App��cab�e Law.
<br /> The Funds sha��be held�n an�ns�itu��an�srhose d�pas�ts are insured�y a federa�agen�y,ins�rumen�a�ity,or
<br /> en�i�y �including Lender, �f Lender�s an�.ns�itu��on whose depos��s are sfl insured} or Xn any Federa��Home
<br /> Loan Bank. L�nder shal� app�y the Funds to pay th� Es�row �tems no Iat�r �han ��.e �ime spee�f�ed under
<br /> RESP.�1. Lender sha�1 not charge Borr��rer for h�lding and apply�ng the Funds, annua��� analyz�ng �he
<br /> escrov�r a���un�, ar ver�f��ng �he Escrovv ���ms, unless Lender pays B�rr��ver �nterest on th� Funds and
<br /> Applicable Law p�rm�ts L�nder to make such a charge. Unless an agreemen� is made in writing or
<br /> Applica��e Lav�r�qllires�nteres�to�e paid on the Funds, L�nd�r sha11 no�b�requ�red to pay Borrov�er an�
<br /> �n�erest or earnings on the Funds. Borro�rer and L�nder can agre��n v�rr���n.g, ho�rever, tha��n��rest sha��be
<br /> paid on �he F`unds. L�nder sha�X g�ve �� Borrower, vs�ith�u� charg�, an annual acc�un��ng of the Funds as
<br /> required by l�ESPA.
<br /> �f there �s a surplus of Funds h��d �n escrow, as defin�d under RESPA, Lender sha1� account �o Sorrawer
<br /> for the exc�ss funds �n a�cordan�e�r�th RESPA. Xf there �s a shor�age of Funds held �n escrow, as defined
<br /> under RESP�, Lender s�a��no�ify Forrower as�equ�red�y RESPA, and Bor�ov�er shall pa�r to L�nder the
<br /> amo�un� necessary �❑ make up th� shartage in accordance wi�h RESPA, bu� �n no more than 12 mon�hl�
<br /> payrn�n�s. �f�h�re �s a d�fxeienc�r of Funds h��d �n escrov�r, as def�ned und�r RESPA, Lender sha1� no��fy
<br /> Borr�w�r as requir�d �y RESPA, and �orra�re� shall pa��� Lender�he amoun�necessar��a make up the
<br /> def�ci�ncy�n accordance�r�th RESPA,but�.no�r�.ore�han �.2 monfhly pa�rnen�s.
<br /> Upon pa�rme�t �n fu�I �f a�� sums secured by th.�s Securi�yr �ns�ru�nen�, Lend�r sha�� prampt�y r�fund to
<br /> Borrawer any Funds he�d by Lender.
<br /> 4. �ha rges; L ien s. Borrower sha�l pay a�� taxes, assessme�.ts, �harges, f�nes, and �mpas�tions a��r��butabl� to
<br /> the Proper�y vsrh�ch can a�ta�n pr�ori�y a�er th�s Se�ur��y�nstrument, �eas�h�Id payments�r ground ren�s on
<br /> fhe Pr�per�y, if anys and �ammuni�y Association �ues, F�es, and Assessm�n�s, �f any. T� the ex�enf tha�
<br /> thes�items a�re Escr�w��ems,Borrovver shal�pa�r them in�he mann�r prav�ded�n Sect�on 3.
<br /> ��rrawer shal� promp�ly discharge an� lien wh�ch has priorr��r ��er th�s Securi��r �nstrument unless
<br /> �orr�wer: �a} agr��s in v�riting to�h�payment of the��ligat�on secured by the��en.in a manner accep�abl�
<br /> �o Lender, but only sa �ong as Barrow�r xs p�rfor�n�ng suc�agreeme�.�; �b� con�es�s the 1�en �n good fa�th
<br /> by, or defends agaxnst enfarcemen� �f�he lien �n, �ega� pro�e�dings wh�ch Xn Lender's opin�on opera�e ��
<br /> prevent �he enfor�emen� of the lien wh�Xe thos� proce�d�ngs ar� p�ndin�, but fln�y unti� su�h pro��ed�ngs
<br /> are canc�uded; �r �c� se�ures fr�m�h�halder of�he��en an agreement�atisfactor�t� Len�er subard�nat�ng
<br /> the I�en to this Securi�y Ins�.rum�n�. If L�nder determ�n�s that any part nf�he Praperty is subje���o a��en
<br /> which�an attain pr�ority a�er this S�cur�ty Ins�rum�ni, Lende�may g�ve�orro�r�r a nat�ce identify�ng�e
<br /> �ien.Wi�hin ��da�s of the date an�rhich that notice is g��en, B�r��v�er sha��satisfy the�ien or�ake one or
<br /> m�re of�h�ac��ons se�f�rth a�bflve in this S�ction 4.
<br /> NEBRASI�A--Single Famiiy--Far�nie�aelFreddie IVlac UNlFQRM 1N5TRUMENT Form 3D�8 'l10'�
<br /> Deed o#Trust-NE
<br /> 24�6--NE�0$1�3} Pag�4 0��2
<br />