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_......... <br /> ��14�1143 <br />�`sS`:, <br /> I��C ID #: ********93540��14 <br /> Parcel �D Numb�r: 4��D�14�3 which �urr�ntly has th� address of <br /> 1�14 N BR�ADWELL AVE, GRAND ISLAND , <br /> [Stree�lCi�y] <br /> Nebraska �8 8�3�-3 7�8 �"Property Address"}; <br /> jZ�p Code� <br /> TD�ETHER 'L]�ITH a�� the impra�emen�s na�r �r hereafter erect�d �n �he property, and aIl easem�n�s, <br /> appurtenances, and f��tures no�v�r her�af��r a par��f the proper�y. All rep�a��ments and add���ans shal� a�so�e <br /> �: co�ered b� this Seeuri��r �ns�rument. AIl af the for�going �s referred to in th�s Security Ins�rumen� as the <br /> �s i'Pr�perty." <br /> BC�RRDVL�ER CC��TENANTS tha�Barrawer�s�avvful��r seised of th�es�at�hereby conveyed and has�he righ��o <br /> grant and canvey the Prflper�y and tha� th.e Prop�rt� �s unencumbe�ed, excep� for �n�um�rar�c�s �f record. <br /> P�r�ro��r v�rarrants and w�11 defend generall�the�i�le t� �he Property against a�.���a�ms and demands, sub�ect �o <br /> any encumbran�es�f r�card. <br /> THIS SEC�..�R�TY �NSTRUMENT c�m��nes uniform c��enants for natiana� use and nan-un�for�m co�enan�s <br /> wi��.l�m�ted variat�ons�y jur�sd�ct�an to cans�i�u�e a un�form se�urity�ns�rument co�eri.x�g rea�proper�y. <br /> UN�F�RM�DVENANTS.�orrav�er and Lender co�r�nan�and agre�as f��Z�ws: <br />�;:�:;:��<` l. Payment nf Principal, Interest, Escrow Item�, Prepayment �harges, and Late �harges. Borro�er <br />�`=��°�'� shall pay�rh�n due t�e principa� ❑f, and inter�s��n> the debt evid�nced b� �h� No�e and an�r prepa�rment <br /> charg�� and�ate �harges due under�he Note, Barrower shall aXso pay funds for Escrow ��ems p�ursuant ta <br /> 5ec�xan 3. Pa�ments due urid�r the Nate and �his Secur�ty �nstrurn.ent sha�l be made �n U.S. curr�n�y, <br /> H���ver, �f any ch�ck�r other �ns��umen�r�ceived by Lender as paymen�under the Note or�h�s Securi�� <br /> Inst�u�nent�s returned t�Lender unpa�d, Lender�n.ay requi�e that an�❑r ai�subsequ�n�pa�rments due under <br /> the �ote and this SeGuri��r rnstrument be made in one ❑r �nore af �he fol�ow�ng f�rms, a� s�lec�ed b� <br /> Lender: �a} cash; �b} mon�� �rder; �c} certi�'�ed check, bank che�k, treasurer`s check or cashier`s check, <br /> provided an�r such ch�ck is dra�rn upfln an insti�u�xon whose deposi�s ar� insured �y a federal agency, <br /> �ns�rumental�t�,or ent�ty;��r �d} E�ectronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s ar� d�emed rec�i�ed�y Lender�rh�n rece��ed a�the laca��on des�gnated �n�he No�e ar a�such <br /> other loca�io�. as n�ay �b� des�gna�ed b� Lender �n accordanc� w�th the not�ce pro�isiflns in Sec��on ��. <br /> Lende� ma�r r�turn any paym�n� flr par�ia� payment �f�he payment or partial paymen�s are insuffic�en��a <br /> bring the Loan curren�. Lender ma�acc�pt any�a�men� or part�al paym�n� insuf�'i��ent to br�ng the Laan <br /> current, �r�th�ut�va�ver of any�r�ghts hereur�der�r p�ej�.d��e �o �ts r�ghts t� refu�e sueh paymen�or par��a� <br /> payments in. �h� future, hut Lender is not❑b��ga�ed �o apply such payments a�th� �ime such paymen�s are <br /> accepted. �f �ach Periad�c Pa�nent is appXxed as of �ts schedu�ed due date, then Lender n.eed nat pay <br /> in���rest on u�applied funds. Lend�r may ho�d such unapp�ied funds un��l Barrovsrer makes pay�n�nts �� <br /> br�ng the Loan curr�n�. �f Barrav�er does no��o so v��thxn a reas�nabl�per�fld of t��ne, Lender shal� e�ther <br /> app�y such funds or re�urr� �hem to Forra�er. If not applied earlxer, such funds wi�l he app�ied �o �he <br /> �utstand�g pr�ncipal ba�ance under the No�e �mm�diate�� prior �o fore��osure. N� �ffs�� or ��a�n1 v�hich <br /> Borro�nrer m�ght have n�� or �n the future aga�nst Lend�r sha�l re�x�ve Borrower fr�m makin� paymen�s <br /> due under �he No�e and �his Securi�y �nstrument or perfarnl�ng �he co�enan�s and agr�ements secured b� <br /> th�s Securi���nstrumen�. <br /> �. App��cat��n of Paym�ents ��- Proceeds. Except as ❑��.er�vise describ�d in this 5ec�i�n �, a�l pay�m.ents <br /> accepted and appli�d�y L�nder sha���e applied�n th�fal�ow�ng�rder�f priorit�r: �a} �nterest due under�h� <br /> No��; �b} p��nc�pal due under�he Na�e; �c} amounts due under Sect�fln 3.Such payments sha�1�e appl�ed to <br /> each P�riod�c Pa�ment�n the arder�n�rhxch�t�ecarne due.Any r�maxnxn�am.oUnt�sha��be app��ed fi.rst�o <br /> la�e charges, sec�nd to an� other amaun�s due under this Securi�y rns�rum�n�, and th�n ta reduce �he <br /> pr�nc�pa�ba�an�e af�he Nat�. <br /> �f Lend�r rec�i�es a pa�xnen�from Barrovver f�r a de�inquen�P�r�ad�c Paym��n�v�h�ch�n��udes a sufficient <br /> am�un� �o pay any �a�e charge due, the pa�rmen� ma�r be app��ed to the del�nquent payment and �he �ate <br /> charge. If mor� than �ne Per��dic Payment xs ou�s�and�ng, Lender may appl�r any paym�n� rec�i�ed frflm <br /> B�rrav�r�r to�he repa�nent of the P�r�od�c Payments Xf, and t��he ex�en�that, �ach paymen�can be paid in <br /> fu1l. T� �h� ex�ent tha� any exc�ss exis�s after t�e payment is applied to th� fu1� pa�rmenf of one �r more <br /> Perxodxc Pa�men�s, sllch e�c�ss ma�r be app��ed to any �ate char�es du�. Volun�ary prepaym�nts sha1l �e <br /> applied fz�s��o an�prepa�r�rnent charges and then as d�scrib�d in th�No�e. <br /> Any app��ca��on of pa�m�nts, insuran�� proce��s, ��r Mis�el�aneaus Proc�eds to principa� du� under �h� <br /> No�e shall not�xtend or postpone the due da�e, or change�he amaunt,❑f�h�Periodic Payments. <br /> :� <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddi�iVlac UN�F�RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�2$ 'fl�'� <br /> Deed o�T�ust�N E <br /> ��06--NE��81�33 Page 3 of�2 <br />
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