<br /> ��14�1143
<br /> D�C ID #: ********�354D2❑14
<br /> Lender m.a� requ�r� B�rr��v�r ta pay a one-t�me charge for a rea� estate tax �er�fication andlor r�p�rting
<br /> serv�ce used by Lend�r in connecti�n w�th th�s Loan.
<br /> 5. Property �nsurance. Borrower sha�.� keep the �mprovements nfl�r existing ❑r hereafter erec�ed or� �he
<br /> Praperty i�sur�d aga�ns��oss b�f�re, hazards �ncluded within the term "e���nded c�verage," and any�ther
<br /> hazards �nc�uding, hu� not �im�ted to, ear�hquakes and fl�ads, f�r wh�ch L�nder requ�res insurance. Th�s
<br /> insurance sha�l be n�.aznta�ned in the an�.ounts €inc�uding deduc���le l�vels} and for�he per�ods �hat Lender
<br /> requ�res.'�LThat L�nder requ��res pursuan��a the preced�.g sen��nces can change during�he term flf th�Loan.
<br /> The �nsuranc� �arr�er pr�v�ding th� insu�rance sha�l b� ehos�n b�r Borrawer su�jec� �a Lender's r��ht ��
<br /> d�sapprove Borrawer's chaice, ��.�ch right shal� na� be e�er��sed unr�asanab�y. Lender n1a� require
<br /> Borraw�r�o pa�, �n connection��th this Loan, ei�her: �a} a�ne-time Charge for f�ood zvne deter�n�na�i�n,
<br /> cert��cation and �rack�ng serviees; or �b} a one-�im� �ha�ge for fl�fld z�ne de�ermr.ina��on and certif�ca�ion
<br /> ser��ces a�d subsequent charg�s eaeh time remapp�ngs ar s�m��ar changes �ceur �vh�ch r�asanab�� m.�ght
<br /> affect such determina�ion or ce���f�catxon. Borrower shall a�s� �� respons�bl� for �he paymen� of any �ees
<br /> imp�sed�by the FederaZ �mergency Management Ag�ncy�n connection wi�h �he revie�v�f any fla�d 2one
<br /> _ determina��an resu�t�ng fr�m an��jection by Barro�ver.
<br /> �f Borrov���fa�ls t�ma�ntain any of th�caW�rages des�r��hed abo�e, Lender may abtain xnsuranc�coverage,
<br /> at Lender's optian and�orro�ver`s e�pense.Lender�s under no obligati�n to purchase an�r part�cu�ar type or
<br /> amaun�of co�erage.Ther�fore,such co�erage sh�Il cover Lender>�ut m�gh�or m�ght na�pr�tect Forra�rer,
<br /> Borr�v�r�r's equi�y in the Proper�y, or the cant�nts of the Pr�perty, aga�ns�any r�sk, ha2ard or��ab�li�y an�
<br /> m�gh� pro�rrd� greater or lesser cav�rage ��an was preW��us�y in effect. Borrav�er ackn��r�edges that �he
<br /> cast�f th� i.r�..surance c��erage s� a�ta�n�d m�ght sign�f�cantly e�ceed �he cost of�nsuran�e tha� B�rro�rer
<br /> could have obta���d. An�amaunts disbursed b�L�nder under this Sect�on � sha�I beeame add�t�onal deb�
<br /> af Forro�rver secured by th�s 5ecur�t� �nstrumen�. Thes� amaunts sha�� 1�ear �n�er�s� a� the Nate rat� from
<br /> �he da�e af dis�urs�men� and sha�� be pa�rab�e, vvith such x�terest, upon no��ce from Lender to B�rravuer
<br /> request�ng paymen�.
<br /> Al��nsurance policies�requir�d by Lender and ren�v�rals of such pol�cies sha�1 b�sub�e���a Lender's��gh��o
<br /> disapprave such po�ic��s, sha�.1 include a s�andard mortgage �lause, and sha�� name Lender as martgagee
<br /> andlor as an addi�ional�oss payee. Lender sha��haWe th�r�ght to hold the pol�c�es and rene�va�certifica�es.
<br /> If Lender requ�res, Borr�vver sha�l prompt��r give �o Lender a�l receipts of pa�d premYums and renewa�
<br /> nn�ices. rf Barrov��r abta�ns an�fo�m of insuranee co�rerage, not otherw�se requrred by Lender, far damage
<br /> �o, or des�ruct�on of, ��e Prop�rty, such policy shal� �n�lude a standard mortgage clause and sha�l name
<br /> Lender as mor�gagee andlor as an add�tiona�loss pay�e.
<br /> �n th� even� af lass, B�r�o�ver shal� gi�� promp� n�tice to the �nsurance �arr�er and Lender. Lend�r may
<br /> mak� pr�of of��ss if not made pramptly by Bo�rower. Unless Lender and Borro�rer �therw�se agree in
<br /> wri�ing, any�nsurance proceeds, whe�her or no��he underi�r�ng insuxance vsras requir�d b�r L�nder, s�a�� be
<br /> app��ed �o restorat�on or repair of the Proper��, �f the res�o�atian o� �epair is ecanom�ca�1� feas�b�e and
<br />�:��:;�=: Lender`s security is no�lessened. During such r�pa�r and r�s�o�at�nn p�r�fld, Lender sha�l have the r�gh��fl
<br /> h�1d such insuranc� pr�ceeds until Lender has had an opportun.i�y to inspect such Property �o ensure the
<br /> �srark has be�n c�xnple�ed �o Lender's satxsfact�on, pr���ded �hat s�uch insp�c�ion sha�� he under�aken
<br /> pramp�ly. Le�der�r�.ay dishurse pr�ce�ds for�he repairs and restorat��n in a single paym.ent or in a series of
<br /> pragress pa�ments as the�v�rk is comp�eted. Un�ess an agreem�nt �s made in�rr���ng or App��ca�Ie La�v
<br /> �equires interes�ta b�paid on such insurance proce�ds, Lender sha�l not b�required�o pa�r B�rrawer�ny
<br /> �nter�st or earn�ngs on such proce�ds. Fees for pul�lic adjusters, or o�her�hird part�es, retained by B�rrowe�
<br /> sha�� no� be paid �u� �f the insurance proceeds and shal� be �he s��e ab�igation of gorrawer. If th�
<br /> res�ora��on or repa�r is na� ecanam�cally feasible nr Le�der's securi�y v�r�u�d be �essened, �e �nsurance
<br /> proc�eds sha��be app��ed��the sums secured h�th�s Securit��ns�rumen.t, v�rh�th�r ar no�then due,vu��h th�
<br /> excess, if an�, pa�d �o Borrov�er. 5uch �nsurance pr�c�eds sha�l be app�ied in the order prov�ded f�r �n
<br /> 5ee�ion�.
<br /> �f�orrower abandons the Pr�perty, Lender ma�f�ie,n�got�ate and se��le any a�a�la��e insurance�Iaim and
<br /> re�ated matters. If Ba�rov�er does na� respond withxn 3� da�s �o a na��ce fram L�nd�r tha� the �nsurance
<br /> earrier has offered to se��le a clax�r�., then Lender may negotiate and set�le the c�aim. The 34-day peri�d v��I�
<br /> begin v�hen �e nfl��ce is g�ven. Zn ei�her eve�t, or �f Lender acquires the Prap�r�y under 5ec�ion 22 or
<br /> oth�rv�ise, Borro�ver h�reb�assigns��Lender €a} Ba�ro�ver's rights�o any�nsurance pro��eds in an amount
<br /> no� to exceed the amounts unpaid und�r �he Not� or �his 5ecur�ty �ns�rument, and ��� any a�h�r af
<br /> Bnrravsrer's r�gh�s �other than th� righ� ta any refund �f un�arned prem�ums pa�d by Barrovver} under a�l
<br /> �nsuranee pa��c�es c�ver�ng t�e Praperty, insofar as such rights are app���ab�� �o the coverage af �h�
<br /> Property. Le��.er ma�use�he insurance proee�ds e��her to repaxr or r�s�or� the Proper�y or�a pay am�un�s
<br /> unpaxd under th�N�te ar this S�curi�y Instrument,v�rhe�her o�nat then due.
<br /> NEBRASKA--Sing[e Fam�iy--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�FDRM 1NSTRUMENT Form 3t328 '�!Q'�
<br /> Deed of Trust-N E
<br /> �a�6--NE�g81�]3} Page 5 af��
<br />�::_:.
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