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��14�1�5� <br /> r�quired by RESPA, and Barrower sha��pay�o L�nder�he amount necessar�to make up the def�cz�ncy �n <br /> accordanc�with RESPA, �ut�n no nzore than �2 m.on�h�y payments. <br /> Upan paym.�n��n fu11 of al� sum�secured by�his Secur��y �nstrumen�, Lender shall promp�ly r�fur�d�o <br /> Borr�wer a.�.y Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. �n a�rg es; Liens. Borraw�r sha��pay a���axes, asse�sments, charges, fines, an.d imposi��ons at�ribu�ab�e ta <br /> the Property which can at�a�n pr�arxty��er�h�s Se�ur��y �nstrumen�, leas�ho�d paymen�s or ground rents�n <br /> the Praper��, if any, and�ommun�ty Assoc�a��on Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f an.y. TI`o the���en��hat <br /> these items are Escrow�tems, Borrawer sha1�pay�hem�n the manner provided in Sec��fln 3. <br /> B�rra�ver sha��pra�r�.pt�y d�scharge any��en vvh�ch�.as pr�arity��er this Securz�y�nstrumen�unl�ss <br /> B�rr�wer: �a� agre�s�n�vr�t�ng ta�he pay�nent of the ab�igation s��ured by�he�ien in a manner accep�abie <br /> �o Lend�r, but anly sa Iong as Borra�rer is perform�ng such agreemen�; �b}contests the lien in gflod faith by, <br /> or def�nds against enforcement of�he�ien�n, ��ga�pr�ceedings wh�ch�n Lender's opin�an�perate�o prev�nt <br /> the enforcement af th��i�n while thos�proceedings are p�nd�ng, but anly unt�l such praceed�ngs are <br /> conc�uded; or�c} secures from the holder of the lien an agreement sa�isfactor��a Lender subordinating the <br /> �ien ta �his S�curzty�nstrument. If L�nder det�rmines tha�any par�of the Prflperty is subjec�ra a Ii�n v5rh�ch <br /> can attain pr�or��y over�his Security�nstrum�nt, L�nder may gi�e Barrower a notice ident�fy�ng�he��en. <br /> 'L�V�thin �D days of�he da�e on which tha�no��ce xs g�ven, Borrower shal� satisfy�he Iien or�a�e�ne or mare <br /> of the actian�set for�h above�n thi�Sect�on 4. <br /> L�nder may requ�re Borrov�rer�o pay a one-��me charge for a r�al es�at�tax v�rif�catian andlor repor�ing <br /> ser�i�e used by L�nder in cax���on w��h�h�s Loa.�. <br /> 5. Praperty Insurance. Borrower sha11 keep�he improv�ments now ex�stzng�r hereafter er�c�ed on the <br /> Proper�y�nsured agains�loss by fire, hazards inc�uded wzthxn�he term "ex�ended����rage," and any other <br /> hazards includ�ng, but na�l�mited to, ear�hquakes and f�oods, for which Lender requ�res�nsuranc�. Th�s <br /> �n�urance sha.11 be ma�nta�ned�n the a�m�unts��nc�uding deductible le�e�s}and far��e periods tha�Lender <br /> requir�s. VL�hat Lender requires pursuan�to the preceding s�nt�nc�s�an during�he term of�he Loan. <br /> Th�in��carr�er pra��d�ng�he insurance shall b�chosen by Barr��rer sub�ec�ta L�nd�r's right�a <br /> d�sappro�e B�rrov5r�r's chaice, whi�h r�ght sha��not be e�.ercised unreas�nably. Lend�r may requir� <br /> Borrower to pay, in connec��an v��th�h��L�an, e��her: �a} a ane�time charge for flood zo�e�ion, <br /> cer�ifi�atian and tracking s�rv�ces; or�b� a ane-��me charge for flood zone determ�.nat�on and cer��f�cation <br /> ser�ices and subsequen�charges each time remappings or s�mi�ar changes accur which reasonably might <br /> aff�c�such determination or certifica�ion. Barro�v�r sha�� also be respansi�I�f�r th�paym�nt af any fees <br /> imp�sed by the Federa� Emerg�ncy Management Agency�n cox�x�e��ian with the revi��of any f�aod zone <br /> d��ermina�i�n resu��zng from an o�ject�on by Borrovver. <br /> �f Borrower fails�o maintain any of�he coverages described above, Lender may ob�ain insurance co�erage, <br /> at L�nder's option and Borrawer's e�pense. Lender is under no ob��ga��on�n purchase any parricular type or <br /> amoun�of cov�rag�. Therefore, such co�erage sha1�cover Lender, but m�ght or migh�not protec�Borrnwer, <br /> Barro�er's equi�y in the Proper�y, or the contents of the Proper�y, agains�any risk, hazard�r liabil�ty and <br /> m�.�ht pra��de greater or lesser coverage than was prev�aus�y in effect. B�rrovver ackna�v�edges�hat�he�ost <br /> af the insurance�o�era�e so obtained might sign��can��y�xceed the c�s��f insurance�ha�Borrower cou�d <br /> ha�e obtained. Any amoun�s disburs�d by Lender u�.de�this S���ian 5 sha11 bec�me add�t�ana�de���f <br /> Borrower secured�y th�s Se�uri�y�nstrumen�. These amourits shal�bear in��re��a��he No�e rate from�h� <br /> date af d�sbur�ezx�ent and shal�be pa.�ab�e, w�th such�nter�st, upon notice fr�m L�nder ta Borrower <br /> requ�sting payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Si�g[e Family-�anni�Ma�l�re�fdie Mac UNI�ORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028�1�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6tN�)�13Q23 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inancia!5er�ic�s Page fi flf 17 <br />