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��14�1�5� <br /> Any app�i�at�on of paymeri�s, insurance proceeds, ar Miscellaneous Prnceeds ta�rincipal due under th�Nate <br /> �ha��not ex�end or postp�ne the due date, or chang�the amoun�, of the Perxad��Payments. <br /> 3. �nds for�scrow Ite�ms. Borrawer sha�i pay�o Len�er an�he day Per�od�c Paymen�s are due und�r the <br /> Na�e, until the Nate�s paid in fu�I, a sum��he "Funds"}to pro�r�de for payment of am.aun�s due for: �a��ax�s <br /> and as�essmen�s and other�tems�vhich can attain przor��y o�rer th�s S��uri�y �nstrum�nt as a�ien or <br /> en�umbrance on�h�Proper�y; �b} ��as�ha�d payments or graund rents on�he Property, �f any; tc}premuiums <br /> for any and a�� insurance requ�red��L.ender under Sect�on S; and�d} Mor�ga�e Insurance premiums, if any, <br /> or any sums payab��by Borrower to Lender in l�eu of�he payment nf Mar�gage�nsurance premiums in <br /> ac.cordance wi�h the pro�isions of Se���on ��. These i�ems are called "Escr�w��en�." At or�g�nat�on ar a� <br /> any time dur�ng th�term of the L.oan, Lender may require�hat�ammuni�y Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and <br /> Ass�ssments, if an�, be escro�ved by Barrower, and such dues, fees and assessrnen�s sha��be an Escrow <br /> �tem. Borrower�rarn�a��y furnish to Lend�r a11 no�ices of amaunts to be pa�d under�his Sec�ion. <br /> �flrro�ver shal�pay�.aender�he Funds for�scrow�tems unl�ss Lender�ra��ves Borrower's�b�iga�ion.�o pay <br /> the Funds far any or a.�� �scrov�r I�ems. L.,�nder n�a�wa���Borrower's ob��gation ta pay to Lender Funds for <br /> any ar aI� Escrovv��ems at an�time. Any su�h wa��r�r may only be in vvri��ng, In the e�ent�f such�ra�ver, <br /> Bflrrower sha11�ay directly, when an�where paya�le, the amounts du�for any Es�rav���exns for wh�c� <br /> paym�nt of Funds ha�b�n waiver�by Lender and, if Lender requires, sha�1 furnish�o Lender receipts <br /> �videnc�ng such paymen�wi�hin such�zme period as L�nder may r�qu�re. Borrawer's obligation�a make <br /> such payments and to provide r�ceipts shall far all purpases be deemed to be a covenan�and agreen�.�n� <br /> can�a�ned in�his Se�urity Ins�rum�nt, as the phrase "co�enant and agreement" is used in Sectxon 9. If <br /> Borrower is ob�igated�o pay�scrow��ems directly, pursuan��o a�vaiv�r, and Borr�w�r fai�s to pay the <br /> amoun�due for an�scraw��em, Lender may exerc�se its r�gh�s under Sec��an 9 ax�d pay such amoun�and <br /> Borrower shall then be obligated under S�ction 9 ta repay to Lend�r any such amoun�. Lender may re�oke <br /> �he�ra��er as to any or aII Escro�Iten�a�an�t�me��r a not�ce g��en�n accordance�vith Section �5 and, <br /> upan such re�vocat�an, Borrawer shal�pa�ta L�nder a�� Funds, and in such amaun�s, �hat are�hen r�quir�d <br /> under�his Sec�ion 3. <br /> , Lender may, a�any�ime, cai���t and hold Funds in an am�unt�a} �ufficien���p�rmi�Lender t� app�y the <br /> Funds at the t�me specif�ed under RESPA, and(b� n�t to�xceed the maximum am.oun�a�ender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha��estima�e the amnun�of Funds due on�he�asis of curren�data and reasonab�e <br /> es�ima�es of expendi�ures nf fu�ure Escrow�tems ar otherwise in acc�rdanr.�with Appl�ca��e Law. <br /> The Funds shal�b�held in an.�nst�tut�an whase deposi�s are�nsured by a federal agency, �ns�rumentaiity, or <br /> �nt�t�tinc�ud�ng Lend�r, �f Lender is an�n��xtution whase dep�s��s ar�so insured}or in any Federa� �Iame <br /> Loan Bank. Lender�ha�� appl�the Funds to pa��he Es�ro��tems no later than the��me specifi�l under <br /> RESPA. Lender shall n�t charge Borrower far ha�dxng and apply�ng�he Funds, annua��y analyzing�he <br /> escravv accaunt, or��rifying the Escr�w Items, unless Lender pays Barrav�v�r in��res�on the Funds ar�.d <br /> App�icab�e La►�v p�rr�uts L�nder to mak�such a charge. Un].ess an agreement�s made in vcrr�t�ng or <br /> Applicable Law re�u�res anteres��o be paid on�he Funds, Iaender shall no��e requ�red to pay�rr��r�er any <br /> interest ar earn�ngs�n the�unds. B�rra�ver arYd I.ender can agree�n wri�ing, ha�rever, �ha�interes�shall�e <br /> pa�d an�he Funds. �.�ender sha�� g��e�o�a�rrower, �uithout charge, an annual ac�oun��ng of�he Funds a� <br /> requ�red by R.ES�'�4.. <br /> �f�her�is a surp�us vf�unds��ld�n�scrovv, as defined under RESPA, Lender�ha�� accaunt to Borrower far <br /> �he exc.ess funds�n ac.cordanc�with R�SPA. �f�here�s a sh�rrag�of Funds held�n escrow, as d�fned under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha11 no��fy Barrower as required by R�SPA, and Borrower shall pay�o Lend�r the amaun� <br /> nec.essary to make up the shar�age�n accordance�vith RESPA, but in no more�han 12 monthly payments. If <br /> there�s a defic�ency af Funds he�d in escro►�v, as d�f�n�under RESPA, I,��der shall notify Borrawer as <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Far�ni�Mael�r�rfdi�Mac UNEF�RM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3flZ8�l�i <br /> VMP Q� VMPfi�N�y�i 302y <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices Pag�5 v#�7 <br />