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��14�1�5� <br /> A�� insurance polic�es re�uired by Lender and rene�va�s of such policies sha��be sub�ec��� Lend�r's r�gh�to <br /> disapprave such pa�icies, shall inc�ude a sfandard n�or�gage c�ause, and sha��name L.�;nder as mortgag�e <br /> andlor as an add��i�nal l�ss payee. I,�nder sha��ha���he righ���ha�d the po�ic�es and renewa� certif�cates, If <br /> Lender requ�res, Borrower shal�promptly gi�ve ta Lender a�.1 r�ceipts of paid premiurns and renewa�no��ces. <br /> �f Borro►�ver ab�ains an�f�rm of insurance coverag�, na�o�h�r�v�se required by Lend�r, for damage�o, ar <br /> destruc��on af, �he Prop�r�y, such po�icy shall include a s�andard mor�gage c�ause and sha�� name Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlar as an addi�ional loss pa�ee. <br /> �n th�event of�ass, Borrower sha�� grve prompt notice�o�he xnsurance carr�er arid Lender. Lender may <br /> mal�e proaf of�oss �f no���pr�mpt�y by Borrower. Un.les�Lender and Barro�ver otherwise agree�n <br /> vrrr���ng, any insurance proceeds, �rhether or not�he underlying �nsurance was required by Lender, sha��b� <br /> appli�d to res�ara�ion or repazr of�he Proper��, if�he r�storatian ar repair is ecflnorn�cally f�asib�e and <br /> Le�.der's se.�urity is na�lessen�d. During such repair and r�s�ara�ian periad, Lender shall�a�e the righ�ta <br /> ha�d su�h�nsurance�roceeds un�il Le:nder has had an opp�rtuni�y ta inspe�t such Propert��o�nsure the <br /> vvork ha.�been cnnlpleted to Lender's sa�isfac�ion, prav�ded�hat such insp�ction sha��b�under�a�en <br /> pron7p��y. Lend�r may d�sburse prace�ds for�he repazrs and restora�ion�n a�ingle paymen�or�n a series of <br /> pr�gress payments as�he wnrk�s comp�etec�. Uniess an agreement is mad�in vvr�t�ng or App�zcable Law <br /> requires in�erest�o�e paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shal�not b�required fo pay Borrower an� <br /> �n��rest or�arn�ngs on such proce�ds. Fees for publ�c adjus�ers, or o�her third par�ie�, retained by Borrawer <br /> shali not be paid out of th�insuranc�procee,ds and shall be the s��e obl�gation of Barrower. �f the restoration <br /> ar repair�s not e�,onamically feasibl�or Lender's security would b��essened, the insuranr.e prvr.�eds shali be <br /> applied�o th�sums se�ured by�h�s Secur��y �ns�rumen�, whether ar nat then due, with�he excess, �f any y <br /> pa�d to Sorrower. Such insurance prace�ds sha��be applied in the order pro�id�d far in Secti�n Z. <br /> �f Borrower aba�adons the Property, L.�nder may fi1e, neg��iat�and se��ie any a�vailable insurance ciaim and <br /> related matters. If�arrower daes na�r�spond within 3�days�a a not�ce frorn Lender that�he insurance <br /> �arrier has affered�� se�tle a c�aim, �hen Lender may n�gotia�e and settle�he�laim. The 3D�day period wi�� <br /> beg�n when�he no��ce�s g��en. In ei��ier e�ent, or if I,end�r acquires�he Prap�r�y under Sect�an�2 or <br /> o�herwise, Borrower hereb�r assigns�a Lend�r�a} Borrower's righ�s�o any �nsurance proceeds in an an�oun� <br /> na�to e�c.e�d the amounts unpaid under�he Note or this Se�uri�y�nstrument, and�b� any o�her of <br /> Borrower's righ�s �other than th�r�gh�ta any refund af unearned prem�un�paid by Barro�rer�under a�l <br /> insurance policies c���r�ng�he Proper�y, �nsafar as such r�ghts are applicab�e to the co�erage of th� <br /> Proper�y. Lender may use the insuranc.e proceed�e�ther�o repa�r ar res�or��he Prop�r�y or�a pay amou.nts <br /> unpa�d under the No�e or�his S��ur��y �ns�rumen�, whether or not then due. <br /> �. []��upancy. Borrovver sha��occu�y, �stab�ish, and us�the Proper�y as Borrovver's�r�ncipa.l residence <br /> wi�h�n 5�days after�he e�ecu�ion af�his Security �nstrumen.�and sha��cant�nu��o occupy�he Praper�y as <br /> BQrrower's pr�nc�pa� res�dence far at�east one y�ar after�he date�f accupanc�, unless Lender o�herwis� <br /> agre�s�n wri�irig, �rrh�ch consent shali n�t be unreasar�abl�vcr��hheid, or un�ess�e�tenua�ing c� <br /> exis�w�aich are beyond Barrawer's con�r�l. <br /> 7, Pres�r�ation. Niaintenan�e and Protect�vn vf the Praperty: �nspectivns. Borrawer sha�l nat des�royy <br /> damage or�n�air the Proper��, al�aw the Praper�y�a deteriora�e or�omm�t waste on the Proper�y. Whe�her <br /> or n��B�rrawer�s res�ding in the�'rflper�y, Borrower sha�i ma�n�ain�he Propert�in arder to preven�the <br /> Properfiy frv�m d��erxarat�ng ar decreasi�g in value due�a ��s�flndi�ion. Unless�t is determi.ned pursuant�� <br /> Sec��on 5 tha�repair or restara�ion�s not economi�a�ly feas�b�e, Borro�rer sha��promp�ly repair�he Proper�y <br /> if damaged�� a�o�d fur�h�r de��r�ara��on or damage. If insurance or condemna�ion proceeds are pa�d in <br /> connection with damage to, or�he�a.king of, �he Prop�r�y, Barravver shall be resp�nsib�e for repa�r�ng or <br /> restoring the Proper�y only if I.ender has re�eased proc�ds far such purposes. L..ender may disburse proceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-Fann�e MaelFr�ddie Mac IJNIF�RM lNSTRUMENT �orm 3428'i 10� <br /> VMP� VMPfi{N�y{13�2� <br /> Waiters Kluwer�i�ancia!5�r�ic�s Page 7 vf 17 <br />