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��14��943 <br /> requ�red by RESPA, and Barra�ver shall pay to Lender the amnunt necessary ta make up the d�fic�ency in <br /> accordance�vz�h RESPA, but in n�mare than �2 monthly payments. <br /> t�pon payment in ful�of all sums secur�d b�this Security �nstrument, Lender shai�promp��y refund�o <br /> Barrower any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borro�v�r sha�l pay a�� tax�s, assessments, charges, �nes, and imposit�ons attributabl�to <br /> �h�Pr�perty�vhich can a��a�n pr�ori�y over this Secur�ty�nstrumen�, �easehold paymen�s or ground ren�s an <br /> the Prop�r�y, �f any, and�ammunx�y Assflc�atz�n Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f any. To the ext�n��ha� <br /> these xtems ar�Es�raw It�ms, Borr�vver shal�pay them�n the manner prov�ded zn Sec��on 3. <br /> Borrawer�hal.�promp�iy discharge any lien vvhich has priority over this Secur�ty Instrumen�uniess <br /> B�rro�ver: �a} agrees�n v�ri�ing to��e payment nf the abligation secured�y the lien in a manner accep�ab�� <br /> �o Lender, bu�an��so�ong as Borrower is perfarming such agreemen�; �b}con�ests the lien in good faith by, <br /> or defends against enf�rc�ment of the Iien in, legal proceedings vvhich in Lender's opinion operat�to preven� <br /> �he enfarcemen�of the l�en�hile�hase proc�edings ar�pending, �u�anly unt�� such proceed�ngs are <br /> c�n��uded; �r�c} secures from�he h��der of the l�en an agreement sat�sfactory to Lender subordinating the <br /> 1�en�a th�� S�curzty�ns�rum.ent. �f�,ender determ�nes�ha�any par�flf�he Properfiy�s sub�ect ta a��en whic�i <br /> can a��ain przorx�y aver�his�ecuri�y �n�truxnent, L�nder may giv�Barrower a not��e�dentifying�he�ien. <br /> W'i�hin 1 D days nf the date�n vvhi�h�hat nati�e is gi��n, Borro�er shal� satisfy�h��i�n�r take ane or more <br /> nf�he actions set for�h abave�n th�s Se��ion 4. <br /> Lend�r may requ�re Borrovc�er to pa� a ane-time charg�for a reai esta�e�a�veri�ca��on andlor reporting <br /> s�r�r�ce used by L�nd�r in�onne��xon v�ith thzs Loan. <br /> a. Praperty Insurance. Barrn�ver shall keep�he irnpr�vennen�s na�r exi�ting ar�ereafter ere��ed on�he <br /> Prop�rty insured agains�loss by fire, hazards included within the term "ext�nded coverage," and any oth�r <br /> hazards including, but�o��imit�d�o, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires�nsuran��. This <br /> insurance sha11 b�mainta�in�d�n the amaunts�including deductibl��e�e�s} and f�r�he per�ods�hat Lend�r <br /> re�u�res: '�Vrhat Lend�r r�qu�re�pursua.�.t�o�he pre�ed�ng sentences can change during�h��erm of the Loan. <br /> The insurance carr�er pr��idin�the insurance shal� be chosen by Borro�er subject�o Lender's r�gh�to <br /> disapprov�B�rrower'�cha�ce, whi�h righ�shall na�be e��r�ised unreasonab�y. L�nd�r may r�quire <br /> Borrower to pay, in cannecti�n w�th thzs Laan, exther: �a} a one�txme charg�for f��ad zane de�ermination, <br /> �er�z�ca�ion and tra�king servic�s; or�b} a one-t�m�charg�for flaod zane de�erm�nation and cer�i�ca�ion <br /> ser�rices and subsequent�harges each�ime remappings or�imi�ar changes occur u�hich reasonab��rn.�ght <br /> affe�t such det�rmina�ian or�er�i�catifln. Borrower sha�� alsn be responsib�e f�r the payment of any fees <br /> impos�d by th�Federal Em�.ergency Management Agency in cannection�v�th�he rev�ew of any flaad zane <br />��on resu��ing fronz an ob�e���on by Barrnwer. <br /> �f Borrawer fai�s to nlain�ain any�f�he caverages described above, Lender may ob�ain insurance coverage, <br /> at L�nder's op�ion a�.d Borrower's expense. Lender is under na abligation to purchase any par��cu�ar type ar <br /> amaunt of cov�rag�. Theref�re, such ca�erage shall cov�r Lender, but migh�or m�ght no�pro�ect Borrawer, <br /> Borrav�er's��uity in�h�Property, or the con�ents of the Prop�r�y, agains�ar�.y rxsk, hazard flr�iab�l�ty and <br /> m�.ght pro��de great�r or�esser c��erage than was previousiy in effe�C. Borro�er ack�.o�v�edges tha�the cost <br /> af�h�insurance c��erage s�ob�a�ned na.igh�szgn�f�can��y exc�ed�he cost of�nsurance�ha�B�rrawer c�uld <br /> have�b�ain�d. Any amount�disbursed by Lender under�h�s Sect�an S shall become addit�nnal,debt of <br /> B�rrower se�ured b�r thxs�ecurity�ns�rumen�. These amoun�s sha�l bear interest at the Nat�ra��fram�he <br /> date of disbursemen�and sha��be payabie, w�th such in�erest, upon r��tice fr�m L�n��r�o B�rr�wer <br /> requ�sting payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famify-Fannie Mael�reddi�Mac UNtFaRM INSTR�MENT �orm 30Z8 71Q� <br /> VMP[�y VMPfi�N�y{13Q21 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financia�Ser�ices Page fi af 17 <br />