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��14��943 <br /> All �nsurance po�i�ies requ�red by Lender and renewais�f such polic�es shall b�suh�ect to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove such poli�ies, sha�� inc�ude a standard mor�gage clau�e, and sha��na�me Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an add�tional �flss payee. Lend�r sha��have the ri�ht ta ho�d�he po�icies and rene�val cer�ifica��s. �f <br /> I.�nder requ�res, Borr�wer sha1�promptly g�ve�o Lender a�l receip�s�f�aid prem�un�.s and r�newal notic�s. <br /> �f Borrower abtains any form�f insurance cav�rage, no��therwise required by Lerider, for damage�o, or <br /> d�struct��n of, �he Proper��, such po��cy sha�� include a s�andard mor�gage claus�and sha��name Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an additxonal. ��ss pay�e. <br /> in�he e�ent of�ass, Borrower sha�� �i�e pranzp�n��ice�o�h�insuranc.�carrier arad L�nder. I.ender may <br /> make proaf af lass if nnt made promptl�by Barrov�r�r. I�n�e�s I.ender and Borrow�r other�vise agree�n <br /> writing, �n�insurance praceeds, whether or not the underl�ing insuran�e was requ�red by L.ender, shail be <br /> app�i�d to restora�ion or repair of the Pra�er�y, if the restaratian or repair�s�conam�.ca��y feasible and <br /> I.ender's se�urity�s not lessened. During such repair and restara�ian per��d, L�r�der sha�.�have the righ�to <br /> hold such�nsuranc.e�roc�eds unt�� Lend�r has had an opportun�ty�o inspe��such Prt�per���o ensure the <br /> w�rk has been campleted.�a Lender's sat�sfac�i�n, pra��ded tha�su�h insp�c�x�n sha1��be under�aken <br /> prom�.p�Iy. L�nder may d�sburse pr�c�ds�'or�he r�pairs and restora�ion in a��ngle pa�ment or in a ser�es of <br /> pragress payrr�ents as�he work�s campleted. Unless an agree�nen�xs�nade in writing or Applicab�e Law <br /> requxres in�eres��a be paid on such insuran.ce proceeds, I.�nder sha��not be required to pay Barro�ver any <br /> in��re��or earnings an such proceeds. Fees fflr publ�c adjus�ers, ar o�h�r�h�rd par�i�s, r�tained by Barravver <br /> �ha�I nat be paid out�f the insuranc�pro�eeds and shall be�he s�le�b�iga��an of Barrow�r, �f�h�res�orat�on <br /> ar repair rs not ecflnomica��y feasihle or Lender's s��urity wauld b�Xessened, �he insurance proceeds sha.��be <br /> app�ied t�the sums secured by�his Secur�ty �nstrum�n�, �hether or not then due, with the e�.cess, �f any, <br /> pazd�a Borrawer. Su�h insurance praeeeds sha��be app��ed in the order prov�ded for�n Sectian�. <br /> If Borrower abar�dons the Property, Lender may fi�e, negotiate and set��e any avai�ab�e�nsurance ciaim and <br /> rela�ed mat�ers. If Borro�rrer does no�respond��th�n 3�days to a notic�from Lend�r tha�the insuranc� <br /> carrier has off�r�d�o set��e a��aim, then Lender may n�go�iate ar�d settle�he c�aim. The 3�--day per�od vv��� <br /> beg�n vvhen�he no��ce�s g�ven. �n either e�ent, �r if L�nder acqu�res the Praper�y under Section ZZ or <br /> otherw��e, Borrower hereby ass�gns to L�nder�a} Barravver's rights�a any�nsurance proceeds xn an amount <br /> no��n exceed�he amoun�s unpaid under�he Na�e ar�his Se�ur�ty �nstrumen�, and��� any o�her of <br /> Borro�ver's r�gh�s (other than the right to any refund of unearned prem�ums paid��Barrower}under alI <br /> �nsuran�e pa�ic�es c��er�ng the Pr�per�y, �nsofar as such r�gh�s are appl�ca�l�ta the caverage of�he <br /> Proper�y. L.ender m.ay use�h�insuranc�proceeds e�t�er�o repa�r or res�ore�he Praper�y nr�o pa�amounts <br /> unpaid und�r�he Note vr th�s Securi�y �ns�run�en�, w�.e�her or no�then due. <br /> �. �ccupancy. Borr�v�er sha��occupy, establish, and use the Praper�y as Barra�rer's pr�ncipal residen�e <br /> w�thin 6D days af�er�he execu�ian of this Security instrumen�and �ha���,ontrnu�ta occupy the Praperty as <br /> Barrower's pr�nc�pa� r�sidence for a��east one year af�er the da�e af accupancy, uniess Lender o�erw�s� <br /> agrees i��rrifii�ag, which consen�sha��nat be unreas�nably wi�hhe�d, or un�e�s�x�enuat�ng c�rcumstanc�s <br /> exi st which are beyond Borrower's Gontro�. <br /> 7. Preservation, Mair�te�ance and Protectian of the Property; [ns�ections. Borrovcrer shall no�destroy, <br /> damage or znapai.r t�.e�'roper�y, a��ow the Pr�per�y�o deteriarate or com.mi�was�e on�he Proper�y. ��ther <br /> or no�Borro�ver�s residing in th�Praper�y, Borrower sha11 maintain the Praper�y in ord�r�a�re��n�the <br /> Proper�y fram d��errorating or decreasing in val.ue due�o its cond�tion. Uxil.ess it is defermined pursuan�to <br /> Sec�ion S tha�repa�r or r�stora�ion is not�conamically feas�bxe, Borrower shali promp��y repair�he Proper�y <br /> if damaged�o avoxd further d�ter�orat��n or damage. If�nsurance or condemna���n prac�ds are paid in <br /> connect�on w��h darn.age to, or�he�aking�f, the Pr���r�y, B�rrawer sha��be responsible for repair�ng�r <br /> res�oring�he Praper�y on�y if Lender ha�r��ea�ec�prace�ds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proc�eds <br /> N�BRASKA-Sirtgle Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Ma�UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3D2$11�� <br /> VMP[� VMP6�N�y{�34�) <br /> Wvlters K�uwer Financi�l Services Page 7 af 17 <br />