<br /> An� app�ication�f payments, insurance proc�eds, or M�scel�aneous Praceeds�o pr�nc�pa� due under�he Nate
<br /> shall not e�tend ar postpone the du�date, or change��.e amoun�, of the Per�odic Paymen�s.
<br /> 3. Funds for Es�r�w Items. B�rrower shal�pay to L�nder on�he day P�riodic Paymen�s are due under���
<br /> Na�e, un�i��he Na���s paid�n fu��, a sum�rhe "Funds"} to pro��de for pa�men�of amounts due for: �a}taxes
<br /> and assessments and other it�ms wh�ch can a�tain priori���ver�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rumen�as a�ien or
<br /> encumbrance on th�Proper�y; �b}leaseho�d paymen�s or graund ren�s on the Proper�y, if any; �c}premiums
<br /> for any and a�� �nsurance required b�Lender under Section 5; and �d} Mor�gage Insurance prem�ums, if any,
<br /> or any sums payable b�Barrawer to Lender in�x�u Qf�he payment af Mor�gage Insurance prem�ums in
<br /> acc,ordan.ce with�he pravisions af Section 1�. 'Th.ese�tems are ca��ed "Escrow�tems." A�or�g�natian or a�
<br /> an�r�ime during�he�erm nf the Laan, I..�nder may requ�re that Cammurii��r Assac�ation Dues, �ees, and
<br /> Assessmen�s, if any, be�s�row�d by Barrower, and such dues, fees and ass�ssments sha��be an�scrow
<br /> Item. Bvrr�wer sha11 promp��y fu�sh��i�nder a11 notices of amoun�s to be paid un.der�h�s SeC�inn.
<br /> B�rrower sha��pa�Lender the Funds for Escrovv��ems unless Lender v�rai�es Barrawer's obliga�ion to pay
<br /> the�unds fnr any or a�� Escrow��ems. I.�nder may�rai�ve Borrower's ob�iga��an t�pay�o Lender Funds for
<br /> any or al.l Escrovv I�ems a�any tirne. Any such wa��rer�rna�only b�in writing. �n the e�en�of such�rai�er,
<br /> Borr�w�r shall pa�dire�t��, when and wher�payabi�, the am�unts due for any Escrov�r�tems for wh�ch
<br /> paymen�af Funds has been�raiveci by Lender and, �f I.�nd�r requires, sha��furn�sh�a Lender rec�ip�s
<br /> �videncing such payment wi�hin such time periad as Lender ma�require. Borrovver's nbliga�xon�o mak�
<br /> such pa�ments and to pro�ide r��eip�s sha�� for a��purpflses�e d�em�d�a be a covenant and agr�ement
<br /> con�ained in th�s Securit�Instrument, as th�phrase "ca�enant and agreemer��" is us�d�n Section 9. �f
<br /> Borrower�s ob��ga�ed�a pay�scrow��ems directly, pursuant ta a v�ra�ver, and Borrawer fails to pa��he
<br /> amoun�due for an Escrovcr Item, Le;nder may exerc�se its righ�s under Se��ion 9 and pay such amount and
<br /> Borrvwer sha��then be ob�igated under S��tion 9��repay to Lender any such am�unt. Lender may re�oke
<br /> the wai��r as�a any flr axX EsGrow��en�a�any t�m�by a notice given�n accflrdar�ce wi�h Sectian 15 and,
<br /> upan such re�oca�ian, Borrow�r sha��pay�o Lender a��Funds, and in such amoun�s, that are�hen required
<br /> und�r�h�s Sectian 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any�ime, callect and hald Funds in an amaun��a} suff�c�en�t�pernut Lender ta app�y the
<br /> Funds at�he time spe�ifie�i under RESPA, and(b}no�to e�ceed the maximu�n amoun�a Iender can require
<br /> und�r RESPA. Lender sha���s��ma�e the amount of Funds due an�he basis af current data and reasonable
<br /> �s�imates af expend�tures af future Escrovv�tem�or o�herwise in accorda.nc�e vvith App�i�ab��Law.
<br /> The Funds sha�l be he�d�n an institution whose depos�ts are�nsured by a federa� agenc�r, �ns�rumentality, ar
<br /> en�i�y�inc�uding Lender, �f Lender is an insti�u.tian�vhase d�p�si�s are s� insured}�r�n any�edera�Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender shali apply the Funds�o pay th�Escrow�tems na �ater�han the t�me specified und�r
<br /> R�SPA. Lender sha��not charge Borrovve�r for holding and applying the Funds, annua��y analyzing�e
<br /> escrow accoun�, or�er�fy�ng�he Escrow���ms, ur��ess Lender pays Barrower�nter�st an the Fund�a�d
<br /> Applicable Law permits Lend�r�a mal��su�h a charge. [Jn�ess an agreeme��is made in�vr��xn�ar
<br /> Appiicab�e Law requires interest ta be paid on�h�Funds, Lender sha��no�be requ�red to pay Borraw�r any
<br /> interest ar earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing,hawever, �hat in�eres�s�.a�l��
<br /> paid on t��Funds. L�nder sha��give�o�v�rawer, w�thou�charge, an annua� accaunting af th�Funds as
<br /> required by RES�'A.
<br /> �f�here�s a surplus�f Funds held in�scrow, as d��ned under RESPA, Lender sha�i aC�aunt�� Borravver for
<br /> the excess funds in ac�ordance w�th RES�'A. If there is a shor�age of Funds held in escraw, as d��ned und�r
<br /> ��SPA, Lender�hal�natif�r B�rro��rer a�r�quxred b�r�ESPA, �nd Borrov�er�h�a.��pa��to L�nd�r�h�amau��
<br /> necessary to nzake up the shor�age in accordance���h RESPA, �ut in na mare than �2 month�y pa�rmen�s. If
<br /> �here�s a deficiency of Funds held in escraw, as defined under RESPA, Lend�r sha��no�ify Barrov�er as
<br /> N�S#�ASKA-Sing(e�amiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM iNSTRUMENT Form 3028�101
<br /> VMP� VMPE(N�J ti 3Q2}
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