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��14��51� <br /> DEED �F T�L�ST <br /> Lo�r� N�: 87���°��'I3 �G��t�nued� IPage a <br /> enforce any of the covenants hereof; and <br /> �c} �]�[�ver fio Trustee a writ�en dec�aratian of defau[t and demand �or sa�e and a wri�en nofiice a�default <br /> and e[��t�an to caus�Trustor's inter�s�in the Properfiy to be so[d, which no�ic�Trus�ee shall cause�a be <br /> dufy fi[ed#or record�n the appropria�e off�c�s o-f the Caun�y�n�nrhi�h the Property is[ocated; and <br /> �d� Vllith re:spect tv ��1 or any part of the Personaf Property, Le.nder sha�.[ have alf the rights and remed�es <br /> o�F a se�ured party under the hleh�raska Uni�orm �vmmereia[ Code. <br /> Fore�losure by Pvwer v#Sa�e. {f L�:nder e1e��s to foreel�se by exerc�se a�the P�wer af Sa[e herein conta�ned, <br /> Lender s�alf noti€y Trustee and shall depvsit v�ri�h Trustee this De�d �f Trusfi and the Credit Agreement and <br /> such �-eceip�s and_e�idence�€expenditures made and secured �y this IJeed of Trust as Trustee may r�quire. <br /> {a} Upon reeeipt of such notice from Lender, Trustee sha[[ cause to be recorded, pub[�shed and de[i�ered <br /> t� Trus�or such Notice vf I�efault and Notace of Sal� as �hen requEred by �aw and hy�his Deed of Trusfi. <br /> Truste� shal[, �nr��hout demand on Trustor, af�er such time as may �hen be re�uired by faw and afiter <br /> rec�rdation vf such Notice o� Default and after Notice o�r Sa[e having been gi�en as re�uired by[aw, sell <br /> the Property at the �Eme and place of sale ���ed by it in such Notice o� Sa�e, eifiher as a w�v[e, or in <br /> separa�e lo�s or parce[s or items as Trustee sha[[ deem expedient, and in such �rder as i�may de�ermine, <br /> a� pub�ic auction to�he highes�bidder for cash in law�u! money o��he Un�ted States payab�e at the tirr�e <br /> of sale. Trustee shall defi�er to such purchaser or purchasers thereof its good and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds con�eying �he property so sold, but without any covenant or warranty, express or imp[ied. The <br /> recitais in such deed of any matters or facts sha11 be c�nclusi�e proof of the tru�kh€ufness �hereof. Any <br /> person, inc�uding v►rithout�imi-�ation Trus�or,Trus�ee, or Lender, may purchas�at such sale. <br /> {b} As may i�e permit�ed by law, a-�er deducting all c�sts, fees and expenses of Trus�ee and o-� this <br /> Trust, including costs of ev�dence a�title�n cannec�ion wi�th sa�e,Trustee shall app�y�he proceeds a�sa[e <br /> �o payrn�nt af �i} a(� sums expended under �he �erms vf this Deed of Trust or under the �erms o€ the <br /> G�-�dit Agr�emen� nat then repaid, including but nat limited to accrued interest and fate charges, �ii} al� <br /> o�her sums then s�cured hereby, and {iii} �he rerr�ainder, if any, t� th.e person or persons le�ally entitted <br /> ther�tv. <br /> {c} Trustee may�n the manner provfded hy law postpone saEe of al[or any portivn of�he Property. <br /> �emedies Nvt ExcIusive. Trusfi�e and Lender, and each of them, sha�I he entit[ed �o enf�rc� payment and <br /> perfiormance of any indehtedness or abligat�ons secured by this D�ed o�Trust and to exerc�se all rights and powers <br /> under �his Deed of Trus-�, u:nder the Credit Agreement, und�r any of the Related aocum�nts, ar under any o�her <br /> agreement ��- any laws now or hereafter in -�orce; nvrtwithstanding, svme or a[� o� such �ndebtedness and <br /> obligations secured by th�s Deed �f T�us�may n�vtir or her�after be oth�rwise secured, whether by mortgager deed <br /> of trust, pledge, lien, assignmenfi ar othervirise. lVei�her the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its en�orcemen�, <br /> whether by cour� action or pursuan� to the power of sa�e or a�her powers contained in �his Deed o�Trust, shall <br /> prejudice vr in any manner a�fect Trus�ee's flr Lender`s ria�ht to r�alize upan or en�orce any other security now or <br /> herea�er h�fd by Trus�ee a�Lender, it being agreed�hat Trr�stee and Lender, and each o�thern, shall be en�itled to <br /> �nforce th�s D�ea1 0-�Trust a.nd any othe� securi�y now or herea�ter helc[ by Lender or Trustee in such order and <br /> rnanr�er as they ar either of them rnay in their ah�olute discretion dete�rnine� 1Vo rernedy con�erred upon �r <br /> reserved to Truste� �r Lender, is intended t� be exe[usi�e a� a�y other rerr�edy �n �his �]eed �f �rust or by lavu <br /> praWided or perrni��ed, bu� each shalI be curnula�ive and sha�l b�: �n addi�ian t� every ather remedy g��en in t�is <br /> Deed o��rus�ar now or h�r�after �x�sting at law or�n equ�ty or by s�atu�e. E�ery pawer or remedy gi�en �y�he <br /> Gredit Agreement or any o� the Rela�ed Documen�s to T�-ustee or Lender or �o which eifiher o-� �hem may be <br /> othe�wise entitled, may be exercised, concurren-�[y or independently, from time to time and as o�en as may b� <br /> deerned e�pedient �y Trustee vr Lender, and either o� them may pursue inconsistent r�medies. NathEng in this <br /> Deed of Trust shalf be construed as prohib�ting Lender �rom seel�in� a d�f€ci�ncy judgment agains�the Trustor ta <br /> the extent such a�ti�n is perm�tted by Iazrv. <br /> E�ec�ivn of Remedies. A[[ o� L�nder's rights and remedies will be cumufati�� and may be exercised alane vr <br /> toge�her. lf Lender decides to spend money or �o per-form any of Trusto�r's vb�igations under -th�s Deed of Trus�, <br /> after�"rustor°s fa�[ure �o do so, �h�� deeisivn by Lender wil� not afFeet Lender's righ�to dec[are Trust�r in de�au�t <br /> and�o exercise Lender�s remedies. <br /> �equest far Nv�i�e9 Trus�ar, an beha[�of�rus�or and Lender, �a�reby requests that��opy o�any Nofiac�❑f�7efauCt <br /> and a copy af any Notice ��Sa�� under�his Deed o�F Trust be �ail�d to�he� a�t�e �ddresses se��orth �n�1ne�irst <br /> �arag�aph of this Deed a�Trust. <br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender ins�titutes any su�� ar ac�ion �o en€�rce any o� the te.rms of this �eed of <br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitl�d to recove�such sum as�he caurt ma� adjudge reasonable as attorneys' �ees at trial <br /> and upon any appeal. Whe�her or no� any court ac�ian is �n�o[�ed, and to the ex�ent nv� prohibified by law, all <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incur� �hat in Lender's opinion are n�c�ssary at any time far the protection of its <br /> interes�t ar the enforcement of its rights shall l�ecome� part o�th� f ndebtsdness payabl� on denr�and and sha[[ bear <br /> in�erest at the Cr�dit Agreement rate from the da�e of the expenditure unt�l repaid. Expenses co�ered by this <br /> paragraph include, withou�t I�m�tati�n, howe�er suh��ct to any Lim�ts under applicab�e [aw, Lend�r's atrtorneys' �ee� <br /> and Lender's Iega[ expenses, whether or not there is a lawsuifi, �neluding atto�-neys` €e�s and expenses for <br /> bankruptcy prviceedings {inc�uding efF�rts ta modi�y or�acate any automatic stay or injun�tion�, appea[s, and any <br /> anticipated post judgmen� co�fectivn serv«es, the cos� of searching records, o�taining title repor�s �inc�uding <br /> �orec[osure repor�s�, su�veyors" reparts, anc� appraisa-� fees, titfe insur�nce, and fees �o�the T�ustee, fio�he ex�en� <br /> permitted by appf iCab[e�aw. Trusfior also�vi[� pay any cour�cvs�s, in addition�o a11 other sums p�r���ded by Iaw. <br /> F�ights af Trustee. Tr�stee shall ha�e all of�he r3gh�s and duties af Lender as set�orth in this sect�on. <br /> P�1J1t'ERS AND �BLIGATIQNS �F TRUSTEE. The�ol[owing provisions re�a�ing �v the powe�s and �bEiga�ions o�Trustee <br /> are par�of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Powers of Trus�ee. fn addi�ion to all p�wers of Trus�ee arising as a matter of[avv, Trus�ee sha[[ ha�e the power�o <br /> take�he �o���wing activns�nri�h respect fiv the Proper�y upon �he wrEtten request��Lender and Trustor; {a}join in <br /> preparing and fi[ing a map or p€at of the Real Praperty� incCuding �he dedication o� s�reets or other righ�s �o th� <br /> public; �b� �oin in granting any easement or creating any rest��ctivn on �he Real Property; and {c} �oin in any <br /> sul�ordinafiion or other agreemen�affecting th�s Deed at Trust or�he interest of Lende�under this Deed of Trust. <br /> T�ustee. Trust�e sha[C meet a11 qualif'rcations requ�red for Trustee under applicable [awe 1n addit�vn �o the rights <br /> and remedies s��far�h a�aove� �►virth respect�o �11 or an� part v�the Property. the Trus��e sha[� ha�e th.e r�gh�tv <br /> foreclose by r�atice and �aler and Lende� w€�i ha�� �h� rig��to fvreclose by judicia� for�cl�s�re, in either case in <br /> a�cordanee�rvi�h an�I to�h�fu1�ex�en��ro�ided �y appli�ab�e�a�w. <br /> Su�cessor Trus�ee. L�nder, at Ler�der's option, rr�ay�rvm �ir�e�v�ime appoin�a successor Trus�ee to any Trus�ee <br /> appointed under this De�d of Trust by an instrumen� execu�ed and acknvw[edged by Lender a�d recorded in th,e <br /> o���ce af �he recorder o� HALL Caun�y, 5tate of Nebraska. The instrumen� sha[[ contain, in addi�ian to al� other <br /> matters requ�red by sta�e �aw, �he names of �he or�ginaf Lender, T�rus�ee, and Trusto�, �h� book and page �or <br /> cvmput�r system reference} where this Deed af Trust is re�orded, and �h� name and address vf fihe succ�sso�r <br /> trus�ee, and the instrum�nt shai! be executed and a�knawledged E�y a[[�he benef'rc�ar�es under th�s Deed of Trust oc <br />