<br /> �EE[� �F TRU�T
<br /> L�an NQ: �7'2��9�1� ��o�t��ued� Page �
<br /> documentary stamps,and o�h�r charges far recording or registering th�s ❑eed��r Trust.
<br /> �axes. The �oilowing sha�I cvns�i-�ute �axes ta virhich this se��ion applies: {�� a speci�ic tax upon this typ� of
<br /> Deed v�Trus� or upon a[� or any par-� of�he lridebtedness s�cured by�his Deed o-�Trus�; �2} a specific �ax on
<br /> gorroirver which Borrov�rer is au�harized or required to d�duct�rvm payments on the lndeb�edness s�cured by this
<br /> t}rpe of Deed of Trust; �3} a ta�c�n�khis�ype o�Deed v�Trus� chargeab[e against the Lende�or�he holder vf the
<br /> Credi�Ag�-eement; and �4} a speci�ic tax on all or any port�vn of th� [nde�tedness or�n paym�nts o�pr�n�ipal and
<br /> �nterest made by B�rrower.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. lf any tax rto which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date o�this D�ed o�
<br /> Trust, this e�ent sha�l ha�e the same ef�Fect as an E�ent o� De�au[t, and Lender may e�ercise any or a11 0� its
<br /> avaifable remedies �or an E�ent o� De�ault as pro�ided be[ow unfess Trustor either �'�} pays the tax before it
<br /> becomes de�inquent, or ��� contests the tax as pro�ided abo�e in the�Caxes and Li�ns section and depos�ts with
<br /> Lender cash or a suf�icient�orpora�e sure�y bond�r other securi�ty satisfac�vey�o Le�d�r.
<br /> SECURET`r AGRE�MENTI F�NANG�N� STATE11�E1VTS. The follo�ing pro�isions relating to th�s aeed of Trus� as a
<br /> securi�y agreement are a part of this Deed o�Trust:
<br /> Se�ur�#y Agree�me�t. This instrumen-� sha�I c�nstitute a Security Agreemen� �to �he extent any o� the Pr�perty
<br /> cans�itu�es fix�ures, and Lender shalC ha�e a�( of th.e rights af a secured party unde�the Uniform Commer�ia� Code
<br /> as amended�From�ime�o time.
<br /> Security lnteres�. LJpon request by Lend�r, Trustor sha[[ �ake wha�e�er action is �-eques�ed by Lender ta per�ect
<br /> and cvntinu� Lender's security interes� in�he Persor�al Property. !n addition tfl rec�rding this Deed v�Trus�in�he
<br /> real proper-�y recards, Lender may, a� any time and without fiur�her au�hvrizat�fln -�rom Trustor, -��[e execu�ed
<br /> count�rparts, copies or reproductions a� this Deed of Trust as a �inancing s�a�ement. Trustor sha�� reimburse
<br /> Lender �or a[[ expens�s incurred in p�r�e��ing vr cvntinuing �his security �nteres�. lJpan d��au�t, Trus�or shall no�
<br /> remo��, se�er or d�tach the Person.al Property from the Property. Llpon default, Trustor sha[f assemb[e any
<br /> Persona� Property not affixed �v the Property in a rnanner and at a pface reaspnably con�e-nien� to Tr�stor and
<br /> Lender and make i� avarCable to Lender wi�h�n �hree �3} days after rec�ipt v� virritten demand �rrom Lender �o the
<br /> extent permit�ed by app�icab[e faVv.
<br /> A�dr�ss�s. The ma€��ng addresse.s ❑� Trus�ar �debtor� and Lende� {secured party} from which informatian
<br /> concerning -�he secur�ty interest granted by-�his Deed of Tr.ust may be ob�ained �each as r�quired by the Uniform
<br /> Com.mercial Code} are as stated on�he firs�page of�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSE�RANCES; ATT��NEV-IN-FACT. The fo[[owing pro�is��ns relating to �ur�her assuranc�s and
<br /> attorney-En-fac�are a part o�this Deed�f Trus�:
<br /> Fu�her Assurances. At any time, and from fiime �o tirrie, upvn reques� of Lender, Trus�or wil� maI�e, execute and
<br /> de�i�er, or will Gause tv be nnade, executed or de�i�ered,tv Lender or�o Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause �o be ���ed, recvrded, refiled; or rerecorded. as �he case may be, at such times and in such offices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and a[� such martgages, deeds of�rus�, securi� deedsf security
<br /> ag�eemen�s, �inancing s�atements, cantinuat�on s�a�ements, ins�ruments of further assurance, cer�i�icates� and
<br /> other documents as may, in the so[e apinion ��Lender, be necessary o�r desirable in order to effec�uat�, comple�e,
<br /> pe��ect, continue, or.preserve �'[} Borrower's and T�-ustor's ob[igations under the Credi�Agreernen�,�th�s I]eed of
<br /> Trust, and the Related Dacuments, and {2� the liens and security in�erests cr�ated by th�s ❑eed o€Trust as �i�-st
<br /> and prior]iens an�he Proper�ty; whether now owned o�hereaf�er acquired by Trustar. Unless prohibited by[aw or
<br /> Lende�r a�rees tv the contrary in writing, Trustor :Shall r��mburse Lender �or all costs and expenses incurred in
<br /> connection with�he m.atte�s referred to in�rhis paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fact. lf Trustor fails tv do any of the things re�erred to in the p��ceding paragraph, Lender may do sv
<br /> for and �n the name o�Trustor and at Trustor`s exp�nse. For such purpases, Trustor hereby ir�-e�ocably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trus�or's attorney-in-fac�far the purpose of r�aking, �xecuting, deii�ering, filing, rec�rding, and cioing all
<br /> ather th"rngs as �ay be necessa�y or desirable, in Lenderys sofe opi-nion, �o ac�ompl�sh the matters referred �o in
<br /> -�he preced�ng paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�I��NCE. �f Borrawe� and Trust�r pay a[l the Indebtedness when due; terrnina�es the c�edit line acc�un-�,
<br /> and Trustor�therwise perforrns a���the�h�igations imposed upon Trus�or under fihis Deed o�Trust, Len.der shall execu-�e
<br /> and de[i��r ta Trustee a requesfi �vr �uil recon�eyan�e and shall execu�e and deli�er tv Trus�or suitable statements of
<br /> termina�ion of any €�nancing state-men� on f�[e evidencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Personal
<br /> Prvper�y. Any reconveyanc��Fee requ�red by faw sha[C be paid by Trustor, if permitted by applicab��faw.
<br /> EVEINTS �F 1DEFAULT. Trus�or wiC[ be in defau[t under this Deed of Trus� if any o�r the �QI[vwing happen: �A� Trustor
<br /> cvmmits ��aud or makes a materia[ misreprese.n�a�ion at any �ime in conne�t'ron wi�h the Credi-�Agreement. This can
<br /> include, for example, a ta[se sta�ement abou�t Borrower's vr Tru.stor's rn�ome, asse�s, [iahrli�ies, ar any Qther aspects a�
<br /> Borrower's or Trustor's fin�nGia! candi�ion. �B� Borrower does not mee�#he repayment terms of the Credit Agreement,
<br /> �G} Trustor's ac�ion �r inaction�ci�erse[y a�fects the collatera� or Lender's rights in the co��ateral. This can inc�ud�, �or
<br /> example, �ailure to maintain required insuranc�, was�e�r des�ruc�ive use of the dwelling, fai[ure to �aay taxes, d�ath a�
<br /> all persons liable on �he accoun�, transfer of �i�le or sale af �he dwe[[ing, �reation of a senior lien on the dwe[fing
<br /> wi�hout Le:nder's perrn�ssion, �orec[osure by the holder of an�ther lien, or�he use of funds vr the dwe[Iing for prohibited
<br /> purpases.
<br /> R��H`�5 AND RE1IJ�ED�ES �N DEF�UL`f. [f an E�ent�f De�au[t occurs under this Deed of Trust, a� any time thereafter.
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender may exerGise any one ar more of-�he fof lo�rving rights and remedies:
<br /> A�Gei�r��ivn Upvn�e�auit,Add�tional Remedies. lf any Even�o�Default occurs as per�he�erms of the Credifi
<br /> Agreemen�secured hereby, Lender may deelare a[l Indebtedness secured by th�s D��d �f Trust to be due and
<br /> payab�e and �he sarne sha�f thereupon became due and payab�e v�ri�hou�any presentment, demandr �3CDtE5��C
<br /> notice of any�ind. Thereafte�-, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Either in person or by agent; WEfi�'1 or withou� bringing any ac�ion vr proceeding, ar by a �-�cei�er
<br /> appointed by a cour�and without rega�d to the ad�quacy o�r its seourity, enfier upon and take passession
<br /> of the P�Qpe=rty, vr any part thereof, in e�s ovun narr�e ar i:n the name of Truste�, and do any ac�s which it
<br /> deenns nec�ssar�or desirable to pr�s�r�e�he�alue, rnarlcetabi[ity or ren�abifity of�he Proper�y, or part af
<br /> �he Pr�per-ty or inte�es� in the Prope�-�y; �ncrease the income from the Property ar prote���he secur��ty of
<br /> �he Prope�ty; and, �ri�h or withou� talu:ng p�ssession of �khe Proper�y, sue ��r or ot�erv�rise �ol�ect the
<br /> ren�s, issues and p���its vfi�he Prvperty� in�[udrng those past due and unpaid, and appfy�he sam�o �ess
<br /> costs and e�penses of operation and co[�ection attorneys� fees,to any�;ndebtedness sec€�red by this �eed
<br /> af Trust, a�i in such order as Lender r�ay de��rrn`rne. The enrtering upon and �a[cing possession a� fihe
<br /> Praperty, the cvllec�ion af such ren�s, issues and pro�its, and �he appiicati�n th�reaf shall no� cu�e �r
<br /> wai�e any de�au�[t ar natice of defaul� under this Deed fl�T�-usf or in�aiidate any a��t done in response�o
<br /> such defau[-�or pursuanfi to such nvtice o�de�ault; and, nortwifhs�kandir�g the continuance in pvssession of
<br /> the Property or the col[ection, receip� and app[ication af ren�ts, issues or pro�Fits, Trusfiee o� Lender shall
<br /> be enti�cfed to exerc�se eWery right pr��id�d �or in the Credit Ag�eement or��e Rela�ed Documents or by
<br /> [aw upvn the occurrence of any eWent of default,ineluding the right to exercise the povver�f sale;
<br /> �b} Gommence an action ta �Foreclos�this Deed af Trus�as a mvrtgage, appoin�a receiver or sp�c���ca�[y
<br />