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<br /> �EE� �F `TRL���`
<br /> L�an Nfl: �7��59�7� ��[]�t��1u�d� Page �
<br /> th�ir successors in interes�. The successar t�ustee, without �on�eyance of the Proper�y, sha�� succeed �o aIi -�he
<br /> tit[e, �DWeC� and du�ies c�n�erred upon the Trus�ee in�his De�d o�Trust and hy ap,p�i�able �aw. This procedur�fior
<br /> substitu�ion of Trustee shall go�ern to the e�€clusion o�ai�other provisions�or subs�i�u�ion.
<br /> �II�TIC�S� Any nvtice required �o be given under this Deed o�Trus�, inc[uding �nrithout limitation any n�tice of defaul�
<br /> and any notice of sale sha[[ 1�e gi�en in wri�in�, and shaCi b� ����cfii�e �nrhen actuafly deli�rered, when ac�ua[�y r-ece�ved
<br /> by�ele�aesim�[e {uniess otherwise required by lavtir}, when deposited wi�h a nationally recagni�e�l o�ernight courier, or,if
<br /> ma.i�ed, when deposited in the United S��a�es mai�, as�irst c�ass, Gert�fied �r regis�ered ma�� p�stage prepaid, directed to
<br /> the �ddresses shov�in near�h� beginning o��his Deed of Trus�. All copies �f no�ices o�fareclosure�ram �he hoider of
<br /> any [��n v�rhich has priarity �v�r this Deed o�Trus� sha�! be sent fi❑ Lender's address, as shov►�n near the beginning of
<br /> this Deed of Trust. Any p�rson may change his Qr her address far notices under this Deed o�Trust by giving fvrma[
<br /> in�ri�en not�ce to the v�her person vr persc�ns, specifying that the purpose of the notice is �� change the person's
<br /> address. For not�ce purposes,Trustor ag�-ees to keep Lend�r �nfvrmed at all t'rmes of Trustor's current address. lJn�ess
<br /> otherwise pro�ided or requ�red by �aw, i�F�here is more than one Trustor, any notice g��en by Lender�v any Trustvr is
<br /> deemed to be n�tice given�a all Trus�ors. It wi[f be Trustor`s responsibili�y�o fiell�h���thers of the notice from Lender.
<br /> N��SC�LLANEaUS Pt��V[SI�NS. The fa��owing misce[faneous proWisions are a pa�t o��his Deed o�T�-ust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. Wha� is writfien in this Deed o�Trus� and in th� R�la�ed Documents �s Trus�or's entir� agr��ment
<br /> wi�h Lender concerning the matters cv�ered by this Deed o�Trust. Ta be effec�iWe, any change or amendment�o
<br /> this Deed of Trust mus� be �n wri�ing and must be signed by whoe�er wi[[ �e bound or ob[iga�ed by the change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Caption Headings. Captivn headings in this Deed of Trus� are for c�nW�nienGe purposes vnly and are not to be
<br /> used tv snterpret or de�ine the pro�isions vf this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Merger. There sha�l be no merger o�the in�erest or es�a�e created by-�his Deed o�Trus�wi�h any other in�erest�r
<br /> es�ate in�he Property a�an}��ime he[d by or for�he benefit v�Lender�n any capacityo wi�hau��he written con�ent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Go►rern`rnc� Law. This De�d o�Trust wi11 be go�erned by fecI�raI I�w app�E�abie fio Lender andr ta �he ex�en�not
<br /> preerx�p�ec�by federal�aw,the laws vf the State of Nebraska without regard to its con���cts o�!aw p�ovis��ns. This
<br /> Deed af Trust has been a�cepted by Lenc�er in�he 5tate o�Nebraska.
<br /> Ch:oice a�1!'enue. [f th�re is a [a�rvsui�, Trustar agrees upon Lender�s request to submit�o the jurisdic-�ion ❑�fihe
<br /> caurts of Hall County, Stat�o�Nebraska.
<br /> Jo�n� and Se�eraI L�ab�t�ty. A[[ obligations �� gorrower and Tru.s��r under �his Deed af Trust sha[[ be �oint and
<br /> se�e�ra�, and al� references�a Trustor shal[ m�an each and eWery Trustar, and all referen�es tv Borrower sha[[mean
<br /> �ach and e�ery Borrower, This means�ha�each Trusfior signing below �s responsib[e for a11 ob[iga�ions in this ❑eed
<br /> of Trust.
<br /> No�adver by Lender. T�ustor understands Lender wi[� not gi�e up any of Lender's righ�s under�his ❑eed af Trus�
<br /> unless L�.nder does so in irvriting. The fact that Lender delays or ami�s to exercise any right inrill not mean th.at
<br /> Lender has g��en up that right. lt Lende�- does agree in writing ta gi�e up ane o� Lender's righ�s, that does no�
<br /> mean Trustor will n�t �aWe to comp�y wi�h the o�her pro�isions o�F this Deed of Trust. Trustor a[so unders�ands
<br /> tha�C if Lender daes consen� tv a request, �hat daes nat mean that Trus�ar vvi[[ no� have to ge� Lender's consen�
<br /> again if�h�situati�n happens again. Trustvr fur�her understands that just because Lertder consents to one or more
<br /> o�Trustor's �eques�s, tha�does nofi mean Lender will be r��uir�d to consen�to any o�Trustorrs future requests.
<br /> Trustar waiWes presentment, d�mand far paymen�, pro�est, and notice of dishonor.
<br /> Severa�iIi�y. �f a cour-� finds that any provision o�this D�ed of Trust is nat �alid or should nat be enfvrced, that
<br /> �act by itself will no�mean tha��he rest of this Deed of Trust will not h� Wa[id or en�orGed. Th�refore; a cour-�vsrill
<br /> en�vrce�he rest of th�pro�isians a�F th€s Deed of Trust even if a proWision of this Deed o�Trus�may be�Found to be
<br /> �nWa�id or unen�orcea�le,
<br /> Suc�essvrs �rtd[Ass�gns. Subject�o any limi�a�ions stated in this Deed of Trust an trans�er af T�ustor's in�erest,
<br /> this Deed o�Trus�shall be bindi'ng upon and inure ta the �enefi� v�the parties, �heir su�cessars and assigns: [f
<br /> ownership o�F fiha Prvper�y becorr�es Wes�ed in a person o�her than Trus��r, Lender, vvithout natice to Trus�or, may
<br /> de�l �nri�h Trustor's�uccessors with r�ference to�h�s �eed of Trust and�he lndeb�edness by v�ray of forbearanCe ar
<br /> extension with�u�releas�ng Trustor�rom the obliga�ions vf�his Deed o�T�rust or[iabili�y under rthe �ndebtedness.
<br /> Time is vf�he Esse�c�. Time is o�the essence in the performance of�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> W�ive Jury. Al;l pa�ties to this Deed af T�ust her�hy waive�he ��g�ht to any jury#rpaI in any a�t�an, prvc�ed�ng, or
<br /> cvunterc�aEm brvugh�by any party aga�nst any other pariy.
<br /> ilVaiver of He�mestead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefits of the homestead
<br /> exemp�ion iaws of the State of IVehraska as to a�� lndeE�tedn�ss secured by fihis Deed of Trus�.
<br /> �EFiNI�IONS. The fo[[owing words shall haue the����ow�ng rneanings when used in th�s D��d of Trust:
<br /> Beneficia�y. The word "Beneficiary" means Equita�a�e �ank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> B�rrvv!rer. The wo�d "Sorro�r�rer" means Dvnald �Crauss ano� inG[udes a�i co-signers and ce-makers signing �fne
<br /> Credit Agreement and a[[�heir successors and assigns.
<br /> Credi� A��eer�ent. The v�rords "Credit A�reement" mean th� cr�dit agreemen-� dated �ebruary 7, �0�4-, iN�th
<br /> C�"ed�t llt��$ �f �1�4,���.�� fr�m �orr�wer �o �ender, together wi�h all rene�rals of, e�ensivns o�,
<br /> mfld��ica�i�ns a�, re�inancings o�� conso�ida��ons of, and substi-�u�ions far-the promissory note or agre�ment. The
<br /> maturity da�e o�this Deed a�Trust is February 7, 2��7.
<br /> D�ed of Trus�. The wo�ds "Deed of Trusttt mean fih�s D��d of Trusfi amvng Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes withou� limitation a[f assignment and security interest provisions relating t� the P�rsonal Proper.ty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Environr�-tentaI Laws. The words nEn�ironmen�taf Laws" m�an any and a�f sta�e, federa� and loca[ statutes,
<br /> regula�ions and vrdinances rela�ing to the protection of human hea[�h vr �he en��ronmen�, including wi�hout
<br /> limi�ativn �he C.o�=r-aprehensi�e En�ironmental �esp�nsef C�mpensation, and Liabilit�Ac� o� 19SD, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. Sec�i�n 96a�, et seq. �"CE�CLAr'}, the Superfund A��ndmen�s and Reautho�-iza�tion Act o� 1986, Pub, L.
<br /> �Voe 99-4-�9 �'°SARA"�,fihe i�azardous Mafier�als Transportat�on Act,49 �.S.C. 5e���on ����,et seq.,the}�esource
<br /> Gvnservat�on and �e�o�ery Act, 42 U.S.�. Section �9��, e-� seq., or other applicable state or fede�a! �avvs, rules,
<br /> or regulativns advp�ed pursuant thereta. .
<br /> Event uf Defaul�. The�rvords "Event of D��au[t" mean any of the e�en�s af defau[�set fvrth in th3s Deed o�Trust in
<br /> the e�en�s of de�ault sec�ion of this Deed o�T�ust.
<br /> Haz�rdvus Substanc.e�. The wards nHa�ardous Substances" mean mater�als �hat, because of their quantity,
<br /> cvncentra�ion or physi�al, chemical vr infectious cha�acteristics, may cause or pose a present vr potential hazard
<br /> to human heal�h or the enriironment when 'rmproperly used, trea�ed, sto�ed, disposed of, generated, manu�actured,
<br /> transported or otherwise hand[ed, The words "Hazardous 5ubs�ances" are used in their �e�y broad�st sense and
<br /> include wEthou� limita�ion any and all hazardous ar t��cic substanc�s, materia[s or was�e as defined by or lis�ed
<br />