<br /> A lI i�su�an�e palicies requi��� �� L�n�er and r�n��aIs of su�h p��i�ies shall b� sub ject ta L�nder's right to
<br /> disapp��ove such palicies, stl��� i��clude a stan�ai�d mor�gage �lause, and shall name I��nder �s mor�gag�e �
<br /> an�1�t� as �n ad�i�iona� Ioss pay�e. L�nder shal� have ��e z�ight to �o��l th� �olici�s and r�new a1 cei�tifi�a���. If
<br /> L�Tlf��r x�qLll�'�5y Barz�o�ve� sh�ll pratnptty gi�e to Le��er �l� rece�pts of pai�. pr�miums and rene�al no�ices,
<br /> If Bo�rflw�� obta�ns an� fo��n of insuran�� co��rag�, not ��herw�s� ��eqi�ired by Lend�r, for d�mag� �o, or
<br /> d�st�ucti�n af, the Prop�r�y, such p�oli�� shal� inc�ude a ��anc�ard inortgage �lause and �hal� naine Lende�� as
<br /> m�rtgagee at�dlor as an a�ldi�ion�l lass pa���..
<br /> z� tlae �venti a�Ioss, Bor�o��r sha�l giv� prom�� natic� to t�e itlsu�an�e carri�� and L�nd�r, Lender �aa�
<br /> make pro�f of�oss �f not mad� promptly �y Bo�xo�ver, C�r�less L�nd�r and Borro�r�r other�vise agre� in
<br /> writi�g, any insurance praceeds, �1��thet or no� �he unr�e��l��ng �nsui�ance was r�quire�l �y Lender, shall �e
<br /> � appli��. ta xest�ration o� �•�pair a� the P�ope�ty, if the r�sto�ati�n or repair is econ�n�icall�r feasi�le atad
<br /> Lender's s�curi�y is n�t l�ssened. I���ring su�h repair an�i r�stoi�atian per.iod, Le�der shall have th� righ� �o
<br /> hold su�h insurance pr�c�eds ��ntil Lencler has had an opp�rtt�nity to insp�ct s���h Prape��t� �a ens��r� �he
<br /> �v o�k has b�en �omplet�d to L�nder's satis�a�tion, pz�ov i���i th�� su�h insp�cti�i� shall be undertak�n
<br /> promp�I�, L�nder ina� �isbu��s� proc���s for th� r�paz�s ancl �estara�fon in a si�gle p�ym�nt or in a s�ries o� �
<br /> pr����s� �aymer�ts as the �vork is �on�p.��tetl. Unles� a�� agreem�nt is macle itl �vri��ng or Applicabl� Law
<br /> require� �nterest to be pai�1 o�a such insuranc� p��oc��ds, Lender shall not�e r�quit�ed to pa� B�t�t�o�e�� ai�y
<br /> � interest ar �arnings on such proceeds, Fe�s for public adj��s�e�s, ox� �the�� thirci par�ies, reta�n��l by Bort�o�er �
<br /> shall not be paid ou� of�h� iinsu��ance pr�cee�s a�ad shall �e th� sole abligatian of Bo��r�wer,.�f�h� r�stara�ion
<br /> ar repair is nat eco�om i�all� feasibl� �r L�n�er's se�uri�� w auld �� Iessened, th� insuran�e pr�����s s�aa�l ��
<br /> a,ppli��i �� t�e sum s se����ed b� �his Secu�it� znstru�n��t, �rheth�r o� not th�i� due, w ith �he ex��ss, if�ny,
<br /> paid ta Bor�ow��. Su�h insu��anc� pi+oc�eds sk�all be applied in tlae ar�l�r prov�c�ed fa� �n Se�tian 2,
<br /> zf B�rxo��� aban�ans the P r�per�y y Lender m ay �ile, negotiate anc� se�tle �ny av�ilable insurance claim ar�d
<br /> ����at�� matt�rs, If Borro��r tla�s not respond �vi�hin 3� clays to a no�ic� ft�am L�nder that the insuranc�
<br /> carrier has o�fered to settl� a �laim, th�i� Lender may neg�tiate a�zd settl� th� �Iaitn, The 3D-��ay period �rill
<br /> beg�n wt�e� t�e ��oti��� is given, In e�ther even�, or i�L�nder acqu�res the Prop��t� un�er S��tion 22 �r
<br /> a ther�ise, B orra��r hereby assig ns t� L�n�er �a} B o����o�u�r's �ights to any ins��ranc� proceeds in an am�unt
<br /> �ao� to ex��ed tl�� am aunts un�a��l i�nder the N o�e a r this Security Instrum�n�, an�. ��} any o�her a�
<br /> Barr�wer'� ��ights �other than �h� right to any refun�l af unearn�d premiums paid b� Borro�er} u�ldet� all
<br /> insuranG� policics cov���ing t�� Prape�tyy it�safa� as su�h t�ights ar� applicable to �he ca�erag� of t�e
<br /> .Pr�perty, Lender may use the tnsurance p���cee�s eith�r to r�pair or resti���e th� Propert� ar to pay amoun�s
<br /> �tnp�it� un��� �h� Not� or �l�is Se�urity Instr��ment, u�l�eth�r ar t�o� then �l�r�,
<br /> 6. �ccupancy. B�i�r��e�� shall occ�x��, �sta�lish, and ��se the P�ope���y as Bart�ow�r's principal �esidenc�
<br /> v�ithin 6� c�ays a�ter th� .�x�cution of tl�is Se�ur�ty Instz�E��nent and sl�all con�inue to ac�upy the Propez�ty as
<br /> B orrow er's �r�n���al ���sicle�.�e fo� ati ��as� one year �f�e� �he ��te af o�c�ipanc�, unless Lcr�der ��hei�w is�
<br /> agiees in �riting, �r hich �onsent shall not�� unr�asona�l� w i�hh�l��, ar unless �xtenuating �ir�um stanc�s
<br /> �x�st v�hich ar� �ey�n�i Bori�awe��.'s car�t��ol,
<br /> 7 e Preservafiion, �I aintenance and Pro�ectian of �h� Pr��erty� Inspections. Barraw�� s�al1 not c�estx�y,
<br /> damag� or in�paii� the Properxy, allow th� Prap�rty ta det�ri�ra�� or c�mmi� �rast� on the Prope��y, 'U�het�.er
<br /> ��� nat Barr�w�r is res��ing in th� Prop�r�y, Borrow�r shall main�a�n th� Propert� in order �o prevent the
<br /> P rap�rt� from d�teriara�ing at� ��c��easi��g in �alue �iu� to i�s �on�i�iai�, U n��ss it is ��te�m ined pursuanti to
<br /> Sectian � �ha� r��a-ir �r ���storatian is not economi�al�y �easi���, B�i������r shall pramp�l� repair the Pr�per�Y
<br /> if d�m�ge�i �o �void furth�t t���eriot�atian or damage, I�insuranc� ti�� co�l�e�nn�ti�r� proce�ds a�e p�id �n
<br /> conn�ctioi� �vith �amage t�, or ���e ta�ing of, th� Propert�, Bo��row��� shal� be t��spo�siv�� for repait�ing o��
<br /> z��st�ring �l�e Prope��ty �nl� i�Le���t�r has t��leas�c� pt�oc���s for s�ic1� put�pos�s, L���c�ei' �11�� L�15�7�11�se proc�eds
<br /> 2��D5751
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singls�amily-Fannie MaeJFreddie Mac UNIFflRM IN5TRl1MENT �orm 3428 �1�1
<br /> VM P Q VM p6RNE��1342�
<br /> Wolters Kl��wer Finar�cial Services Page 7 af�7
<br />