� ��14��7�7
<br /> z��qui�ed by RESPA, and Barra�r�r shall pay to Le��c��r th� amaunt nec�ssary t� make up ���e t��fici�n�y in
<br /> a�cordanc� w�th RL�SPA, �ut �n n� m�r� than �2 month�y paymen�s,
<br /> U pon p�ym ent i�� �ull of alI suin s secureci by this Sec��rity Insxr��meilt, Lend�r shal� �xam�t�� refund to
<br /> B orro�v er any F��nds �e��l by Lender,
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Bo��ra�v�r shall pay a�l �axesy �ssessment�, chaz�ges, fin�s, anci impasi�io�s attri�u�ab�� to �
<br /> �l�e Pxap�rty wh�ch can a��aii� p�iarit� ove� this Securit� �ns��ument, lease��old �a�me�ts or grounr� rents on
<br /> th� Prop�rty, if an�, and Cammunit� Assacfatia� Dues, Fees, and Assessinen�s,, if an�, TQ the extent �hat
<br /> th�s� items �r� E scraw �te�n s, B orraw er shall p��r �h�m in �he m annez� �ravidec� in S�cti�n 3.
<br /> Borro�ver sha11 promptl� �lischai'g� any I�en �vhi�h has priorit� a��r this Se�uri�y Z�as�rum�n� unless
<br /> B o rro w er; �a} agrees �n w�i�i��g �o the p a�m en�a f th� obliga�ian s�cure� �y tl�� lien in a m anne� ac�eptable
<br /> to Lender, �ut o.n�y so long as Borro�rer is p�r�orming such agrcemen�; �b} con�ests the lien it� gaod �ait� b�,
<br /> or �efet��s agaii�s� enforce�en� �f tl�e lien in, ��ga1 prac�edings �hi�.h �n Lend�r's �pinian operat� ta pre�ent
<br /> the e��f�rc�men� �f the lien while th�se proc�e�lings are pending, b�tt only until such pz�oc�e��ings az�e -
<br /> conclu���d; a� �c} s�ci�res from �he h���l��� of �il� li�n an agi��em�nt satis�actory �o Lender sub�rdinating th�
<br /> ll�n �Q ���iS S�CLI��i�� znstr�xm en�, z�L�nder ����erm in�s tha� an� par� �f the P r�p�rty is su�ject to a lten �r hicl�
<br /> can a�tain �ri���it� o�ei� this Se�ur��ty Inst�um�n�, Le�a�ei� may gi�e Borro�er a �aotice i���ntifyi�lg �he l�en,
<br /> '�N ithin 1� days af tl�e ���t� on whicla �hat noti�e is given, B�rro��r shall sa�isfy the li�n ar take on� �r more
<br /> of�h� ac��ons s�t fort�l ��ov� in this Section 4, .
<br /> L�n�.er m ay re�uir� B arrow�r to pa� a �i�e-tim� ��arge foi� a real es���� tax ve��if�c�tioi� an�11o�� t�e�orting
<br /> s�rvice us�d �y Len��r in �ont�e��ion wi�t� tl7is Loan.
<br /> 5. Prop�r�y �nsurance. �orro�er sh�ll k�ep the improvem�nts no�v existing or her�a�te�� ei��ct�d o� th�
<br /> Propei�ty 111Slll�ed agaii�st l�ss by �zr�, ha��rrls includ�t� w ithin th� te�m "ext�n�i�� cov���ag�," a�d any oth�r
<br /> f�a�ar�s including, �i�t not limi��� t�, �arthquakes �n�� fl��ds, �or �rhi�l� Len�l�r r�qt�ires ir�sur�nce, T�iis
<br /> insurance shall be rr�aintaine�� in the amaun�s �inc�uding detlucti�le ��v�ls} atld f�r the pe��i�t�s that Lend�t� .
<br /> xequires. '�hat Lend�x� r�q��it��s pur�uant to th� preceding sentenc�s can �hange d��rir�g th� term af�he Laan,
<br /> Th� ins��rance �arrier pr��iding t1�e �nsu��anc� shall be chos�n �� Borro�ver s��bj�ct to L.�nder's r�ght �o
<br /> �isappt�o�e Bort�ow et�'s chaic�, whi�h righ� sha�� no� be ex����is��l «n��easonabl�, Len�l�r i»a� ��eq�ire
<br /> B orro�ver to pay, it� cann���ion w�th t�lis Loani eith���; �a} � one-tim e charge for flofltl �on� ��eterm i�.atian,
<br /> certifica�ifl�a ar��l �t�acking ser�ic�s; fl� �v} a ane-tinie charge �or fi�od xon� �leterm i�atiot� and cei�tifica�ion
<br /> ser�ric�s and subsequ�nt c�arges each �ime remappings ar similar claang�s o�cur �vhich r�asona�ly m.ight
<br /> affect s���h determination or �ei+tification, Borr�w�r sha11 a1s� �e i��sponsi�le for the paym�nt o�any fe�s
<br /> imp�sed by th� r�d�r�l Eme�gel�cy M anagement Agency in connectia� with th� re-vie�v of at�y fl�ad zor�e
<br /> d��erm inatian r�s��lting from an o�jecti�r� by B oz�row er,
<br /> If Borrower fails �o n�aintain any �f�he co�erages described a��ve, L�n�l�r may �btain ins��ranc� coverag�,
<br /> a� Lcnder's aption and Bori���er's,�xp�nse, L�nder is uncier no obliga�ion to pux�chas� any p�rticulax typ� �t�
<br /> amoun� of cov�rage, Th�t�efare, s��c�� coverage shall cov�r Lender, bu� naight at� �aight n��protect Barrawer,
<br /> Borro�ve��'s ec�ui�� i� th� P�op�rty, or th� cont�nts of�lle Propert�, agains� a�a� t�isk, ha�ar�l or �iability and
<br /> might provide greater �� less�r cove��age than u�as pt�e�i�usly it� �ffect, Bo����ow�r ack�a.�vledges that the cost
<br /> of th� insu�at��� co�exage so oh��iiler� migh� s�gn�ficat��Iy exceecl the cas�of insurat�ce tl�at Borrower coul�
<br /> �1�VE-DI���i11��, A�y amat�n�s disburs�d b� Le��cl�r undez� this S��tian 5 sl��ll b�con�e addit�onal deb� of
<br /> Barro�ver secu��ed �� this S�curity Instr��n��n�, T11�s� amounts sl�al� bear in�erest at �he No�e rat� ��om th�
<br /> date a�c�is6��rsement an�� shal� �e pa�ab��, with sucl� in��resty ��pan noti�� fram Le��der to Bo����o�v�r
<br /> ���questtng p aym�n�,
<br /> 2�4QQ5761
<br /> N EBRAS KA•Si�gle Fam ily-Fannie All aelF�eddie M aa UN I��RAII [NSTRU N!�N1' Farm 3028 1��1
<br /> VM P Q VM P8�N�1{1302y
<br /> 1Nolters Kauwer�fnancial 5ervices
<br /> Page B of i 7
<br />