<br /> �ar the ��epairs and r�stoi�ation in � s�ngl� paymen� �� fn a seri�s ��progress �a��n�nts as th� �vork is
<br /> �ompleted, �f t�e insuranc� ar condemna�ian pr�ce��s ar� n�� sufficient to repa�r o� restare th� P�op�rt�,
<br /> Borrow��� is na� re��e�e�l of Borrowei�'s �bliga�ion f�r the campletian of such repair ar r�starati�n, -
<br /> Lenc�e�� ar its agent ma� �nake r�asonabl� �n�t�i�s up�n and insp��tiflns of �he Pi��perty, 7f��has reasonabl�
<br /> cause, L�nd�t� ma� insp��t ��ae int�rior of�he impro�em�n�s on the Propert�. Lent�er shall giv� Bor�ow�r _
<br /> t�otice a� the time af or prior to su�h an in�erio�� insp�c�i�n sp��ifying such reasona�l� caus�,
<br /> 8. 6arrow��'s Loan Appifcation. Borro�e�� s�aal� b� in �efault if, cluring the Laan applica�ion p��o��ss,
<br /> Borraw�r or an� p�rsons ar�ntities acti�g at the direc�ion of B�rra�ver or with Bar��awez�'s kno�vle�.g� or -
<br /> consent g a�e m aterially fals�, �n ist�acii�ag, or inacc��ra�� inform ati�n or sta�em en�s ta L�nder �or fa�t�� �o
<br /> provid� Len��r �v ith m at���iat in�orm ati�n} in con��ec�ton w i�h the Laan, M axeri�l r�pres�nta�ions include, bu�
<br /> are not lim.it�d ta, r�p�esentations concerning Borra�er'�s o�cu�an�y of th� Propert� as Bo�rower's prin�ipal
<br /> r�siclence,
<br /> 9, Protec�ion o� Lender`s �nt�res� in fhe P�o�e�ty and Rights Under �his Securi�y !ns#rument. I��a}
<br /> Bo��row�r �ails �o perfortn tl�e co�enants an�. agreem�nts contain��l �n ��is Security Ins�r��m��t, �b} there i� a �
<br /> �egal proc�eding �hat might signi�icantl� a�fect Lencler's fntiez�est in the P��operty ai�dlo� i�ights und��� this
<br /> Secut�it� Ins�i�urn�nt �such �s a procee�ling �n �ank�u�tc�, �robate, for �ondcmna�ion o�� farf�zture, �or
<br /> ��rfar*�emen� af a lien wh�ch may attain �riori�y over ���s Security �nstrum�nt ��� ta �nforce la�vs flr
<br /> r�gulations}, or �c} Bor���er has a�a�tloned thc Pi�op�rty, th�n L�nde�� ma� d� and pay far what���x is
<br /> reasana��e oi� a�pxo��iat� �o p�ot�ct L�nd�r's �nterest �n tih� Prope�t� a�ad ri�hts unc�er this S�c«rit�
<br /> Ins�rum�nt, including p�atecti�g an�lor ass�ssing thc �ralu� o�the Property, anc� s��uri�g an�l�r repaixing
<br /> �he Prop�r��, Lenc�e�'s a��ions �an includ�, �u� are r�at lin��tect �a; �a} pa��ng an� sums secur�� by a �i�n
<br /> �hicl� has pri���ity ���r �his Security �nstrl�ment; ��} app���ii�g in cou���; an�l �c} payiilg ��asonab�� attorneys'
<br /> fees to pi����ct its �nterest it� the Pr�pe��ty andlar rigl�ts u�ac�er� this S�curi�y znstrurza�t�t, inclu�iing i�s s��l�r�d
<br /> �os�tion i;n a banl�r��p�c� pro�eeding, Securi�g the P�op�rty inclu��s, but is not limit�d to, �n��ring ���
<br /> P�aper�� to make repairs, chang� �ocks,, r�plac� ar bo�r� t�p t�oors and �vindows, drain �va��r f��am pipes,
<br /> ��iminate �uilding or o���ex cod� violati�n:s or dang�t'�US C��]��.1I;1��1Sy and ha�e i��ilities tu��ned an �r off.
<br /> Al�hough Le�d�r may take �ctio�� ��nder tllis S�ctiot� 9, L�nder does ��o� ha�e �� do so and is not ui��l�x any
<br /> dut� ot� abligation ta do so, �t is agz���d �hat Lend�r incurs no lia��Ii�y f�r not taking a��� o� aI� ac�ions
<br /> �utlaoriz�d un�er this Se��ian 9,
<br /> Any annaunts �iisburs�� l�� Lend�t� un�.�r this S�ction 9 sh�ll �ecom� �ddi�ianal debt of�orrower sec.ured �y
<br /> this Se�u�•�ty 7nstru�n�nt. Thes� am ounts shall b�ar in��i��st at the N ate �a�e �rom �he date of�isliurs�m�nt
<br /> and shall b� payable, �v i�Ia su�h intez�est, upa�� noti�e �rom Lend�r to B at�row�t� ��eq���st�ng �ay�n enta
<br /> �f this S e�uz�i�y r��s�rutn�nt is o�� a re�s�hol�, B orro�er shall �om.ply �r i�h aIl the ���ov isions o f�he leas�. If
<br /> Barro�ver acquires fe� ti�1� �a the P��op�rty, th� leasell�ld anc� �he f�e title shall no� me��g� ���a��ss Lender
<br /> �grees to th� merg�r in u���i�ing,
<br /> ��. M ortgage lnsurance. If Lencier r�quit��� M artgag� Insurat��e as � �ondi�i�n ��making �he L�an, Borrower
<br /> s���I pay tf�e:pr�m ii�m s ��equired to m ain�ain t�e M ortgage Insui��nc� it� effe�t, Zf, for any r�ason, �h�
<br /> M.ortgage Zn�urance coverag� r�quired �� L�nde� c�as�s ta b� av�ilabl� fz�om �he naortgag� insl,rrer that
<br /> pr��ia��sl� pr��id�d such i�as��rance aild Borz�o�r�r was requi�ed to t�ake s�parately d�signate�d pa��n�nts
<br /> tow���tl the p��en�i��m s fo�� M�rtgage Insut�an��, Borro��r �hail pa� the pr�m ium s r�quire� t� obt�in �overag�
<br /> su�stan�ial�y �quivalei�t �o the M ortgage �ns��ran�� �r�vio��sly in �f�e�t, at a cos� s���s��ntially ��uivalei�t to
<br /> the ��st ta Bfl�r�v�e�� of th�. M ortigage I��s.����az��e p��eviousiy in effec�, f��om an alternat� mortga�e insurer
<br /> select��1 by Le����r. If su�stantially �qui�ralent M ortgage �nsurance �o�e��ag� is no� avai�a�le, Do����awet� shall
<br /> 24045751
<br /> NE�RASKA-Si�igle Family-Fan�ie MaelFreddie Mac�1NIF�RM II�STRL�ME1�7 �arm 3028 11�1
<br /> VM P� VM P6(N�y(1342�
<br /> Walters Kluwer�inancial 5ervices P�ge 8 of�7
<br />