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��14��7�7 <br /> Any application of paym�nts, irisuran�e proc��ds, or M�sc�llan�ou� Pr��e���s t� prfncipa� ��ue un�er �h� No�e � <br /> shall t��t extend �r p�st�ane �fie du� �iate, ar change th� amoun�, af th� Periodic Paym�nts, <br /> 3. Tuz�ds �o�� Escrow Z�en�st �oz�rov��r sl�all pay to L��der on tl�e c�ay Periadi� Paym�nts are ct�i� «ndez� the <br /> N o��, until �he N o�e is pai� in full, a sum ��he "runds"} �a pro�id� for pa�m�nt o�am aunts due fo�; �a} ��xes <br /> and ass�ssments an�. other items �vhich �an attain pr141'lti� ���� ��115 S�CL1�1�y ��]S��'L�Tll�n� �S a I1�11 DT <br /> encumbranc� on the P�op�rty; ��} leas�hol�l payments or groun�i r�nts on �he �rop�rt�, i��ny; ��} pr�iniums <br /> for an� and alI insii��at��� required by Lend�r un�ier S�c�ian 5, ar�cl �tl} M ortgag� Z��surance pi��mii�tns, if any, <br /> ar ari� sums �aya�i� by Borrow�r to Lend�r in �i�u of �h� pa���aent a�M ar�gage Ins�i�anc� premfums in <br /> a�cordanc� wi�h th� pt�ovisians of S��tion �D. These items are ��ll�ci "Esc���w zt�ms." At origina�ion or at <br /> any- t�m� during the t���m of th� Laa�a, Lend�r m ay �equire tha� �om muni�y A ss�ciati�n D u�s, Fe�s, antl <br /> Assessi��ei�ts, if�ny, be ��ve� by B❑rr��v�r, and sucl� �u�s, fees and �issessments sh�Il b� an Es�ro�r <br /> It�m. Borro�ver s11a1� pt�am�tl� fu��nish �o L�nder al� n�tices af am�u�a�s �o be paid uncler ��.is Section,. <br /> Borro�v�r s�3all pa� Lencler �h� F��n�ls for Escra� It�tns ��less L�nd�r v�aives Bor��ower's o�liga�ion to �ay <br /> the Funrls for an� �r a�l E s�row It��n s, Lende� m ay w���e B orra�v er's obligation to pa� to Len�l�r Fun�s f�r <br /> any or aI� �scr�w Items at ar�y time. Any such waiv�r ma� only b� in �r��i�ing. In the ev�nt of su�� �aiver, <br /> B�rr�wer s11a11 pa� di������y, �hen and �rlrere payable, �he amounts due fo�� a��y Es�x�o�v �t�ms f�r wl�i�h <br /> pa�m�nt o�r'ur�ds has ��en w aivcd by Le�der and, if L�t�der requir�s, s1��1I fu����ish to Lencl�r re�e�pts <br /> ev�d�nGing such paym�n� v�i���in such tim� pe��iod as L�i�d�z� may rcquire, Borrower's obli�ation to mal�� <br /> su��a paym�n�s an�l ta px�vide r���ipts shall for a11 purpas�s b� �eeme�. to b� a c��enant a��d agreeia���n� <br /> eontaine�l i�� this Security Inst��utnen�, as �he p�ar�s� "covenan� and agreet�l�nt" is use�l in Sec��an 9, If <br /> B o��ra�v er is o�l�gated to pay Es�ro� Z�ena s clir��tly, pu��suant t� a w aiver, an�l B nrro�v�� fails to pay th� <br /> amo�Xnt d��� fa�� an Escrow� Item, Let�t��r ma� exexcis� i�s rights under S�cti�t� 9 ancl p�y s��ch amaun� �nd <br /> Borrov��r sha11 then b� obliga���l un�ler Se�t�on � to repay t� L�n�ier an� s��ch amo��n�, L�n��r may i��voke <br /> th� �v�iv�r as �o any ar a�l Esc��o� �t�ins ati any time �� � natic� given in ��cor��anc� w ith Se���ot� �5 and, <br /> upon such revoc�tiQn, Barro�v�r shall p�� to Lencler all F��n�.s, an�l in such a�na�n��, that a��e t�ei� required <br /> u�de�� �his Se��ion 3. <br /> L�nder may, at any tir�e,f cotle�t an�l hold F��n�s �n an �maunt �a} sufficie�lx �o permit L�nd�r to app�y th� <br /> Ft�nds at the tim� specifie� t�n�i�t� RESPA y a�r� ��} na� �o exc�ec� �he naaxim��m amount a Ien�ex can req��ir� <br /> unde�� R�SPA, Len�er shal� estzmate tl�� amo��nt �f Fur�ds due on the basis o�cui�t�ent datia and r�a�o��able <br /> estim ates o��xpei�ditures af futur� �scrow It�m s ar oth�rw ise in a�cordan�e w��h Applica�l� Lav�, <br /> The Funds shall be ���d in an i�stitl�tion wh�s� depasits ar� iiasur�d �y a �edera� ag�ncy, fnstrunl�ntalit�, or <br /> entt�y �in�I«�iing L�n�er, if Lenc��� is an institution whose deposits are so insur�d} ar in any Fe�e��a� H�m� <br /> Loan Ba�lk, L�nder shal� app�y the Funds to p�y �he �s�i�ow �t�ms no la�er than the �ime sp�ci�i��l un�er <br /> R�SPA. L�nder shall no� charge Bot�rower for hal�ling and appl��ng tihc Funds, anni�ally anal��ing th� <br /> es�row acco��nt, �r ver1�F�111g ��1� ESC�'�Vir �te�ns, ut���ss L�n�.er pays Ba�����ei� in��rest on the Fun�s ai�d <br /> Applicable Law p�rm its Len�e�� to m akc su��� a chai�ge, U nl�ss an agi��eme��� is tn ade �n w riting or <br /> App�ica�le La�v requir�s i�t��est to be pai�. �n tl�� Funcis, L�r�dez� sl�all nat �e req��i��d t� p�� Bo��ro�ez� �n� <br /> it�t�r�st ax earnings an t�e Fl�n�s. Barrower anc� L�nde�� can ag�ee in wri�ing, hov�ev�r, tha� int�rest shall �� <br /> paid a�a tl�e F��nds. Letac���� sha�l giv� to Bart�ower, �rixlao��� charg�y an annual acc�un�ing af the F��n��s as <br /> r�quixed by R�SPA, <br /> If�laexe �s a s��rplus af Funds h�ld in esct�ow, as a�ef�ne�i und�r RESPA, Lend�r slaall ��caunt t� Borro�v�r for <br /> ��� excess funtls in ac�ordance �rith R�SPA. ���here �s a sl�a�tage of Funds liel� in �scra�v, as de�����d un��r <br /> RESPA, Lencl�r sha�� no�if� Bot+�a�ve�� as ���qr�ir�cl b� R.�S�'A, ancl Borro�v�t� shall pay ta Len�ier the amount <br /> necessary �� �nake up the sho�tag� in accordance wt�h RESPA, ���t in n� m�re �ha�� �2 monthly pa�ments, I� <br /> t���t�� is a �le�ic��ncy af Fun�ls he��l in escro�r, �s cie�itl��� un�t�r R�SPA, L����er sha�l natify Bort�ow�r as <br /> z�oas�st <br /> NEBRA5KA-Single Family-Fan�ie Mae��reddie Mac LINIFDRNf fNS7'RUMENT Farm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP(] VMPE�N����302� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Servioes �age 5 of 9 7 <br />