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��14��7�7 <br /> BORR��1'ER �DVENANTS ���at Barr����� is lawfully seised of th� estat� her��� coi�veyed a�d has the i�ight �o <br /> gz�ant and c��a�r�� the Property and that the Pz�oper�y is ��nenc��n���, except for �ncum��an�e� �f r�cox�, <br /> Bor��owe� war��a��ts �nc� wi�I d�fend g�n�rally �1�e tit�e ta �h� Propert� against alI claims an�l �.emantls, subject �a <br /> any enct�mbran�es of recor�, <br /> THZS SEC�]RZTY INSTRUM ENT �ambines un�form c�venan�s fot� na�ion�l use and non�u�ifor�r �ovenants v�it� <br /> limite�. variatians by �urisdictian �a �o��s�i����� a u��ifo�'m s�curity ins�r�linei�t co�e�i�g re�l pt�op�rty, <br /> U niform Co�renants, Borr��w��� and L�n�ier covenant and ag���e as fall�w s; <br /> � , Paymen� of Principal, �nteresfi, Escraw I�ems, Prepayment Charg�s, and Late Charges� B�r��o�r�r <br /> sha11 pay �hen due the pri�acipal a�, an�l i�itet��s� an, the debt evic�et�ced �y th� N�te and ar�� pr�payment <br /> charges an� la�e charge� du� un�le�r the N'at�, Barrawer sha11 also pay funds for Escrow Items pursua��� to <br /> Sectio�. 3, Paym��ts due un�er the Not� and this Securi�� Instrum�n� shall b� n�ade in U,S, cu�rei��y, <br /> How��er, if any cl�eck or o�h�r instrument rec�i���. by L�nder as paym�nt u��d�r �1�� N��e �r �his Securit� <br /> zns�rum�n.t is re�urtl�t� to Lender unpai�l, Len�ler ma� i�equir� tl�at any or a11 subse�uent p�ymei�ts du� unc�er <br /> �he N o t� and this Security 7nstrum ent�� m ad� in on� �r m a r� o�the fa llaw ii�g form s, as s�1��ted b� Le��d�r; <br /> �a} �ash; ��} tno�ey or��r; �c} c�r�i��ed ch��k, �an� c���k, tr�asur�r's �h�ck ar cashier's ch��k, pravid�r� an� <br /> such ch�ck is ��ra�vn up�n an ins�i�t�tton whose d�posi�s a��e ii�s«t�ed by a f���ral ag�nc�, instrumentali�y, or <br /> entity; az� �d� Electt�onic Futac�s Transfer, <br /> Pa�m en�s are ���em�� ��ec�iv��i �y L�ncler �v h�n �e�e�ved at the �o�ation �iesignat�� in �he N ote o�� a� such <br /> other Ioca�ion as may �e clesig�ate�l by Lent��r in acc��clan�� with �he not�ce p��aWisians in Sectian ��, <br /> Lend�r m�y re�u�+� any p�yin�nt or partial payment �f tl�� payment flr partial paym��ts ar� insuffici�i�t to <br /> bring �he Loan curz��n�. L�n�er m�� �ccept any pa�m�r�t ar partial paymen� ii�s��fficient to �rir�g tl�e Laan <br /> ci�i�r�n�, without wai�e�� �f any t�igl�ts l�ere��nder a�� prejudice �o i�s rights �o refus� su�h pa�m�n� �i� partia� <br /> payinet��s �n �h� futu���, but Lendet� is no� obl�ga��d �o �pp1y such payments a� the time sucl� p.ayments are <br /> accepted, 7f each Perio�lic Paymenx is ap�lied as of its scl�edul�d tl��e da��, then L�nder n�ed t�ot pa� it�terest <br /> on t�t�appli�d fr�nds, Len��r may h�l� sueh unap�l�ed it�nds ut�ti� Borrow�r makes paymei�ts ta br�ng th� <br /> L�an cu�r�nt. If Boxr�iver d��s not do s� �itihi�� a reasot�a��e period of tii�le, L����ler shall �ither apply su�� <br /> fun�s or ���tu��n thein ta Barrower. I�no� appli�c� �arli�r, such fund� �vill b� �pplzed �o the outstanding <br /> p���ncipal ba�ance un�ler the N�te �mn�ediately prior ta ��r��Ios��re, No �f�set or claim �vl�ich Barrower mi�ht <br /> hav� nav� or in t�e future against L�n�l�r sha11 reliev�e Barr��er �rom makii�g payme��s dr�e ui�d��� th� IVat� <br /> anti �his Securi�y Instt�ument or p�r�o��ming the �oven�nts a�.d agreei»�nts secur�d by tl�is Securi�y <br /> �nstrument, <br /> �. A�pl�cafiion of Payments �r p�aceeds. Except as �therwise d�scri�ed i�l tihis Se�tian 2, a�l pa�n�en�s <br /> acc�pt�d and applieci by Le�der sllal� �e app�ie�l in the following �r��er of priarity; ��} �nter�st due ��nd�r �h� <br /> N�t�; ��} prin�ipal �ue ��n��r �h� N���; ��} amoun�s d��� un��r Section 3, S�Xch payments sha�l be �p��iec� to <br /> ��ch P�ri�dic Paym�nt in the arder in which it �ec�na� due, Any remaining amounts sha�l �e appli��� first to <br /> Iat� chaxges, secon� �o any o�l�er amaunts due �xnd�r th�s S�curi�y Instrum�n�, anc� t1�en to reduce th� <br /> p�incipal balance of tl�� Not�,. <br /> If Len�.er r�ceives a paym�t�� �r�m Bflrraw��! for a �lelinque�at Periodic P��ment which in�lu�ies a suffici�n� <br /> amount to pay any ��te �harge due, tla� pa�m�nt ma� be appli�d �o the c1�Iinqu�nt �ayment and the late <br /> charg�, If mai�� t���ta o�e Pe�i��ii� P��men� is autst�n�ing, Lender maY aPp�Y an� paym�nt r�ceive�l fr�tn <br /> Bat�ra�e�� to the ��epaym�nt of t�� P�ri���i� Payments if, a��d �o th� �xtent tha�, ea�h paymen� cat� b� �ai� in <br /> full. To th� ex��nt that �ny�ex�ess exists af�e�� �h� pa�meilt is applted to th� f�ll paym�t�t of on� oz� mare <br /> Peri��i� Paym�ntsy such exc.ess tna� �e appli�c� to ar��r la�� �harges c���e, '�ol��t�tary p�l�payments shall �e <br /> appli��� first �o any prepayna�n� cl�a��g�s an�l the�� as ���scrib.ed. in the Notc, <br /> 240�5751 <br /> I��g�ASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddfe Maa U�II�ORM INSTRl7M�l�7 Form 3a�8 1101 <br /> VM P Q VM Pfi{N�y(1302� <br /> Wvlters 1C�uwer Financla!Servioes page�of 1 7 <br />