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��14��7�7 <br /> �esign�ted a su�sti�ut� rifltiice ac�dr�ss b� noti�� to Lender, Bar��ow�r shal? prompt�y i�o�ify Lenc�er of <br /> �or�o�er's change of a�dre�s. If Lender spe�ifies a �rocedure f�r repo�ting Borrower's change o�adclress, <br /> ��aen B���r�w er shall onl� xe�a��� a �h�nge of adc�r�ss tht��ugh �l�at spe�ifie�l proc�c�l�r�. <br /> There may b� an�� �ne �esignated r�o�i�� add��ss un�i�i� ��is Se�ur��� rnstr�umen� at ai�y one tim�, Any notice <br /> to Le�d�t� sl�a1� b� given by de�iv�r�ng it ar b� mai�ing it b� ����s� �Iass mai� �a Lend��'s addr�ss state� �����in <br /> unless L�n�ler has d�szgna�ed ana�h�r ac�c�ress by noti�e to B az�r��v er, A ny noticc in �onn�c�ion �v ith �his <br /> Se�urity Ins�rumen� shall r�at�e tl��med �o have �een given �a L�r���er until actually r���i�red by L�i�der, �f � <br /> any notic� r�qui��ed by this S�curft� Ins���um�nt is �ls� r�quire� u�d�r A���ica�Ie L��r, the App�icable Law� <br /> r�quir�ment �i11 sa�is�y �h� corr�sp�nc�ing r��uir�me�t u��de�� �his Se�ui�it� Znstr��rn�nt, <br /> �G. Governing Law; 5everability; Rules of Construc�fon. T�is Se�urity Instrument sha1� �� gave��n�r� by <br /> f��leral la�r and the Iaw of the ju�isdiction in �v hich tl�� P��op�rt� is �acatecl, A 1� rightis an� �bliga��ans <br /> contained in this S��u�it� znstrum�nt are subject to any ���quirements an�. limitat�ons �f Appli�a�Ie La�. <br /> Appl�ca��e Law might expli�itly ar inaplici�ly allaw th� parti�s tfl ag�ee 6�r �antrac� ��� it m�ght�e sil�nt, but <br /> su�h silen�e shal� ��ot �c ��ns�rued as a �t�ohibition �ga�ns� agi�eement by contract. In tih� event tl��� any <br /> pravis�on ar c�ause a�this S��«rit� z��strumen�or �he Nat� confli�ts v�ith Applicab�� La�u, such c�nfli�t sha11 <br /> nat affe�t ot�e.r p��o�isiot�s af this S��u���t� Instruinent ot� �h� Note wl�rcla can be giv�n e�fect �rithou� th� <br /> conflicting p�o�is�on, - <br /> As usct� in this S�c����ty Instru�nent; �a} wor�ls �f�i�� m�s�ul�n� gen��r shall m�an and incl��de corr�sponc�ing <br /> neutc�� wor�s �r �v�rds of�he femii��ne g���e��, ��� wards in �he stt�gular shall �nean and include �he p�ural <br /> an�l vice versa; and �c} the �vor�i "m a�,� gi��s sole dis�retion �r i�hout any ob�igatian �o take a�y action, . <br /> 17. Barr�wer�5 Copy, Borro�ver shall �� g��ren ane �apy af th� Nat� �nd of�his Secu��i�y Instrum�n�, <br /> �8. Transf�r of the Properfiy vr a Benef�c�al �nteresfi in ��rrower. As us�d in this S�ctio� 28, "It��er�st �� <br /> the Pr�p��ty„ in�ans any l�gal ar �eil�fi�ial int�res� ii� tlae P�•o�ert�, includit�g, but i�ot lim�ted t�, �hos� <br /> �eneficia� in��r�sts tx�i]Sfet�e[� in a bant� foi� d�ed, c�ntract fa� �l�et�, rnst�llm�nt sal�s contz�act o� �scrow <br /> agre�men�, �he int�nt �f�vhich is the �ransf�r �f title b� Barrov�er a� a future date to a purchaser, <br /> �f all or an� part of the Prap�rt� or any Inte���s� in the Prope��ty is s�ld flr txar�sf�t�r�d �o�� if Borrow�r �s not a � <br /> natu��al person at��i a b�n�fi�zal �nterest in B orro�v e�� is sol�� or �ra��sferr�d} w itt��u� Lend�r'� priar w�it�en <br /> �ans�n�, L�nder ma� requir� immedia�� pay�n�nt in full of all sr�ins s��u��ed �y �his Se�u�i�y Ins�r��met�t, � <br /> ��ow�v�r, �his opt�on s�all not be �xerc�sed �y L�n�i�r �� such ex�rcise is prohibi�e�l by ApA�lca�l� Law. <br /> If Len�er exercis�� ��is op�io��, Len�er sl�all gi�e B�rrawer noti�� af a�celeration, Th� n�tice shall pt�av�de a <br /> periad �f not Iess t�lan 30 �a�s from the t�ate �he ta��ice is given in accortiai�ce with Se�tian �5 �rithin which <br /> Bar��o�er mus� p�.�r all sun�s se�ut��t� �y �h�s S��urit� �nstrum�nt, Z�Borrower fails �a p�y �hes� sums priar t� . <br /> th� expiration of t�is periat�, Lei�d�.r ma� invok� any r�m��i�s permztted �y �his S�curity rr�s�r��men� witho��t <br /> fuzlth�r n�tice or �emand an Bor�ow�r, <br /> �9. Barrowerr5 R�ght �o Reinsfiafie A�ter Accelerafiion, rf Borro�ver nl�ets �ertain cflt�ditions, B�t���o�er <br /> s�all have the right ta l�ave enfo���ement of tl�is S�curity �tast�um�n� dtsc�ntinu�tl at �ny time prior to �he <br /> earlicst of; �a} fi�e days befare sale of�h� Prop�rty pu��suan� �o an� powex of sale contained in this Sec����it� <br /> �nstrument; ��} s�xch �th�r p�rio�l as Applica�le Law m.ight specify �at� the term itla�ion of B o��rov�er's tyight to <br /> z�einstat�g ar �c} �ntt�y ��a ju�gm�nt enfor�i�ag ��i� Se�urz�y Instrumei�t. T��ose cantiitions ��� t�at Bor��a�r�r; <br /> �a} pays Lender aI� su�xis whicl� �hei� u�ould �� ci�a� un�e�� this Secu��it� znstrument ���d the Note as i�n� <br /> accele��ation had ��cuz�r�d; �b} c��i�es a��y default af any o�her c��enants or ag��e�tnents; �c} �ays aI� �xpens�s <br /> incurr�d ii� enfo�ctng �his Secur���y �nstr��ment, ii�clucling, ���t not liiaaite�. ��, r�asfln��le atto��n�ys' fe�s, <br /> pi�op�rty inspection ancl v�l��ation �`ees, an�l other f��s �i�cu�����d for th� purp�se of prat��ting L�nde��'s i��t�re�� <br /> � <br /> 29�D06751 <br /> iVEgRASKA-Single�am�ly-Fannie Mae��reddie Mac UiJfF�RM INSi'RUM�N�' �orm 3D28 1l01 <br /> VMP Q VMP�tN�f��3D2} <br /> Wolters K�uwer F'inancial 5ervices Page 1�af 17 <br /> , <br />
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