<br /> in th� P r�p ert� an�i t�ig�ts i�nder �l�is S ecurity Instrum e��t; an�l �t�} takes such actio n as L�nder m ay
<br /> reasflna�l� t�equir� �a assuz�e th�� L�nder's intet��st in �he Propert� an�l righ�s un�er this S�curity Inst��un�ent,
<br /> and B�rro�e�'s �bligation to pa� the s��m s secur�� by this Se��ri�y Ins�rum ent, shall �an�inue ��n�f��nge�.,
<br /> Len�er may require tl�a� Boz�ro�ve�� pa� s��ch r��nsta��ment su�ns ancl expens�s in on� or n�ore af the f�llov�ing
<br /> forms, as se�ec��d �y Len�er; �a} cash; �b} mon�� ortl�t�y �c} �ertifi�d c�e�k, b�nk ch�ck,. tre�surer's ch�c� or
<br /> �ash i��'s �l���k, p��o v i�.e�� any suc�a ch�ck is t�ra�v n upo n �n instit����an w ha se tl�po sits �re insur��i by a
<br /> fede�al ag�ncy, Inst�umen�alit� or en�it�; ar ��} Electr�n�c Funds Transfe��, Upan r�ins�atetnen� by Borrawery
<br /> �his Secu�it� �nstru�m�nt and abliga�ions secured her�by shall remain �ully effecti�e as if no acc���r�tion had
<br /> ��cur��ect. H o w��rer, this r�gh� to r�instatie shall no t appl� in �he cas� �f�c�eleratidn ui��l��� S ec�tia n 1 S,
<br /> 2�. Sale o� Not�; Change o� Loan Servicer; N❑tice af �rievan�eo The Note or a pa��tial inte��st in tla�
<br /> Note �toge�l�er witl� this S��uz�ity �nstrument} can be sold o��e or mor�� times wittlaut priar notice ��
<br /> B��i�ow�r, A sa�� miglit resu�t in a ch�ng� ii� the entity �kno�vt� �s t��� ".Lac�� Ser�vicer�„} �hat ca�Iec�s Periodi�
<br /> Paym�nts d«� u����r the Not� an� xhis S��uxity Instrum�n� and perfortns o�hei� mor�gage loan s�rvic�t�g �
<br /> obl�g�tions undei� the Nate, this Secuij���r Instrument, and �pplic�bl� Law, Thei�� �tso niight be on� a�� mar�
<br /> chai�ges �t�h� Loan Servicer unr�lat�d to a sale af�l�e No�e, If tt��i�� is a ch�ng� of�he Loan �ervicer,
<br /> Borrowei� �vil1 be giv�t� �vritten no�i�e af th� change which will sta�� the ��a�n� and �ddz�ess of tlle n�w Loan
<br /> Se��vic��, �h� ac�dr�ss to v�hich pa�me�ats shoul�i b� maci� a�d any �ther info�mati�n RESPA re���ires in
<br /> cann�ction �v ith a no�ice of tratls��r of ser�i�ing, zf�h� N ate is so�d anc� th�reafter t�ae Loan is se��vice� by a
<br /> L�an Se�vicer other than the purchase�� of th� �V ot�, the �aar�gage l�an s�rvicing o��igatia�s �� Borrow er �r ill
<br /> remain w ith t�le Loan S�rvicer or �e ti�ansf�rr�d to a su�ccssor L,�an S�r�icer at�d are i,ot assum�� by the
<br /> No�� pu�chas�r unl�ss �ther�vis� p�iovi�e� by th� Nai� purchas�r�.
<br /> N�itl��r B o rro�e�� no r Lentier m a� �a�n�n en��, jo in, �r be joine�� �a any jt�c�icial ac�i�n ��s eit�er an
<br /> individual litigan� at� t�.e rnei����r of a �lass} that arises f�am �h� othet� party's acti�t�s pursuant to this
<br /> Se�ut�ity rnst��umen� ox that all�ges �ha� ttae ��her �aar�y has bre�ch�d an� pt�ovision flf, �r any �iu�y o�etl b�
<br /> ���ason af, th�s Sec«rit� Znsti�ument, �li�til such Borrov��r or Lent���� has no�ifi�� �he o�h�i� �arty ��ith s�X�l�
<br /> noti�ce given in complian�e �vith tl�� r�q��irements of Section ��} of s���h al��geci breach antl a�f�rdec� th�
<br /> othe�� party heret� a ����sanable p�rio� aft�r the giving a�suc1� notice to �ake co�rective action. Zf Applic�ble
<br /> Law pravic�es a �im� ��riad �h��h m«st elaps� �ef�re ��rta�n a�tion can be �al���, that time perio� v�i�l be
<br /> deemed to b� �e�san�b�e f�r purposes o��his paragraptl, Th� t�o�ice of ac�el�rati�n and oppor�un�ty �a cure
<br /> givcn to �or�o��r pursuant to Sec���n 2� ai��t ��� n�tice of accel��a�i�n given to Borraw�r pursuant to
<br /> Se��ton �S sha�l be d��meci to s�tisfy th� ��otic� and oppor�unity to take �or����ti�� actio�a provisi�ns of this
<br /> Secti�n 2�D,
<br /> ��, Hazardaus Suhstances. As ��s�d in this S�ction 2�; �a} "t�a�c���a�ous Sr�bstances" a��e thos� su�s�a��c�s
<br /> defin��. as toxic or haza���lous substanc�s, po��utantsy or u�as�es l�y Environmei��al Lau� �n�i the f�llawit�g
<br /> substances; gasoline, keras�ne, a�h�r fla�nma�I� ar toxic petroleum pro��ucts, to�ic pest�ci�es antl h����ici�es,
<br /> v olatil� so lver�ts, m aterials co ntai�aing asb�stfl s a�� f�rm al��ehyde, anc� �a��io a�ti�e n1 aterials; ��}
<br /> ►'.�nvir�anrnentc�l Lc�w" m�ans federal �av�s and la�v s of th� �u��isciicti�n �her� the Prop����y is Ioca�ed �ha�
<br /> r�Iate to heal�h, sa�e�y or en�iro�am���al ���otectio��; �c} "E�tvi��anmen�c�� CZec�nup'� includ�s any respanse
<br /> actzon, r�medial a��iany �r removal ac�iony as ���ined in Environ��l�n��l Lav�; an�i ��} an "�'nvir�onmenta�
<br /> Condition" m�ans a ��ndition th�tt ca�a ��us�, cantri�«�e to, �i� �ther�is� tx�ig�er ��� Environnaental Cleanup,
<br /> Borrower slaa�l not ca��s� ai� pe��mit tla� pt�ese�l�e, ��se, �ispasal, s�o��ag�, �r r���ase �f an� I�a�ard�us
<br /> St��stanc�s, oi� �hr�aten to rel��se any II a�at���us S���s�ances, on at� in t��e P��flp�rty, Bor��ov��i� sha�I �aot do,
<br /> nor allow an�o��e els� to �oy anyt�ling aff��ting tlae Property �a} ���at is in vialation af any Er�viz�onm�i�tal
<br /> Law, �b} �vtlicla ���eat�s an �nvironna�ntal Contl��ion, o�i �c} wllich, �lue to the prese�c�, use, at� ��elease o��
<br /> �a�ard�us S���stance, c��ates a �ontlition �ha� �d�ersely affe�ts �1�� ��1��� a�th� Prapez�t�, The preceding twa
<br /> �4ao�r��
<br /> ��BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae��reddie Mac UNIEQRM INST�UM�NT Farm 3�28 i1�1
<br /> V��O VM PB�N��(1302}
<br /> 1Nolters Kluwer�inancia!5erviaes �age 13 af 17
<br /> ,
<br />