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��14��7�7 <br /> 12� Barraw er N afi Reieased; Forbearanc� �y Lender N o� a V�airrer. �xt�nsion of the time far paym�nt�r <br /> madificat�on �f am�rti�ation af the sums scc�rec� b� �h�s Securit� Iiast��ument gr�ntetl �y Lender to Bor��aw�r <br /> ot� any S��c��ssor in rnt�rest flf Borr���r shal� n�t�p�ra�� t� rel�ase �he I�a�i�i�y of Borro�v�r ar any <br /> SLI�C�SS01�s i� Inter�st ���a���av�er. L�nder shall not l�� rec���ir��l �� �ommence proceedings against any . <br /> S��c��ssar in �nterest�f Borro�v�r ar to refuse ta �xten� time for payment ox at��erwise mo�ify amorti��t�on <br /> �f��� sums secured by th�s S��u��ity Zns���ume�at �� reasan of an� deman� mad� �� the original B�ri�o�er or <br /> a��� Successa��s in Inter�st af Borra�er, Any foz�bearatace by Lenc�er in �xer�ising any right or r�metiy � <br /> including, �v itho�t I�mi�ati�n, Lend�r's acc�ptance �f payments from thi��d p��sans, entities ar Sl�cc�ssars in <br /> Inte��st of Borrowex� o�� i1a ainounts ��ss than �he �mount th�z� �lue, shall not be a wai�cr of or �r�clu�e the <br /> �x�rcise a f any riglat �r rem edy, <br /> 13. Join� and S�veral �.iabi�i�y; Co-signers; Successars and Assigns go�nd. Barrower c�v�nants and <br /> agrees that Borrawer's o�liga��ons and liabi�zty s�all be j�int and several, Hov��v�r, any BarrQ��r wha <br /> co-signs this Security Instrum�nt but �o�s not execl�te �he Not� �a "�o-signer"}; ��� 1S CQwS1�ll111g �hIS <br /> Securit� Inst�ume�t only to mor�gag�, grail� and con��y th� �o-szgner's interes� tt� �he Prope�ty unc�er th� <br /> terms flf�his S��ur�ty Inst�+«m��ty �b} is not p���sanally abligatecl xa pa� xh� sums se�ur�d by t�is Security <br /> Instrum en�; and ��} agr��s that Let��er and an� o�her B arro�v�t� �an agr�e �o �xt�nd, �nod���f fa���eat� or n1 ake <br /> any a��ommodations with regar� t� the terms of t�is S�curi�� rnstrut�ient �i� th� Nat� withou�the ca-sign�r's <br /> c�nsent, <br /> S«b�ec� �o �l�e pravisions of S�cti�n �8, .an� Suc�essar in In�e��est of Borrower �rho asst�m�s Borro�r�t�'s <br /> o�Iigatioi�s u�ader th�s Se�urit� Ins�rum�nt �n v�riti��g, a��� is appr�ved �y L�nder, shal� obtain a11 af � <br /> Bori�o�er's rig.hts �n�l benef��s under thi5 ���u�ity Ins�r��ment. �orro���� s�a�l n�t be rel�ased itom � <br /> Bor��a�ver's o�ligat�ans and Iiability und�r this Se�urit� Instrument un�ess �en�ler agr�es to su�h r�leas� i�a <br /> �r�ting, T��e �ovei�ants an� �.gre�n�ents �f this Se�ut�ity Instrumei�� sha�� b�t�d �except as pravi���l in S�ction <br /> Z�} and ��nefit �he s���c�ss�rs an�l assigns �f Lender, <br /> �4. Loan Charge�. Let��ler may charge Barr�w�r f��s �or s�tvices p�rfoz�med in �onne�tion wfth Bar�o�er's <br /> c��fa��lt, for th� �urpos� of prot�ct�ng L�i�d�r's int�r�st �n th� Pxa��rty ar�d ��ights utatier this Securtty� <br /> Znstrum�n�, inc�udtng, b��t not lim ite�l �o, at�flrn�ys' fees, pr�pe��ty inspecti�n an�l valua�ion �ees, Zta r�gat�d �o � <br /> an� ather fe�sy the abs�ncc of�xpress authori�y �n this Sec��z�it� Ins���u�aaent to �harge a specific fee to <br /> Bo��r��rer slaall n�t �e co�astx�ued as a p�ohibi�ion a�� the chargit�g o�such ��e, Lcnder ma� no��ha�g� fees <br /> that ar� expressly prohi�ited by this Securi�y Instrumen� or �y A�plt�a�le Law, <br /> 7f�h� Laan is su�je�t to � law which sets maxim��m la�n eharges, and that Iaw is �inally itaterpr�t��i so that <br /> the �n����est o� athe� loan ch�rges coll��ted o� ta �e col��ct�d in ��t�ta�ctian �rith �he Loan exceetl t�e <br /> p�rm�tted limit�, then: ��} ��y such loan ch�rge shall be recluce�l �y the aznaunt n�cessary t� retliX�� the <br /> charg� to th� permitt��. �iinit; an�� ��} an� ��xm s already coll�ct�d fi�om Boxrow�r w hic� ex�eeded p�rm it�ed <br /> �im i�s �r i�l be refund�d �� Borra�u�r, Lenc�et� ��ia� choase to m ak� this refun� by z�edu�ing �tae principa� o�v��l <br /> ut��le�� the Note or b� making a ��r�ct p�yment to B���rov�er, If a �efund ���luce� �rincipal, tlie ��educ�i�n will <br /> l�e t��eated as a partial prepay�nent wi�ha��t any Pr�paym�nt charge ��h�th�r o�� no� a pt�epaym�»� cha��g� is <br /> provided fa� undex tlae No�e}, Boz�xo����'s a��eptance of any suc� t�e�und m�de �y clire�t payment to <br /> B���ro��x v��l� �ans�i�utie a v�aiver af an� right of actio� Bor��o�v�� migh�ha�e arising out of su�h av�rcharge. <br /> �5. N�fiices, A11 nQti�e� gi�en b� Borra�ve�� or Len�le�� in cor�nection w��h this S�c��rity �nstrum�nt must �e in <br /> v�riting, Any natic� to Barro��r in cannection �vitih ��is Securi�y Ins�r��m�i�� sl��ll be ���in�d ta have �een <br /> gi�en to Bori•ow�r �rhen m�iled b� �irs� �lass mail or �hen actuall� d�live��ecl t� Bar���wei�'s n��ice addr�ss if <br /> s�nt by ather m��ns, Notice to any ane Box�xower sh�ll cons�i�u�� t��ti�� to all Borra�vers unless Appli�a�l� <br /> La� �xpressl� re�ui��es ot�leru�ise, The r���ice address shall �e the P�ope���y Atic�r�ss ��n��ss B�rro�er 11as <br /> � <br /> z400s75t <br /> !V�BRAS�A-5ingle�am ily-�annie M ael�reddie M a�11N 1�4RM INSTRU M ENT Farm 3a28 1!01 <br /> VM P Q VM�6tN�f�1�02� <br /> VIlolters Kf�awBr Financial 5ervi�es Aa�e 19 nf 17 <br />