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��14��7�7 <br /> satis�action, pr�vide�l that such inspe��ion s�all h� under�aken p���mp�l�, Len�ler m�y pay �o� �h� repairs <br /> and �estaz��tzo�� in a sing�� disbursement or in a s�ries ��pr�gr�ss paym�nts as the v�ork is �omple�ed, <br /> U�Iess an agreem�nt is m a�l� in w riting o� A�pli�abl� La�v re�uires int�r�st to �e pai�l on such <br /> M isc�llan�flus Prac��ds, L�nder sha�l not b� ���q��it���l to pa� B�rrow er any zn��rest �r �a��nings on such <br /> 1�isc�llan�ous Proce�ds, If the r�starati�n or repait� is n�� ec�nomicall� f�asible or L�n�er's se�urity �voulci <br /> �c ��ss�nc��, the M isc�l�aneous Pro���ds sh�ll be applied to the su�n s s�c��re� by this S�cu�+i�y �nstrum ent, <br /> w�.��l1er or not�tlen ��ue, wi�h t�.e excess, if any, pa�d �o Borro�v�r, Such M iscellan�ous Proc��ds sha�l be <br /> applie�l in the ard�r pra�i��� far in S�ction 2, <br /> In �h� ��ent of a ta�al takingy L��S�I�uct�on, o� I�ss iia valu� of the Prop�i��y, th� M�sc�Ilan�ous Proce�ds sh�ll � <br /> �e appli�d ta the sum s s�cu��c� by this Security Ins�rum�nt, whe�h�r or nat �l�en duey w it�� �he �x�ess, if at�y, <br /> pa�d t� Borrav�er, <br /> In �he e�en� a�a pat�tial taking, ��struction, ot� lass in value of tl�� Prop�r�y in which �h� fair marke.t vall�� of <br /> th� Property immedia��ly before tl�� ��az�tial taking, �estruc�ion, �� ��ss in valu� zs ��ual to o� g����ter that� t�e <br /> amou��t of th� sutns secured �y this Security z��s���um�r�� imm�diately �efor� the pa�tial �aking, d�s�ruct��n, or <br /> la ss in value, ur�less Borro�v�r and L�ntler ather�v ise agre� in �v ri��ng, �h� �um s s��ured by �his S�curitY <br /> ��s�rum ent shall �e reciuc�d �� th� am���nt o�the �isee�l�n�ous Procee�s multipli�d by the fal�a�ing - <br /> fraction: �a} th� ta�al amount of the sums s�cured i�nm�diately �efare the par�ia� �aking, �.�s�ru�tian, ar lass <br /> in value divi�.ed by �b} the f�ir mark�t va1u� of the Prop�r�y imm�diat��y �efoi{e �1�� part��l taking, <br /> �estruction, or los� in value, An� �alan�� sha�1 �e pai� to Bo��awer, <br /> I�� t�.e event �f� par��ai taking, des�z�uction, o� loss �n �alu� af the Property in �hich the fa�r �nark�t�a�`ue of <br /> th� Prapert� imme�iiately be�or� th� p���ial tak�ng, d�stru�tion, ar loss In va�u� is ��ss than th� amount of the <br /> sums secl�re�l immediat��y �e�or� th� partial ta�ing, �es�ructian, �r lass �n valu�, ui�less B�rr�w�r an� <br /> Len�er otheru�zs� agz�ee in �rriting, t�e M i�cellaneo«s z'��oceeds shall b� appli��i to �1�e sum s s�cured b� �his <br /> Secu�ity Znstrument��ieth�r o�� nat ��ae sums are th�n �lue. <br /> Zf the Prap�rty is abandan�d �� Borr��rer, o�� if, �f�er n��i�� b� L�i1d�r to Bar��awer that the �pposing Par�y <br /> �as de�inec� �n th� ne�t sen�ence} off���s to m ake an aw ard to settle a �Iaim far dam ages, B o rra��r�r fails to <br /> ��spond to Len��r �ith�n 3D days afte�� �h� da�e �he noti�e �s givei�, Lender is au�horized to �ollect and appl�r <br /> lh� N��sc�Ilaneous Pro����.s �tthe� to resto��atian or r��air of��e Proper�� ar to t1�� su�ns s�cur�� by this <br /> S ecur�ty Instr�lm�ntg �h�t�er �r no t th�n c�u�, ��4 ppo sin.g P a�ty,� na�ans th� �hir� p�i�ty �h�t aw es B oz�ro�v er <br /> M[iscel�ancaus Pr��ee�.s or th� party agains� wlaom �orro�r�r has a righ� of ac�ioi� in r�ga�d ta M iscell�neaus <br /> Pr��eec�s, <br /> B orrow�r s�aal� �e in d�fat��t if any a�tion ar pi{ace��ing, �heth�r �i�i� or crimin�l, is begun thaty in Lend�r's <br /> ju�ginent, coul� r�sult ita forfe�ture of�he Pxoperty o�� �th��� m�teria� impaii�m�nt o�Len�ei�'s inter�st ii� th� <br /> Praper�� or rights unde�� this Sec�ur�ty Instr��m�nt, Ba��rou�et� �an cure such a �ef�ult and, if acceleration has <br /> a�curr�d, r�ins�at� as pi��vi��� in Section �9, �y �ausi�g th� action ar proc�ett��ag to �e dismissed with a <br /> x�I�I11g ��1��, in Lend���'s juc�gm en�, �re�lu�ics f�r��iture ��the P��op�rty ot� n�h�r m ater�al i�npairm�nt of <br /> L�nd�r's interest in th� Proper�� o�• ��igl�ts un��r th�s Sec����ity Ziastt���ment, T�e proce�G�s af any awart� or <br /> claim far�amag�s t�aat a�e at�x�ibu��ble t� the impairm�nt of L�nal�r's it�t�r�s� in �h� P��op�t�ty a�e here�� <br /> ass�gt��d an� shall be pai� to L�i�der, <br /> ��l M�scellan�aus Prflce�ds ��at ar� no� appli�d to ��storat�an or r�paix o�t�a� Prop�rty shall �� �p�li��l in th� <br /> ar�er prov�de�. f�r in Section 2, <br /> , <br /> 2�4a�5T51 <br /> N�BRASKA•5ingie Family•�annie MaelFreddie Mac I�NIFDRM I�ISTRUMCN7 Form 3a28 1101 <br /> W�n�o v�n�s[�►�f c�aa�y <br /> 1Nalters 1C�uwer�inancial 5ervices � p�g���Qf�� <br /> � <br />