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�... <br /> ' a::;. • .-+�ai-�v Q,�Jwrrn�+�.�a^P+�c <br /> t� ' �������A� _. <br /> A° V'I�ynt1V i <br /> .. .� F��'i FYu..��:ry.i�.u.arm.r.. ^.s .. ...�%vlyjE�tA.r=_y��� V� �_ _._. <br /> — '"��� <br /> ..�,.�..ta — — — - - - - -- <br /> --- — ��.:�'�n_r_:�a�.a-.�. <br /> '-_-- . . T�'J_74F•�,.. <br /> � 98- �1x73� <br /> 13. Notiee�.Any no[ice to Borrower provided for in this Securicy Instrumcn[shall be given by delivering it or <br /> by mailing lt by firot class mail unlesa applicable law rcquiL�es use uf another mcthod.The noticc shdl be directed to <br /> thc Property Address or any othcr addres� Boa�wer designares by notice to L.cndcr. Any notice to L.end�r shall be � <br /> given by firot class m�il to Lender's address stated herein or any addrass Lendcr designatcs by naice ro Borrowcr. <br /> Any nocice providat for in this Socuricy lnstrument shall be deemed [o have Ixen given,to Burrower or L,ender when <br /> given as provided in this puagraph. <br /> 14. Governing�w; 9everability.This Security Inst�vment sball bc govemed by ['cderal law and the law of <br /> the Jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security In�irument <br /> or the Note conflicts with applicable law,such conFlict shall not atfect other pmviefons of this Secudty Instcument or <br /> the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provision�of this Security <br /> Instrument and the Note are declared to lx severable. <br /> 15. Borrower's Copy. eorrower shaA be given one conformed copy of the Nute and of this Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> 16. H�v�edous Sabstanca• BolTOwar shall not cause or pemvt the presence,use,disposal, storage. or re ease <br /> of any HxTTardous Substances on or in the Properry. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone�lse to do, uiything _ <br /> affecting the Property that is in violation of any Environmen��l law. The preceding two sentences shall not�pply io <br /> the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quanti:ies of Hazardous Substances th�t ue gener�lly <br /> recognized to ba appropriate to normal residential uses and to rts�intenance of the Praperty. <br /> 8orrower shall promptly give l.ender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lewsuit or nther action <br /> by any govemmental or ngulatory agency or private pazty involving the Propeny uid any�loua Substance or <br /> Enviroamental Law of which Bonowor hu accual knaw1a18e. If Borrower learns,or is notifiut by u�y gov�mment�l <br /> or regulatory authoriry, that any nmovai or od�er remsdiation of eny Hazardous Substances effxNng the Propeny is <br /> necessary,Bonower shall pmmpNy take all necessary remedid acdons in accordnnce with Environmentel Law. <br /> As used in this puagraph 16, "Hazardous Substancea" ue those substances deCned as toxic or hu.ardow <br /> substances by Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flunmsble or toaic <br /> petroleum products.toxic pesticides and hozbicides,volatile solvents,mAteri�ls containing osbescos or fomnaldehyde, <br /> and radioaccive maicri,�s. As�in ;�is p°s�s;ra�h 15. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of tl►e <br /> jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate to health,satety or envimnmenta!pcotection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender fuzther wvenant and agra ns follows: <br /> 17.Assigamwt ot Renb. B°1T°wer unconditionally �ssigm and truufers to L.end�r�11 the rents ond revonua <br /> of the Property.Borrower authorizes Lender or I.ender's agents to collect the rents and revenues uxl hereby direcu <br /> each teiunt of the Property to pay che ronts to Lender or L�ender'e agents• Nowever, prior to Lender's notice to <br /> Borrower of Borrower's b:each of any covenant or agreenxnc in the Securiry Instcument. Borrower sh�ll collat and <br /> receive all rents and revenucs of the Property as trusta for the benefit of Lender and Borrower. This�ssignmmt of <br /> nnts constiwtm an absolute assignment and not an assignnxnt for udditional security only. <br /> If Lender gives notice of brasch to Borcower: (a)all rena received by Borrower shdl be held by Bomower v <br /> tnutee for benefit of L,ender only,to be applied to the sum�secured by the Saurity Instrulr�ent: @)l.ender sh�ll b� <br /> entitled to collect and receive all of the rents of the Properry: +wd (c) each tan�ne of the Property sh�l�P�Y���� <br /> due and unpaid to L.ender or Lcnder's agcnt on L,ender's written demmd to the tenant. <br /> Borrower has not ezxutai any prior auignment of the renu and has not and wi11 not perfurm unY�c�tb+►t would <br /> prevent Lender from exercising its righu under this par�graph 11, �fore or�fter ivia notia <br /> I.ender shall not be nquiral to enter upon,tak�contml c�f or maintein the Property 8 B <br /> of breac6lo Borcower. However, I.ander or n judicially appointtd receiver may do so at any time thece is a breach. <br /> Any application of rents shall noc cure or waive any defaul�or invalidate any other right or remedY of l.ender.This <br /> assignment of rents of the Propeny shall terminate when the debt sa:ured by the Sa:urity Iastrument is pud in full. <br /> �tRINEI i9aa�.oi <br /> r.Q.e oe a i"�t'*: �F�' <br /> _ - _ , . � . ,ti. .��•:,rt,�t�."._�_ — ---«r:c�:_°-------- <br />— • + V`TC. a�..�.�.�" _ <br /> r �.. <br /> _ . ' .. 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