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` i �•. <br /> . � _ <br /> � .' _ __-- --_--�r1e'�sr3br•1�,q�}/I+t_ -- —=�.��1�`"�h_.1+:'i�...V�a� <br /> ,�_�.. _ _ �;�,,. - - <br /> �� - - - =as� <br /> _ _ . . .. . . ._.__.___...__. _ . ...._. .. . .. __ . _ <br /> 98-112'737 <br /> (i)All or part of the Property,or a beneficial interest en a uust owning all or part of the Propeny, is sold <br /> ur otherwlse transfernd(other thm by devise or descent),And <br /> (ii) 'fhe Propeny is not occupied by the purchaser or grantoe as his or her principal residence, or ehe _._ <br /> purch�ser or granta das so occupy the Pcoperty but his or her credit has not been approved in <br /> wccord�nce with the requirernenta of the Sea��tary. <br /> (e}Nu Walver. If circumstances occur that would permit Lender to require immediat�payment in full, but <br /> Lender doea not require such payments. ixnder das not waive its rigl►ts with respect to subsequent events. <br /> (d)Re�ulatlon4 ot Hi1D SeeretAry.[n many circumstances regulations issued by the Secretary will limit <br /> Lender's rights, in the case of payment defaults, to require immediate payment in full and foreclose if not <br /> p�1d. This Sxurity Instrument does not authoriu acceleration or forxlosun if not permitted by regulatians <br />' of the Saretary. <br /> (e)MurtgR�e Not Insured.Bonower agrees that if this Security Insuument and the Not�are not determined <br /> to be ellgible for insurance under the National Housing Act within 60 days from the date hereof, l.ender <br /> may. at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums securod by this Securit� Instniment. A <br /> written statement of any authorizal agent of thc Secretary d�ai subsequ�nt to 60 days from the date henof, <br /> declin[ng to insure this Security lnstrument and the Note, shall be damed conclusive proof of such <br /> ineligibility. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this option may not be exercised by Ler►der when the <br /> un4vailability of insurance is solely due to Lender's failun to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the , <br /> Secretary. <br /> 10. Rdnsutement. Borrower has a righ[ to be reinstated if Lender has required immediate payment in full <br /> lxcause of Bonower's failure to pay an arnount due under the Note or this Securlty lnstrument. This right applies <br /> even after foreclosun procoe�ings are institutui. To reinstate the Securi[y [nstrument, Borrowcr shall tender in a <br /> lump sum all amounta required to bring Borrower's account current including, to the ext�nt they are obligatiuns of <br /> Borrower under this 5ecurity Instrum�nt,foreclosure costs and reasonable and customary attorney�'fas and expenses <br /> properly asaociatal wtth the foreclosun praceeding. Upon reinstatement by Bonower, this Security Instrument and <br /> the obligations �hat it secures shall remain in effect as if Lender had not required immediate pzyment in full. <br /> Ho::aver, Lend:r ie not r���!trHi r� nermlt reinstatement if: (i)Lender hes accepted reinstatement after the <br /> commecu:ement of foroclosure proaedings within two years immediuely pnceding the commencement of a curnnt <br /> foreclosun proceeding. (ii) reinstatement wtll preclude forxlosuce on different grounds in the funin, or (iii) <br /> reinstatement will udveraely affect the priority of the lien created by this Security Instrumrnt. <br /> 11. BorruNer Not Rela►sed;Forb�nnce By Lender Ilot p Wwiver. Extensian of the time of payment or <br /> modification of emonization of the sums saured by this Security lnstrument granted by Lender to any successor in <br /> interest of Borrower shall not operate to nlease the liablliry of the�riginal Borrower or Borrower's successor in <br /> interes[. Lender shaU not be required to commence pra:eedings agalnst any successor in interest or rofuse to extend <br /> time for payment or otharwise modify amortization of the�ums securod by this Security Instrument by reason of any <br /> deauand mxfe by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in intenst. Any focbeuura by Lrnder in oxercising <br /> any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the excn;ise of any right or remcdy. <br /> 12,Suce�ors pnd psaigns Bound; Jotnt and Several LiAbflky;Co-Signers. The covonaats and agraments <br /> of thi�Security Instrument shall bind and brnefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subjxt to the <br /> provisions of paragraph 9(b). Borrower's cuvenants and agreemena shall be joint and several. My Borrower who <br /> co•signs this Socuriry Instrument but does not execute the Note: (�) is co-signing this Securiry Instcument only to <br /> mortgage,grant wnd convey that Borrow�r's interest in che Property under the terms of this Secudty Instcumenr, (b) <br /> is not personally obligated to pay the sums securcd by this Security[nstrument; and (c)agras that Lender and u►y <br /> other Borrower may agree to eztend, modify, forbeaz or make any xcommodations with regard to the terms of this <br /> Security Instrument or the Noto without that Borrower's consent. <br /> (�4RlNE1�sea�.oi rec.c o�e iNnw.: `•� <br /> — ,. . - —. �t,..;:..��t- .��°`�cs-Aa�`''�"' �_.� ---�— --- <br /> ,� <br /> •- - ._ . _.._ . . - _ <br /> . . : . � , ;� Y ` �. ?�r�-��t+�:r.�' -- --- _- <br /> a , ----- <br /> ,. �: •. __ ' ' ' _• +3_ •;;}N kN�r1'--- y.� _ _ _ - - <br /> -- . , - - �- - - ' - --- -- <br /> f• „-.- ; "�` 'r� r ���+nYh - .sr..� <br /> Y ��' r c" `-� <br /> � � , . .. � 1-�Yf t . �■ wlW+�)r��;J� IN.�Y:� - - ..�_ <br />.R , . •� �J•nSti'����,1 L•r{•��rTy�L,��i��'�r�4ww- �_ __._ .__ <br />..■ ... . . 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