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, _...,_ <br /> �,�.��.��.� ,���---- <br /> � .::rr.i__._�:..... ........__--- <br /> __ _ __ <br /> _ __ . _ —- <br /> 98^ il2'737 <br /> 18.Forecloew'e 1'rocedur�• It Lenda'rtquirer immedi�te ppyinent In[ull u��der p�ragr�ph 9� I.ender m�y <br /> invake the power of e�le�od�ny otba'ran�s P��n�br�Pp��ble Iww,La�r shall tx eatltled to collecl <br /> afl expcuses tncurnd in {�ursulns the re�aedia under this parygrs�ph lA, incfading� but not 1{mit'd to, <br /> reaonabk�tta'neys'tea snd oo�ts of/ltk evideace. <br /> I[the power ot�le b inrokal,Tru�tee�Iw�arecord�� p be m�na p ribedyby ppifc�ble IAw W <br /> che Propertr is tocatea .na�b�U mau cople+ <br /> jSO1TONtl'� �0 til!O��l1' �lf0��� b�APP��pbl! INW. A(iter tt�e time requlred by �pplta�ble IRM, <br /> Tnntee slu�ll give publk ratke of s�k to tbe persons�ud tn tfie mannaa�p�seribed by�pplicable law.Trusta, <br /> witlwut danand on Borrowa'. �al�sd��he Pt°P�'�y�t P�blic auction to the bl�hrst bidder at the tinte And <br /> place and unda'the terms dai�ted in ibe notke � d ot the Propaty by publk and Inou�anent t� t6�tinwa <br /> detamtaea.'crmt«ma7 P�P�sale of all or anr p�rc <br /> oad plwce of any prevbusly ac6edukd sak-I,endu or Ita desst�nee may purclu►s�the Propa�ty�t a»y sde. <br /> It the I,a�da''s intatist in thb Securih In�trumeat B hdd by tbe Sa�ret�ry wx1 the Secret�►q' �'t4Wres <br /> immediate p�yment in tull w�der �rair�ph 9, the Secrd�rJ' may Invoke tLe nor�wlicGd power ot aak <br /> providal ia t6e Siu�le Faaily Mort�e Foreclasure Act of 1994("Act")(12 U.S.C.3751 et stq.)by requestie{ <br /> a foreciosure canmi�ioaer desl�nated nnder the Act to commence toredosure and to sdl tLe Pn�ecty a+ <br /> pco�ided ia Rbe Act. Not6ia� ia the precedin�senteace sl�ll deprive t6e Sec�txry ot Rny rifhb otherv►ise <br /> avwilaWe W�I.enda'under thts Para�pti I6 or�ppUcabk lAw. <br /> �Jpon recdp�of p�rytnent o[tbe price bld,'I'n�stee afwll deliver to tlee purcha4er Trust�e's deed cooveyln� <br /> the Propert7. Tbe reciWs in the Trusta's deed ahsll be pria�a ipcte evidmce ot t6e truth of tre st�temeata <br /> p1�1�C�1�.TI'1131C!S�II A�Y��OI��1!SYIC IO tIl!tOIIOV1�I11(� 01'dtJ':(Q)t0 YII C06�S��0� <br /> EXE['CL7�11��t�10�►d'O�S��t��t�l!3��Es �AC�tNutl$[�IC��7plD�0���N:Z�'YS�lt�6�E6S iC�'�y�pCY1Tld�00<(O <br /> excad f i Ve 9b ot the ixiadP�i�m°unt°r the aote at the ttme of the declsntioa o[de[ault, <br /> �ud reawo�ble attorn�ys'[ees w P�i'�entitled t( oll sum+secured by t6is Security Instruwent;and(c) <br /> o►y excess to the pes'son or persons 1� Y <br /> i�.�d��`��.L�,r g�;��r�f all sums secured by this Security Inscn�ment,Leada shill request Trustx <br /> to reconvey the Pt+upertY u�d sh�ll sumnder this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt ucurai by tdis <br /> Szcuriry lustrumen� to Trusta. Trusta ah�ll�onvey the Property without warranty and witldout cherge to ihe <br /> pecson or persons Icgally entitlaf to it.Such person or persons sh�li pAy any reoord�tion costs. <br /> 2p, Substitute Tnata.Lender, at its option, muy from time to tin� remove Trustoe �nd appoint a succxswr <br /> tnuta tu any Tcusta appointed henunder by�n instrument recorded in the ccwnty in which this Secun e�c�rument <br /> is rreocded.Without conveyana of the Property.lhe successor tcusta shill suec�cd to�ll tbe title,po <br /> confemd upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br /> 21.Rsqua�t (or IYotic�.+• Bor��'►'er requests that copies of the noticxs of d�fault and sale be sent to Horrowa's <br /> add�ess which ia the Propercy Addnss. <br /> 22.RWes�s to t6is SecuritY Imtrw°ent•1f one or more riders ue exxuted by Borcower and rxorded togctber <br /> with this Security Insuument. the covenanu of each such rider shall be incorpuratal into and stu�ll ame��d u►d <br /> suppltment the cc�venu►ts and �p�eeme°�s of this Security Insuument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Securiry <br /> lrstrnmeat.[Cdeck applicablo box(es)]. c�]x Other[spee1fYl <br /> 0 Condominium Rider U Growing Equiry Rider <br /> [� Planned Uait Developme�u Rider ❑ Gradustod Payment Rider M01'tgage Addendum <br /> �4RINE)�9eoo.o� r.y,.�o�u w�+w: �*'4�. <br /> �.;i �r-PS.r�t,. 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