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. . ' �'Zi,-:.....�-"Z.�.�..:.1;..�.,:.::�iQ�l:�:rs�v.F-_— . <br /> r a�'� `. " _. _.. -. - <br /> _ 98- slx7�o . . <br /> 7.Emin�M Dom�in. LenJm m hnreby nnrn�pmrl nll n�nnpe+ivu�unn,nwmd��, dumn;�uu encl mhur pnyn•inilv m�uh�d Ihunnnu�tu� 'Pier.uadu I <br /> m r.unnection with condamnnl•on or othor ink�n�I ut ihu Propurty or purt iharuuf,�ir lor conv�y�����:�,n�hau ul ���n�lci�in�iunn.Lnndur nhnll <br /> ukm�or damny�d,Lenddr xhell h+rvn lhn oplw��m�t:�solu�ind nbdolulu dce:wUun.lo upplY+�ll:,��':I' �'�"':��uJ��.�dlur Ju�luc�inp Ihurclrum <br /> nll nortr rnd axptlnnae�ncurred Ly rt in aunn��ulun� anth mir.h Pror,eudu� u��on nny mdubladno•�n e�ucuiud huu�l�y nnU �n NUf.II 011lnl �m <br /> 4nnJ�r muY dntannine,or tu npply tdl nur.h Pr��:��uJ:,.�d1ut�wch tluductinm:,tu thu ru��tur,iliun ul ilw f'rup���ly������n .���:li �.���idi�inn:i n:� <br /> LM�d�r mNV detunnine.Any npphr.ut�nn ot Pmuuude: In indubludnos:�vh�dl nul uxlund ur pn:,tpnn�� Ihu duu d�da ul ��nY I��rymunlu�n�dar <br /> Ihn Nntr.or eun w�y dalnult thmu�mdur ur Iwru�mdw.11ny un+qiNliud lunde:�;hull bu pwJ tn T��r�i��r. <br /> 0. ►«lorm�na� by LNida. Upon N�e ocrarnmcx ul mi Evnnl ol Oulnuh hormn�dnr. n�d nny nul r. I.ik��u ��i i�'�liunrlu1dnlny� <br /> crnnmrtnced whir.h mn�on�dly atloct:t lendvt'�� inuvcs�dut Ihu Pruperty.Lcnuur may ui d:: o�vn dr,'•'^�'�'�'.bui }v�nu,�i�, . <br /> nnd wrthoui npUr,e ta or dmnund uUOn Tru+iur und �viliiuul rul�:usinN Tnr.itnr Iruui��ny uLL�l.�lu,i.. J�.��ny�o t :,����r 1��r.���i li.r...iuiuuJ <br /> I�UI INIIIi W(IO OIIfI111fl4 AINO(IO llll�O�I1tlf ur.t �l dourn��nu�.uann�Y to prtrtnr.l lhu e+ucunly huiu��l (�ir.t��i �,hull,wn�i�idi,n�:ly upun dum�ind <br /> lhernlor by Lendei, Pay ro Lendur all r.uedx m�d nxpcntiu�:mcurrod nnd �ium�� uMPundurf by Lundur m �.�mn���:������ wuh tha uxurcriu by <br /> Lendsr al Uie forep��inp npht.^.. lopc�lh<�r wdh miorosi thuraon nt thu dotaul� ndu pruv�dud in il��� N��i.:. v.�A,,�� .hull I�a.aJdud lo Iliu <br /> uidel,tadneae aecured hernby.Londnr nhnll nol m�w ony liabihly buan�so ul nnytl+m�{d ni+ry tl��°�����u� li�Ju hvi��un�lui. <br /> 9.Hw:wdou�M�t�ri�l�.Trunto�nluill kuu�,Iha P�u{�u�ly m i:urnpliunce wdli ull.ippl�r.ublu Lnvn..nd�n��nru•������I�u��ul�dwnn rul�Uinp lo <br /> induatnel hygiane o► envfronmunti+l protacuon Ir.ollcc�wcly rulurrod to hormn +i� "Enwromncentnl L.�w•."1. Tru.iur •�h,ll kaup tha Prnpurty <br /> Irne from all duantuJ to bu h+uarduu:: o�lox�r. under uny EnvuonmunUd Luwy l�:�dloctrvuly rulurr��d to h�:rum av "H+�t+��duu:: <br /> Metenelr."1.Trustor hereby w+urnnts mid ru��ra,unta lo Lundor that thar[+ +ua t10 H+it�frdou5 �d+�t��n�J un ur undui ihu Prupurry. Truatur <br /> hmeby eyrees to indemmfy nnd hold haruilusA Londur, itti duuctors, oll��:ers, �mployuu�and��!1«�'�'� �'O1� ,"'y :.�":':ussors tu Londoi s <br /> interast, from nnd aqninst any iind oll r,laims, dai�iagua;.I�i::so, c,nd liabiliticy urisinp m connc,:tinn c��th th�: pr�,,�:ncu, usu, disposai or <br /> tn�nsport ot eny Hazordoue Mntenole on,undur.Iram or uYiout tha Praporty.THE FOREGOING WA�+RANTI[S Af�O FEPRESENTATIQNS. <br /> AND TRUSiOfl'S OBLIGA710NS PURSUANT TO l'HE FOREGOING INDEMNITV,SHALI.SURVIVE kkCUNVEvAN�E UF THIS OEEp UF <br /> TqUS7. <br /> 10. A�dpnm�nt ot Rmto. Trustm horoby n:ac;ipn:: to Londar, ond prunts lundor ti secuMy u�tcru:+t m, ,dl prc:;a:nt. futuru nnd i�tar <br /> nsinp rent�.issues nnd prolit:�of iho Property;u��wded Ihnt Truntor sholL until tho ocr.urreiuc ol nn Evnnl��I pufnult hareundur,havo <br /> the ripht to colleot and rotein nuch rente,fF�uoe ond p�ofita en they bt+r,omo dim or�d pt�ynblo• Upcn thu o�:currmir.0 of un Hvunt ot <br /> Dsfeult, Lender mey,either in person or by c�pcnt,with ur without brin�iny ��nY actinn or prucuuJutit�, or Ly n �ua�ivor uppointed by o <br /> r,ourt nnd witliout radprd to thu ndoquacyof ih;+ucunty. untar upon and Wko po:;cossionof thu Prcipurty,oi .�irv u+�rt thuroof,in itr,own <br /> nxme or in the neme of tho T�ustoo, amd a�to which ft daems nacuseury ur dosiraLlu tu prusurvu tha wduu, murkotubihly or <br /> rentebility of tha Property,or nny pnrt thoreof or inluru�+l lharain,or ta incrou:�u lhu inr_oino thun:(wm or prolu�:� 1hu��o�:uriry heruof und, <br /> wrth or withaut tuking poasussfon of tho Proporry, sue lor or othurwisu culloct tha�ue+ i�nd prahts thuruol. includinq those past <br /> due and unpaid,6y notifyind tenunts to im�ke p:ryrnenta to Lnndar. Londur mr�y uUP�V ����►ti•�s'�'�'`'"'d�110�'�"' �"'' �osts und oxpmisos <br /> oi opeution and collection��1CIUfIli1(�Bl[Oflltly'1��tlBJ,�U iiny mdobtednoa:�duaurod haruby,oll m e:ur.h urdni u�+Lm�Jur muy dntermina.7ho <br /> enterin� i�pon end takin{� poeneseion of iho Propady, �hto aollaction ol Fud� �ant�, i:+sue:: and proht�+, nnd thn u���ilication thoroof as <br /> aforeseid,shall not cure or waive uny dolnult or notico of dofuidt harcundor ur mvalid+iio a��Y �"�� �011`°„r�.tl�u'cullutionclru oiptland <br /> pursuant to such noticu of default und,iwtwdhstandind tho conUnuancn in Pusnuv:cion ot �hn Prupurty <br /> appliolliDn of rente, iesuea or p�olile, l�ru��teo xnd l.ondur nhnll bv onliUad to oxu�ciya uvuiy ��{I��� Nruvuwd lur in miy ol the Loun <br /> Irivtrumente or bv law uPOn oceurrenco of any Event ol Dotault, includind wilhoul lunitohon thu nk{Ilt„t'1�.,1„°1'� 1�lu�ndor'��iuhts1nnd <br /> uu�i�� �;� �:a; .. .... <br /> Further, Lender's ri�hts and ramndies undnr this pamurupti shall Uo cumuiuuva wiii�, " <br /> romediea undar eny nsei�nmant of It�nyus and runis racurdi:d a{�amnt lho PropartV. Lm�J�r,Trua��+u i���J niu ����•u�var shull b�� Gu61a to <br /> eccount only for thoae rente actually recorvud. <br /> 11.Ewnt�of Dd�ult.Tha followmta shull cun�+�iwto��n Evunt of Dnfuult unJnr thf:+ Duud o( Tnrd: <br /> (a)Feilura to PHV eny inylallmont c�l p�inr.ipiJor mleru:+l ot ony olhnr sura aucuwd horubY whun Juu; <br /> Ib)A breach of or de(ault undnr any pwvfsiun r.untmnod in tha Notu,thia Duud of Tiu•:l.nnY o�diu Lu.m Iic�Uuments,or uny <br /> othdr Gen or anr,umbrnnce upon�hc Proparty; <br /> (cl A writ ot oxecution or altuchniunt ur o�y vm�dur procc�ss sh�+ll bu enlored u�uins�T�u::lur which••h����b��:ome u lien on tho <br /> Prop�rty or any portion thereof m�ntwoe:t Il�c+ra�r <br /> (d►Thete shell be filad by or nguinst Truytoror Borrowur nn aotion undor a�y t�►89����or firturn fndortd,tiUrtu ur u[her statue,li�w <br /> or repulation relntinW to bankrupt�:y, in,olvency or othur rohuf for dnbtors;or there ::hnll be�q�I�������ud ��nY uu:atoe, rar.eivor or <br /> liqwdetor of Truetor or Barrowar or ol all or�inypaul u� tlt�Proporty, oi lhu runU. �:�sua::or pru�rtec Ifiuruo�.ur f�uutor or 9urrownt <br /> qhat!make any Uenarel aysignment (or tlie 6uncl�t of�ditore; <br /> (a)Tha sole,unnefer,loose,nveipnmcant,aaiwuyancu 4r further unr.urnbroncu nl ull P��rt o�ur.���y���tci�,t in thu Property, <br /> either voluntnrily or involuntardy.without thu exUruss writtun consent of I.endor;�a►ovid�d Ih.rt Tnistur sh�dl bu Nurnuttod tu oxucut� <br /> e leaae of the Proparty thnt doas no�contuin un optiun lo purohase and tho tarm of which Joeri nut oxcauJ unu yuur, <br /> (f) Ahnndonment of the Propurty;or <br /> (p)If Trustor is not �n individual, tho i:;-;uance, s�do. tr�uisfor, uss�ynmmrt. convuY����':�' �>r �����:'����b�unca ��f mura thon lif a <br /> co�poration) H total o( N/A pwr.ent af its i�suud and out+tendinp stock.'U:unt a��f1tholm�rted ihub I iycr�,�np•N,Yainteraete mcvutiny <br /> pertneryhip intereste, or b a limitad habdity cornpanyl+� tolnl of N/A ! <br /> riyf�ta duriny the perfod this Dood o1 Trust�csmninv e lien on tl�e Proporty. <br /> 12. HNnrditr,Acc�bnti�n lfpon Oefe�lt.In ihe evcnt ot nny Evont of Ocfuult Luridor niny. wrthou�nou�:c cxr.v��l as ruquirad by law. <br /> declore all indebtedneys vecurod hor�by to bu c3ue E+nJ puYOblo nnd tho sama shull Ihor�uPun �u�':�'��'u dim �md puVublo without uny <br /> presontmait,demund,protest or nulicn of unykind.Thuruultur londer nwV: <br /> (el Cemend thnt Truaten exnrcfso the POWER UF SALE Urented hur�m, nnJ Ttustoo sh�dl ttiuiaejh�n cnu�u Trustor's internst <br /> m the Proparty to be sold and tho procuuds to 6u disV�butod,all in tho muiumr providod in thu Nu�iu:�l.�Trust DueJs Act: <br /> (bl Exefcfso ony und ali nghtn providi+d lor ���w�V of Iho Lou�� Insttumari[s or by luw upon w.�.unw�cu o� unY Evmit of <br /> Oefo�dt; end <br /> (c)Commonr,a on actfon lo lorcr,lo:;u Ili�s Duad nl Tiust.i.^, u murtc�+igo. ,�{�pnint n ru�:civcn.w�p,n.�ln:atly w�lorc�i�ny ol Uu+ <br /> cuvonents hmoof. <br /> Nu romady horo�n conforrod upon m �uverved i�. Tiu:;�uu ��r Lundor r.�mlenduJ ro bv•arvu "� ����y�,tfiu� ���u�cdy hmi,m. in thu Lui�n <br /> Instruments or by luw providud or pernuued,but CJCN Sli.dl bu cumuluUVU,�>holl bo m uddrtion tu uvcry othur rurudy(liven hurounder, in <br /> Iho Lonn Instrurnunls or now or huivaftw uxi,Gnta,u lu�v oi in uuwtv ur bY slulu�u.ur�J in:ry b��aai��•,cd �:,���,.uu��n�ly. indupanduntly ur <br /> �uccessively. <br /> 13.Tru�t��.Tf�e Tnielau�niiy ras�gn ut any timu wdhuut couea,und Londur muy nt mW U�nu unJ wrtlioul cnu:w nppoint o succusaur <br /> or.ubatitutn Trustee. Truyteo shc+ll not bo habla to arty ptvty, includ�np without lim�tabon Lender.Burrowar, Tru;tur or any purchu:am of <br /> the Property, lo� ony lous or domnpu UnIU99 dua to rer.kloss or wilRul miaconduct,ond shnll nut bu royuucd to tuka ony action in <br /> connection with the enloroemont ol this Uvud of Lu:ir unloss indcvnndiad,in writing. lor all coyl��,�:uinpmc�ut�un ur uxpunsee which may <br /> be oesocieted therewrth. In nddrtwn. Tru.tcw mary becuma �� purchaear ot ony soio ol tho PropurtV G��d��:�+�1 ui unJur thu powor of sole <br /> gronlod herainl;Poslpunu tho sulo ol :�II a cmy I����ion uf lha ProP�rty, i�s providod by law:or yull thu Propurty,c,c wholu.or in sopnr��to <br /> porcela or lote et Truytue'e discrcLm�. _..,��...,,�,,,,nf anlo. Truvluo slidll bu�•n�dlud ro npplY nnY salu <br /> 14.F��s Md ExpMN�.ut[no ovan�i rus�u�: :.N�:� �i�a�+.:Noc;y::�:.�:.:':---.�--•- <br /> — proceede first to puyn�ent of oll costv iind axpurises of oxurr.isinU powur of sulU, inr.luding all Trusiuu's fuu:•. �m�l l.anJar�s nnd Trustuo's <br /> ° et[orney's fUes,ectuelly incurred to nxtent punnrtled by upphcublo Inw. In tho ovunt Borrowu� or Truvlw enui�.r•��. anY ridht proviJud bY <br /> - Inw to curo en�vont of Oeleult, Lendar,I�ull l�u ant�Uud �u rocovur Irom Tniutor nll costs u��d uxpunnur. uc��i�Jly �ncinrod an a rosult of <br />— Trustor's dofeult. mcluding wilhout Ivn�tnuon all TmvteO•�����d u�IurnuY��IUU:+,to lhe, extonl P�t�nitleJ bY•�1'P6�..,blu luw. <br /> = 15. Fuwn Advances. Upon rcyuv::l uf B��rc��iur.Lundnr m.�y, ut rts uuUun.nwka uJddw�i,d and Inlu�u,�dv�u�cc:+atnJ roudvuncus lo <br /> '�' 0urrower.Such ndvoncus und raudv.u�ece, wdf• nlutust Uiuraon, vhull bu:;ocurud by tliia D�eud o( fni:+l. At no timu shall tho pnncip��l <br /> a nmount ol the u�dobtodnosa ser,�nod by thiv Dr.i�d��f Trunt. not includin� ��um:�adwmr,od W ��rotu�:l lhu �ucuulY ��f tliia Dood of Trunt. <br /> ? oxcaed tho onymnl principal iunounl�[,imd hcrari.or S 340.000.00 . whn:licvur c,����e,ilar. <br /> � <br />-3 <br /> � <br /> N6G/57A R�o•�aU�•«�:�"��Vecul Re� o.!S ' <br /> 198tl Nat o„�:I7�,:�J C"u�,„�.�e 7�.., a ... .�. ... . � . � :�.•o�w�,� <br />