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, . ,��.;:• 1 I�� , . <br /> �,.:i4� <br /> � <br /> �.__ ...�—_:.1,._r.�NS.a�n,u�"_'�°____��—_ <br /> ��.i`�_ �r��_�.._-" _- '" '-_ .._.. , <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> -- _ _ _ <br /> 4 � .r , � <br /> ^ v <br /> n C!� c� cn <br /> . �p OO �i --1 <br /> n' m t!1 � t� `,: ?� �CLn� <br /> �� (l . 7 f.� 1'rl "� i+l i � <br /> � � . ��� . ; .� � < .. <br /> �, iv , . ��, <br /> � � �,' , `�' � ••� _ ;�,,,�� :� <br /> � � I, <br /> � �,� � �..� H � <br /> C,,, � ;'� � �:. , , rv � - <br /> � � ��\ v , c~ � r-�� <br /> -�1�7�� � � �Tv � <br /> 9S �, <br /> �.p � i cp <br /> � <br /> � D�ED 0 T UST WI7M FU7URE ADVaNCES � <br /> O <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUS'f,io rnndn na ol tlie 22� day of Decembcr , 19 96,hy�nd a7honpL"7� <br /> thn Tnistor, <br /> ��v�N a i+ot�er, p SINGI.E PERSAN � <br /> wh�se modinp nddrosv iri 317 N 4TH _ GRAND ISIAND NF hR801•4501 (hcuein"Tniator,"whether ane or marel. <br /> tl�e Tnistnn. TNE OVEP.LAND NATIOHAL BANK OF GR�ND ISLANO <br /> ei�Wn u• 6HA0 (hmein"Truetae"1,nnd <br /> whosu meilin{�oddrnse iv P O BOX 1688 GRAND 1 � — <br /> tho Bonofir.ipry,_IN��YERIANILNhI1�N!lL9AN <br /> yvliose mnilinp nddross i:: P 0 BQX 1688 �RAND ISLANQ NE 68802 (he�ain�Lsnder"1. <br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,�nr,ludin�Londur'�:nxtonaion of credit idantifiod herein to _ <br /> AIVIN G MOTLEY <br />- �i�mmn ��uuiiu'i�ioi�� ":�C:::.^.T�••..-• ••^!9� °^!�thw tn�et heroin croatad, the _ <br /> rnc+eipt o— t which is hernhy ncknnwlr.d�ae�i,Truator hernhy inavocnbly g�nnin, trnnefers,cnnveya nnd nnaigne to Tnietee,IN T(iUST,WI7H <br /> pQWER OF SALE, for thn benelrt nnd rzar,urity nf Lendnr,undor nnd suh�ect to tho terms end r.onditions hereinefter sat lorth,tha ronl <br /> property,dQ9C11I)QC�OS(OIIOW7�: <br /> LOT THREE (3), DLOCK FORTY (40), IN THE OPGIMAL TONN OF fR�ND ISI.AND, HALL COUNTY, HEBRASK� <br /> PROPERTY ADDRESS; 317 41 4TH GRAND ISLAND ME 68801•4501 <br /> Topethei with nll huildings, irnprovnments, fixturos, streats,all�ys, possnqc+wnys, onsamants, rights, privile�es and eppurtenance� <br /> looided thereon m in nnyw�r•e Pnrtnininp lheroto,end the rents,ixeues end profite,rove�einna ond romninder�thenof,and wch p�r�ond <br /> pruperty that in nttnclir.d to the improvements eo as to cnnatitute e(ixture, includinp, hu�not limited to,heetinn and coalinp equipmNit; <br /> ond tnpathar witl� Ihr. home::tnid oi mnritnl intorosts, if any, which inte�ests are h�reLy roleased i�nd wnived; ell of which, inr,ludinp <br /> roplacements nnd odditions tharoto,is heroby doclnred to ho�uart of th�ronl ostato,ncurod by tho lien of this Deed of Tmnt end all of <br /> tha foropoh�p being raForrad ro V�orein ns the"Property" <br /> Thi.^.Dn�d ol 7ru•d:;hnll se�curo(nl Ihe peyment of thc prinr,iptd aum nnd m�arost ovidonr.ed by a promiasory note or credit <br /> n�uer.mnnt d+�ted Dece��er 22, 1998 __.hnvinp m m�turity dntu nf _ DecemAer 10, 2005 <br /> in tho nri�inal princ�P��� ��»a����t nf 5_ _40•OOO.OD __ __. nnd nny und o�l modificetions, extensions end tenewnls <br /> thuraof or theroto ,x�d nny and�d�hrtiun c�dvuncos nnd rexdvnnr,ee to Borrower�ar eiw of them if more than one)hmeund�r purtuant to <br /> nne or moro promissory nmos or credit np�eemonte lharein r.elled"Noro"1; Ib)the pnyment of other aume ndvenced by Lender ta protsct <br /> thn se�u�ity ol �ho Notf�:(cl lhu pe�lormnnca of nll covanm�ta nnd ngrenmente of Tm.^.tor set forth herein;nnd (d)nll p�eeent end futuro <br /> indr.btednoss and obligntimis nf Bnrrownr (or ony of tliem if more th�n anol to lendor whethor direr,t, indirect,ebsolute or contin�ent <br /> ond whethot nrisinU by nolo.nunranty,overdreft or othe�wisa.The Noto.this Dnud o( TruFt and any and oll other document�th�t secure <br /> the Noto or otherwi.e DMOr,��IR�I in r.nnnection therowith,inr.ludinp without limitalion pun�entees,eor.urity egroement�and eeaignment� <br /> of Innaoe and rnnts,shnll bo ra(eired�o linroin ee tho"Loan Inshuments'. <br /> Tni9tor covonnnts and aprene wi�h Lender ne(ollowe: <br /> 1,Peyment o1 Indehtsdnee�.All indebtndnese aecureJ herehy nhnll bn pnid whon dun. <br /> 2.Title.Tru�tnr iv tl�e owner i,f thn Property.��oa the ri,yht nnd nuthority to r.onvey tho Proparty,nnd wer�ants thet the lien creeted <br /> licrubv��o first+�nd pnor Ifr.n on thc Prapaty,axcopt for licns ond uncumbrancas sot forth bv Tn,stor fn writinp end doliverod to Lendor <br /> b�doro oxuculiu�� ol [hr+ Uai•d c�l Tn�nt. ,�nd tho oxiir.ution pnd delivnry ol Ih�ti Dnc�J o( irust duu3 nut violate eny conireut or olher <br /> ohh{lntion to whir.h T�uatiir r:•niiq„r.L . <br /> 3.Tnx�e, As�eRamrnts.Tn Wry brfoni dulinqurnr.y nll luxus,.per.iul�e:s�r.�.mrnt•:•���d+dl nlhnr r.hiu�es n{�amst the Property now or <br /> harnaftcr IiwioJ. . <br /> 4. Ineurenr.n.To ka�•�� IVio P�n�mrty �ns�uad n9nin:�t dmnn{�x by liru. h��7n�dn. u�r.hided wrtli�n tho lenn 'a�tended covereqa". And <br /> ,y��ch othnr hn7.�r�{�;��•: I.nn�li�r�n,ry�bquiro. vi�unn�uitv nntl wi�h r.nmpnmo+,nr.r.i�pinbin In �OndOf,n+un�nt�Lender n+ an edditionnl nnmed <br /> .. � .....�.�..............i.i.,�.,ih��1 nndnr. In cnsu of losti undor sur.h polir.ies,tha lundar c:��uthuruad to ud�uel.colloct nnd compromiye. <br /> ull r.lnmia•thrruunrinr•nnd sh�dl linvrt Ihn opUOn nl n��plymp nll or p�vt nl thc ui:aumu:��Piocnnds Iil to uny intleDteanees neciueo nera'vy <br /> ,����in;�rdnr na t�<ndnr muV dMUrmuin.lul to the Trustnr to be usad for tl�a rupnu nr restorot�on ot ihe Property or(iiil fo�nny otNer <br /> pur��oso or ab�cct :;,iu,lu�:tory ro L�tidur wdhout:dlcr,tm�Iha Gen ot Uus Dar.d ol 7�iu:1 lor thu tull omaunt securod horeby before cuch <br /> pay�nont uvur tnak pl,u:n.Anv ��PPhr.nlinn�,I Pri�ceud.^.Ir. mdubindnuau nhull no� u�lond or pontpunu lhe duu dnte of xny pnyn»nle under <br />- Iho Notn.rn r.urn mry rivinuh IlauuunJm a�lu�rnundo�. <br /> - 5.Escraw. �Jpnn vrnitcn d���n:�nrl hti�1.���do�, Tnc�tor tihnll p�y la Lendor. m such m.innor;is Lr.ndar maV dcsiprn�ta.suHtCient s�nns <br /> � to cn.ihle Lr.nd,:r �n ��:iy .r, tliuy hur.uuiu Juu one or mnru ol lha (nllow m�l: ld+dl t:�zr.•:. a•:uc::munt•: �vid othor chqrpes opmnst thu <br /> � Prnpnrty. Inl tlin plcnunrn��an Ih��pruP�vlV�n��wonr.0 raquvuJ huro�u,dnr, and lud Ihie pruiiuum•i on nny murtpugn insurenCO requfroJ by <br /> Lundor. <br />~a 6. M�inta»nce. Rep��rs :md Comp��ance with Luws. Trustor •:hnll kecp thc Prapc�ty �n ��uod �UnJ�Uon :md ropair,shali promptly <br />�-� r,:��.ur. or nipLir.�� ,�ny miPrnv„miml whi,�h m;ry bu d.u��uSlud or d�struyud: ::hnll nol r.onund or pmnut nny wnste or dutunotation o� tho <br /> � Proporry: •.hnll nm�r�nnv�e, �lmnah�h nr aubstontinlly tdtar nny of thu nnprnvr.�nanls on tho Propnrly: �htdl nOt cOmtnft. auffer or pe�n,d <br /> Y <br /> � .�ny n�•i t� hr d�nn �ri nr ul�nn ihc Prnpuriy m viol.���on ol nny low. urdinnn�:e.or roqul:iuon; nnd sholl pny ond prompt y �sc iotgo at <br /> T�u�-lor's r.o,t nnJ r+c�i�•ir.r,dl h�en:.anr.umbrunr.e::nnd chmgas lowed.unposnJ or n:r.:us•:ud n�mnst Ih0 proVOrtV or any part theroof. <br /> Nli� �.Ir.lA �Nr..���.�...�...n�fi.....�1... i?�I/ <br /> �I Otl8 N���CnJ�Pn.d ol� ��n•nr. ..!�.re e•�J cn.ny�Ato.r�a�.o,..1�•.eo•.HtU�vU <br /> ' _____� -_. _. _ . . .. __ <br /> _—____._—__' --.....r�.no.�—�-. _"' ____ - <br />