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� '«:L9M�d1�L��ar�...,. .._ti.r_-a;�J�tixti�-.'.�_-�.���—_ <br /> a . — -- <br /> .. . ..._ . .___.--"�--,.�� <br /> . ,�.� �� — <br /> _- ._ _ _ _.._ ... . ... __ . __... . __.. . . _..._ _.. <br />_ . 98� iix73o - <br /> , ,� ,. <br /> � � . <br /> • 18.Minr,nllimnauu D��wiuion❑ <br /> In) /onow��Not H+b���d• Ewten+ion of the tin�n lor pnymeiit or modifinntion of thu xumx ner.ured by Ihie�eed ol T►u�t qr�nted <br /> hy l.endr.r ��,nny mir.r.n•��or in Intc+revt �f Hnrrawer�hnll nnt opernte to relnn�n, in nnv mnnnnr, the linbility o} the originnl Borrowe� <br /> nnd H�nowiv'�� r:�u.rc�:sura in interest. 4enc.'er shnll not bo roquired ro commenco pror.eedinps��s�nmst sur.h successar ar rofuee to <br /> ertend Inne Inr P�W�������� nr ai�hnrwi��modity emortaatian of tha oume wtlCUIGfI I7�1 �I11N puad ol TruNl by roeeon of �ny demendn <br /> rnnde by tho oni��ni�Bnrrnwnr o��d B���nwer'e eur.r.aseorn in intarest. <br /> (bi Len:lrr'e Pnw�ro-N'�ih�ini nllcr.tinq tha liability of nny uthcir porc+on 1in61u for iho pnyment of nny obliU�tion horein mentioned, <br /> nnd wilh�ut uflauluip th���u�i nr cherNe of thie Desd ol Truxt upon ony portinn ol th�+Properry not thvn or tliorotoforo raleneed ne � <br /> ser.urity lor thn lull�mount o)n�l unp�id obligetiona, Le�de�may,fmm t�me to time nnd without not{ce(i) releeee�ny p�non eo <br /> linhle, liil nxlnnd thn mmurity or n��ai onY a� �he tennn of eny such oblipntinns,liii)prnnt othar in�Jid�,�ence�,(iv)relnnse or►econvey, <br /> or cnuee f�ha relonnnd or rn�onveyud at nny time xt Lendar'e optiqn any percel,portic�n or oll of the Property. (�)teke or r�ls���ony <br /> nthm edditionul uncunW (nr nny ahli4�ation heroin mentioned, or Ivil meke compoaitians or ot�im �rrenpemente with debton in <br /> rnintlon ihnreto. <br /> �n) Forb�+rrnc�by L�nd�r Not�Waiv�t, AnY f�rbenrnnr.e by Lender in exeroisxip eny riqdtt•or iAmedy hereundor, or othuwise <br /> nflordnd hV „Pt���^xhln Inw, �hnll not he n weivnr o4 or procludo lhe exrtrr.ise of Ony cur,Fi iig�it or remndy. The procurommt ol <br /> innurnnr.e or the pnyment nf inzos or othnr liann or chnrpen by Lendar el�ell not be n w+�iva� of Londer'e ripht to accelaran the <br /> m�tutlty ot th�indnhtednoss ynr.ureA by this Deed of Trust. <br /> Id1 Succ���on�nd Assiqn�Bound;Joint�nd S�v�ral Li�bility;Captionc.Tho covonnnts and a��reements heroin conteined shell <br /> bind, nnd thn ri{ihts haaundnr shnll inuro to, thn renpective eucceseo►s end eenis�nq of Londor ond Truxtoi. All covsnsM� e�d <br /> n�rehmr.nts ��� Tru::tnr shall ba jon+t end severel. The r,nptione end hendinc�s al tho pnrc�prnphs of thia Dend of Trust ere lor <br /> ennvonionr.a nniy nnd nrc�not �o t�ausod eo interprot or define the provisione herooi. o( nny notie�o( <br /> (e1 R�qu�rt lor Nnticnn• Ti�o�+nriu+e hnreeby requeyt thnt n copy o(nny iwhr,p ol dxlAUlt hnreundnr and a copV hoeble <br /> �nle hnm�indnr hm m�ilad �n nar.Vi �wrly to this Onnd nf Tnist ut lllfl AC�fI�flF.F r.ot forth nbove in the mnnnn�prexcribed by epp� <br /> Inw. Exr.npt Inr :inV nlhi:r nntir.n r�qwrnd undur��pulir.nblo Inw to he g�ven in anothor manncsr,any notir.e provided for in this Deed of <br /> Truet xhnl! bn iuvm� �W mai�u�ti ��u��� nntir.e hy certified mnil eddrnseod tn the nlher pnrties, nt the eddrene eat lorth sbov�.Any <br /> nohr.e prnvidad 1n�in��us o�:oe or r�"3�9n�u►���tre����A uro� mnilinc�in tha monnsr daAignntnd hnrein.H T�uetor is moro thnn ane <br /> pnr^an,nntico ncnt�n tho nddres::set iorth nhove Fholl be notice to ull such pareons, <br /> (fl In�p�ctimi. Lendc�r mi�y mnko m causo to he mndo reosonable ontries upon and inr.poctione oF the Prnp�rty, provid�d thet <br /> Lender�hnll Qivo Tnietnr::ntice pnnr to nny n�r.h inupection eper,ifying�en�onnhlo r.mmn therofor releted to Lendar'� intera�t in the <br /> Property. <br /> (��R�eonvey�nce. U��on peVmont of ull sums secured by this Deod of Trunt, Lender shnll rer,uest Tniet�a to roconvey lis <br /> PruperlY nnd x�u��l surrnndnr ihi::Dned of Trunt xnd nll notes evidoncinp indabtndnosx eor,ured by thie Dead of Trunt to Truntsn. <br /> Truntee nhell rnr.onvey thn Prnperty wid�out wnrrnnty nnd without chergn to tho par4nn nr pnrsons legnlly entitled theieto.Truetor <br /> shnll pny nll r.nsts nl ror.rndntinn, fl nny. <br /> (h)Peraonsl Property:Securlty^Apra�ement.As,odd;t^o�n'I senir't%`UOr��[h�p"�ment,�cmd o ha�pereo alrprapA tV�ueed n�conn�taon <br />� tNe Nebresica iiniinnn C.����r.�s�ci.;......_n°=^,...., - <br /> with the renl eatnto nr im�rnvemnnt�: lor,ntnd Ute+roon,nnd not othorwise declnrnd or deemed to be n pait at tne rea�eateie eeawad <br /> hr.roby.This insVumen� .^•ht+�l hc tnn�trued ea a Socurity Aqreement undor snid Code,and the Lander shnll heve ell the riphts an�, <br /> re�n�dies ol n>m:urod p��rry under'•++id Codn in nddition to tho ri�hts end remedi�y crunted uncler end eccorded thn Lend�r pur�uant <br /> to thie Oeed oF Truet; f������^� «'"� Lender'e riphte nnd remadie�undnr thi>� p�rnSlrnph ohall �e cumulstive with, nnd in no w�Y s <br /> limitotion on,L�tndei'9 rir�ht-:anr!mmodies under nny nthe�snr.uriry nr�reement yit�nod by Borrower or T�uator. <br /> iil Lien� �nd Encurtibr�nus. Tr�ietor hnrahy werronte nnd ropresentv tlint thore is no defnult undar thn provieinnn of eny <br /> mortqa4le, daed nf truet, len�a or�)UfCIl09P contraot describing ell or anV Peit of �ha Property, or other contrnct, inetrument ur <br /> ogroament cnn::titutinp � lien or encumbrnncn atl��nst nll or nny pert of the Property Icollactive, "Liene"1, exietinp ns of the dat4 af <br /> this Doed of Truet, and thal an4 and all existin� Liens rernoin unmoddiad oxcept ns diuclosnd to Lender in Tru�tor'• writtsn <br /> dior.losu►n of lione m�d N11C11111f7fIM1CdH providnd lor herein. Trustor vhell timely �ortorm all ol Tn�etur'e oblipetiono, oovMSnb. <br /> teprosentetion�and wnrrnntiee amAnr nny end nll nxistinp nnd fuW�e Lion+.Nhnll prn�nptly fO�wnrd ta Lende�copiee of dl noGces o) <br /> dolmJt rsent in r.nnnnr.tirni wdh nnY nncS xll HXI91�nq Of luturo Uenn, ond ahall not wrthout l.endm'a prior written conwent in eny <br /> monner modify tho u�ovc:�ons of m allow nny}utiva iidvnnces under nny exishnG or luturP Lian�. <br /> Ijl Application ol P�Yin�nts. UiJe+s:s otherwir.o «�quired by law, ewne pnid to Lunde� he�ounder, �naludin� without limi[�tion <br /> pnymnntn nl �vinr,ipnl nnd ��+urruir,e pror.eede, condemnntion pror.eede nnd rante end profitN,shntl ba epplled by LMder to <br /> the amo�uil5 dun nnd nwmrl�n'rn Truvtor and borrnwt+r in nrdar as Lendcr in it::sole discretion de�ireble. <br /> (KI Swerahility. II �inV Provision of this poa:d nf Trust conllicts with opplir..�ble L�w or i3 declnred invalid or otherwise <br /> une�(maa,�hl�, sur.h r.unllir.t nr mvulidily ehxll nut rtllvr.t the other provieions of thie�Deod of Truat or the Note which cm b�qiven <br /> olloct withaut tha r.mdlfr.tinp n�nvisimi, nnd ta this end tho provisions of this Daed af Trust and tho Note ere dec�eted to be <br /> �evarable. <br /> �p T��m�.The ronn:� "Trus�or'ond"�orrowe�" ehall inr,luda t>oth sinpular nnd plurnl, ond when the Truetor end Borr�wer ere t e <br /> snmo uernnnlFl����n�iA�n����9�4 ��9nd�n this Deud of Tnist ehnll be interchnngeoble. <br /> (nq(3overninp Lew.Tlu•�Occd of Tn�st shnll bo��uvotnad by the lows oT the Stntn of Nebrneka. <br /> Trustar hns nxec��l�d this Doad nl Tiust as of�ho dute written above. <br /> `" - n"��/%�� "-- Tn�stor <br /> ' Tnistor AIVIM G MOTLEY � <br /> —"— Truslnr <br /> T«ietor <br /> �— — Trustor <br /> Tru�otor <br /> ii <br />�� <br />_� <br /> 'a <br />. �1 <br /> 7 <br /> NHf'U'./�'IN,�n nPu•uhu�.il Il��r�ll 1+.•v f.rq�, <br /> 19��:�A'.�h n J b.rd ��l rr,n�.nr•,� � ..T rr!'..��.:.�i-.A��nc• r•+� lNk�a�2 �.�t.v�:l.r _.. _ .. _ . ._. . _.. <br />