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.� _ . .---�-ao�m,..+o�-•-°—r. -� . . <br /> �,It I . ^..�11Y)w��q h+1:•r.-. .,.' <br /> ,.-�j :,.,y�'l.r,�.tK�'��'�1":n�'�tv�. � <br /> . • .���.W W�+y+Mn....�'. i: _. <br /> � _ . , . -,, r f-*��'�= __ <br /> # ,�,,,�..._ �i4::..,.i°:._ r" _ •��}Y�!^4±_"^,�'_"nv°'i� ..�._ ---- <br /> _.�. ...._�......,.'�""T'�— <br /> � � . 9$-�12'726 <br /> 17.Transter uf the Pmperty or p Beneticl�l lntereat In Borrower. If all or any pan of the Property or any interest in it <br /> hs sold ar transferred(or if a beneficlai interesl in Borrowcr is sald or transferred w�d Borrowcr!s not a natural person) without <br /> Lender's prior written consent, l.ender may, at ita option, requiro immediute payment in ful! of nll sums sccured by this <br /> Security Inatrument.Hawever.thia option ahall not bc excrcised by Lender if excrcise is pmhibited by federal inw as of thc datc <br /> af this Securlty Instrument, <br /> If L.ender exereises thla option,L.ender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provlde a period of not <br /> less thnn 30 days frc>m the date tho natice le delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay aU sums sccured by thi� <br /> Security ln�tn�ment, If Bonowar felis to pay these sums prior to thc cxpiration of this period,Lender may invoke any remedies � : <br /> permitted by[his Security lnstrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 18, Borrower's Rl�ht to Relnstpte. !f Bonower meete certatn conditions, Borro�ver shall have the right to have <br /> enforcement of this Security lnstrument discontinued at any time prior to ihe earllcr of; (a)�S days (or such other period as <br /> applicablc law may speclfy for reinstatemcnt) before sate of the Property pursuent to any power of salc contained in this <br /> Securtty Instrument;or(b)entry uf a judgmcnt cnforcing this Security Instrument.'!'hose conditions are that Bonower: (a)pays <br /> Lender nll sums which then would be due under thls Security [nstrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occuned; (b) <br /> cures any default of any other covenants or pgreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, <br /> including, but not limited ta. reasonable attomeys' fees; and (d)takes such action as L.ender may rcasonably mqulre to assure <br /> that the lien of thie Security Instrument,I.ender's rights in the Property snd Barrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the <br /> obligations secured hereby shall nmain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred,However, this right to reinstate shall <br /> not npply in the cau of accelerasion under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Ss►le oi Note; Chs►nge ot Lo�n Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security <br /> Instrumcnt)may be sold one or more times without prior noticc to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in thc entity (known <br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one <br /> ar more changes of the I.oan Serviar unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wiil bc <br /> given written natice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and <br /> address of the new Loan Serviccr and thc address to which payments shoulJ bc made. The notic�wilt also contain any o�her <br /> information required by applicable law. <br /> 20. Hazardoue Substances. Borrowcr shall not cause or permit the presena, use, dispasal, stora�c, or release of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bonower ehall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affxcing the <br /> Propeny that is in violation of any Environmtntal Law. The preceding two sentences ahall not appiy to the presence. use, or <br /> storage on the Property of smxll quantitics of Hazardous 5ubstances that are gcnerally rxognlzed to be appropriate to norn�al <br /> residential usea and to maintenu�ce of the Property. <br /> Banower�hell promptly ¢ive Lender written notice of any investigatlon, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any <br /> goven►mental or ngulatory agency or private party involving the Propeny and a�ry Hezardous Subs[ance or Environmentd Law <br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leuns,or ia notified by any govemment�l or regul�tory authority, that <br /> �y��,Y�I�r neher remediatton af any Hazerdous Substance�ffecting the Propeny�s necessary,Borrower�hall promp�ly take <br /> all necessary remedial acNons In accord�nce wich Environment�l l,aw. <br /> As usaf in thii paragraph 20, "Hezardous Subatanaa" arc those substances definal a+toxtc or hazardous subatances by <br /> Environmtntal Law and the followtng eubatences: gaaotine, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petrol�um producta, toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materiuls containing asbestos or farmaldehyde,and radioactive materials,As used ln <br /> thls paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law" mcana federal laws and laws of thc jurisdiction where the Propecty is located chAt <br /> nlate to health,safety or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Botcower and L.ender further covennnt and agree�s followa: <br /> 21.Aaela�atloa; Ranedlee.Leader sludl Qive notice to Borrower prlor to arcderatlon followin�Horrower'�Cre�ch <br /> O� Apr COVd111A� 01' Ng�!!!tl!D< (q this Securitv Inetrument (but not pr[or to wccderation under paragraph 17 unless <br /> applicnble I�w provldee otherwi�e). 'Ihe notice slwll speci[y: (p) the default; (b)the actlon required to cure the defwult; <br /> (c)a dwte, �wt le�e tfum 30 daye trom the ditte the notice b�Iven to Borrower,by which the de[ault muat be curad; pnd <br /> (d) tb�t[s�ilure to cure the detpult oa or bcfore the dote epectflcd ln the notice m�y result in Acceleratton o[ the swas <br /> secured by thia Secu��ity Instrument and sale o[the Pcopercy. The notke shall further Iniorm Sorrowa ot the r1�6t to <br /> rdnstate s�iter wcederatlon and the dg6t to bring a coart action to.assert the non-existence o[a default or wny other <br /> dela�se o[Borrowar to accdawtlon and sale. I[the defpult is not curaf on or be[ore the d�te speci[led t�the notice, <br /> Lender, At ita optlon, may require immedlate poyment tn full ot oll sums secured by this Security Instrument without <br /> [urther demand and may Invoke the power of sale and auy other remedles permitted by eppllcAble Ipw. Lender ehall be <br /> entitled to rnllect all expen�s incurred in pursuing the rernedles provided tn this ps�regrAph 21,inciudlnQ,but not Umited <br /> to,rwsonable Attorneys'fers ond coats of tttle evidence. <br /> If the power oC sale is invoked, Tn�stee shel! rec�rd p notice ot de[ault in eneh couaty in which any part o[the <br /> Propq�ty Is locnted and shAll mail copies of such noNce in the manner prescrlbed by applicable Irw tu Borrower and to <br /> the other persone prescribed bY pPM�ble law. Atter the time requlred by applicable Iww,Trustee shnll give publk notice <br /> of sale to the persons and in the menner prescribed by�pplicable Is►w.Tn�,sta� withaut dan�ud on Borrower, shall eell <br /> the Propecty At public auction to the highest bldder At the time and plpce And unda the terms designAted in the notice o[ <br /> sAle in one or more parcels and In any order Trustes determines.'IYustee mey postpone sAle of�11 or any parcd ot the <br /> Property by public unnouncement wt the time and place ot aqy previously scheduled sale. Lendcr or its designee mAy <br /> purchase the Property et any sale. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> ��BRINEI tsz�zi.oz vp.6 or e wuw:--- <br /> - __ _ �,wo. ��,_�. <br /> ---._�_ <br /> __ _.. .• .. . ti _� - — - -- <br /> �nY1�i��rr�-iT�w-��v. . •. • <br /> - .. . �. .... <br /> �T— __ . ." 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