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- ---- .;;.�.. <br /> . ... . <br /> �, . . ., ."� .� - - _. -_- <br /> ri-����r..--_ �-� - - - <br /> - _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> . � <br /> � � • 98- � i12��2s <br /> . : <br /> � Upou rocelpt o[ poyment o[ the prke bld� Tru:ta ah4�l dellver to the purehwser Trustee'e daed canveylnR the <br /> property, The recltal�la the Trudee'� deed sFudl be prima tacie eridmce of the truth ot the stAtemmtei mrde tha�Nn. <br /> Trudee�11 Rpply the procaed�o[lhe wle In lhe foabwla�order:(�)to RII cat,�qnd expaaa of excxclsln�the power of <br /> ewle�Apd tbe wle,iacludln�the p�ynunt ot lhe Tnatee'�fee��ctwdly Incurred,not to ezceed 3.0 '� <br /> ot t6e priacip�l �no�at of the aote at the ti�ue ot tbe decLr+�tbn at defoWt�nnd rauoaable Rttorney�' fea w permitted <br /> by I�w;(b)to ali euma aecured by thl+Security Instrument; and(c)�ny excess to the Qa�on or pereon�le�ally rntltleA to <br /> �t• Lender shall re ueat Trutta to <br /> 22. Reoonveyaace. Upon payma�t of �ll au�u kcurcd by this Security Instrument, q <br /> reconvey the Prapecty and shall surnnder thia Seeudty In�trument and �Il nota evidenclag debt securod by thia Security . <br /> Insttument to Trwtec.Trustee shell reconvey the Propctty without watranty and without charge:o the penon or peraons legally <br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons ah�ll p�y any recordat[on costs. <br /> 23. Subititute Trt�stee. Lender, at its opdon, may from tlnx to tin�rc�uuva i►ustcc and nppoint a successor trustee to <br /> any Truata appointed hereunder by an instcument recorded in the counry in which this Security Inatrument i�recorded. Without <br /> conveyance af the Properry,the auccessor►rustee shall succad to all the tule,power and duties conferral upon Tnuta hereia <br /> and by epplicable law. <br /> 24, Requee�![or Notices.Bosower requ�ts that capies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower'a addreas <br /> which ie the Propetty Addrda. <br /> 1S.Rldas to thlc Security Instrumeut. If one or morc riders are oxocuted by Borrower and recorded together with this <br /> ��v�,I��d�grxmenu of this 5�aunry�Instrument as if theidder(�ere a pa�rt ofhisnto�andy Instrument�d aupplement <br /> [Check applicxble ba;(w)] <br /> �Adjustable Rue Rider 0 Condomiaium Rider 1-4 Family Rlder <br /> �Griduated Payment Rider Plannod Unit Development Rider Biwakly Payma►t Rider <br /> Balloon Rider Rue I�provement Rider Socond Home Rider <br /> VA Rider �eK�)fB��fY] <br /> BY SI(iNIN(i BELOW, Bormwer�cr,eptr+uu1�►tras a the te coven�nts contdnod 5ecurity ln�tnir.�ent aad <br /> in any ddeKe)executed by Borrower ead recoMed with It. <br /> W itnerra: <br /> . <br /> ._._.(Se�l) <br /> Robrrt N. Rupp •Borrowtr <br /> ��� <br /> M�,ry l�ts Rupp -��"'�� <br /> ��� (Seal) <br /> •Borrower •Bortower <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall County ss: <br /> The foregoing instrument waa ecknowled8al befoce me this 19Yh day of D�w�r ,1999 , <br /> by Rob�rt 1P. Rupp and Mary Ell�n �tupp, Hu�bsna and Wil� • <br /> Witnas my hand and notarial sr,�l at Gra:►d I�land, Nabr�� in said Counry,the dau afor�aaid. <br /> My Commiaaion Expires: <br /> Nouiry Publb <br /> �NOTARY 9MM If NIbf11M� <br /> OEVAA McELROiY <br /> Ml����•Mi4lS.l001 <br /> �-6RlNE)�o2ui.o� r�w��� Fam 302� q/Y0 <br /> .— �.;vs�xw�;arv�es�.•� -- - <br /> .�_��.. - � �-�'g'r —__-- --� <br /> .._—. -_°'±�![..ulfF1���--_-rC'^:'.r1=-!R=�IOQf _a� <br /> _ �"rw 7�'}�a[;,f,,��}?�r� . -�__�--- <br /> — - ` .�4kt� ���+ni�i'S.��ir�AIC�1Pta1� 1�-=rar--�--� — <br /> �,ri�y�,i.YF��,'.1�5=j''1�r.�m�v. _ — —_—_—. . <br /> ._. � —m Z�lz✓ �j��me ' . ��f r�nr� ——— �...��— �� <br /> ^�+�*�••�a.c--ir ..•04-r'r���i .ii6 W76uSIC7�liiv`�ra:�•� _ .�__---��----�—-- <br /> — - .tii ��4��1 f�(,{f�l�� � - � '— <br /> ���""Y.7 F�R.?"'�'(�t� ���„�,y}4 r�'i�� �� --��ainx_,- _. ���_ - <br /> . _�=„��lt\T����:.:.i:f.',�..1 �^_ 3„ � � ,. - t�.�C_ w�-- _ —_ <br /> - �lS f�4 f S � , , . , � s 1f.Y����,q�� — <br /> :WP�'�SJ F 1 {•- .l ! r3, 4�i� rye�t i `-1?," "i' • A"Ey�'+T+l'.�.._ . -- — -- <br /> .,r *•+•�j'� �• �f,,.ii�� ��(! r <br /> �r���t ' t z� ' , - . � ,��� �? t�ttjt;�k;, ���."S'�' ��� <br /> � -.`J.�` r . ��� . . i ".�.n�11���7����"�g"y� , ��� �'`�" --- — <br /> _!,: ,t�s.i . � ,i� .��, . . �t.l�.sP..� a-«!{���D jq'�i��� -7•.1�.���„�e�� — <br /> — _ .i . , ' . •. . - .. -;'�t�'•,:7i�'F3�* .n�: �•1):.�,!�`_--=_--- — <br /> _ • . - V� - ... . Tr :�'"�� ^ . .. . �- .. <br /> S�� . . � . r� �}i `A���� _._ -- . <br /> � ti. •. • . . • r r„�._-- — _ <br /> ,... 't�m Lti ay��� '� �+ ir�k-r�� <br /> ::' � .~� ,. .G:�..?i�A'.tS,.t'����F4..��.#.'�tail,i�'[��.i:���?�•i?..iti.r'S�. wnsw�n_— — <br />