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ProtecUon o}Lendsr'� RIQhU In the Property. �� 9orrow.r t.ib �o p�rtorm �t,. cown.n�s �nd .pn.n,.nt• - <br /> contafn�d in thh S�curRy Instrum�nt,nr thaa a a MWI prxMdinp th�t may�IpnMfcanty �ff�at Und�r's rfphts h th� Prop�rty(tuch�� <br /> �� ••��� � . ■ proc»dlnp in bankrupby, probat�,for aondm►natbn or forf�Rurs or to onforc�kw�or rpu�tbna), thm UntNr rrwy do �nd p�y for <br /> • . • +d • whatwK :s n�c�ssuy to prot�ct th�valw ot th� Prop�ty �nd UndK's rlQhts In th� Proparty, Lender�a �ctbn9 may hclud� payln9 <br />�.y...�.. - ,:.� . �ny wm� acurod by a YM whbh h�s prbrky owr thla Socurily Instrum�nt, appe�uinp fn court, payinp re�sontbW �ltomsy's le�f�nd (,Q = <br /> •:, •, �nt�riny on th�PropKty lo mak�npak�. Akhouyh Lsnda m+�y tUfc��clbn undK thb puapnph 7,L�nd�r do�not luw to do Ro. �O <br /> �� My �mounts dbbun�d by L�nc1�r und�r thb pu�pnph 7 ehaN b�oorrN �ddkbnal d�bt of Bortow�r �cund by thk S�curNy <br /> Inotrum�nt. Uniss� BarrowK �nd L�nd�r �pne to olh�r tsrma of p�ymwit, theae �mounte eh�M bear ht�rnt kom th� d�t� of � <br /> :.. �� disbun�r►Nnl st th�NoU rato�nd •haB b� p�ywba,wkh Intarosf,upon notfca hom Lintler to Bortower requestiny p�ym�nt. r <br /> ` 8. Mort9eqe Inwrance. If Lender requPSd mortpaye hsur�nCe �� a CondRbn of rruikhp th�b�n NCUnd by tha S�CUrky � <br /> ,"�,�,�,,,., • Inslrumaril, Borrowor ehall pny tho premlums requked to mefntein the mortflepe hsurence In eNsct. If, for uiy reesOn, the mortp�p� � <br />'�' � hfur�nc�cov�np�rsquP�d by L�nd�r Yps�a or c�s�a to be in sffect, BorrowK ahaN pay tha pnrtiluma rsqu(rW to obtah cowr� � <br />�� suhstanti�ly MubaNnt to th� mortp�pe InsunnCY pravbutly fn eMeCt,�t a Cost 6ubttantMllly �qulv�lent lo th�Cott to BofrowK o}tM <br />-=•'- , mortqapa insunnc� pr�vloufy in aH�x:t, hom �n �k�rnete mortpape Inaurer approved by Le�dsr. It substantkHy squNaNnt mortp�p� <br /> -� • Insurenc• cover�p� k not avalUbw, BorrowK shoN pty to l.�ndar Noh month � aum �qual to on♦tw�Mth ol th� yMrfy monp�p� <br /> .`�� ��` haunnc�pr�nium b�inp pRid by Bortow�r wh�n th� Intur�nc�coverap�lapa�d or cwaed to t»h sffect. L�nder wiN�cc�pt,uN Iuid <br /> `.'�• �� ntaln thn� p�ymmts u a iote raarw k► Nw of mortpap� Iniurana. Loas reswvo payments may no bnpx b� rsquind, �t th� <br />:;;;e�p�.;,_,q optbn ol Ldnd�r, N monpap� hsur�nca cowr�ps (fn lh� �mount and for tha perbd that Lendx �equYee) provkNd by an Insunr <br /> ��x�l�; approwd by Lsnd�r �p�fn h�corrN� �v�flabN and {s o6tah�d. Borrow�r shell p�y ths pnmlums nquk�d to maintaln mortp�p� <br />,-�n�+`��`''•i hsur�nc• in efisct, or to Qrovfd� a bas rotorva, untA tha raqukert�enl for moripapo fneunnce ends h accordu�c� wkh 11ny wrkNn <br /> •"•-a;� eqreerr�ent between Bortower and Lender or ipplb�ble ktw. <br />-:,}�t':�����" 9. 117dpeCtlO�. Lender or ks apw�t m+ty make reasonabfe entrfes upon and fnapectbns of th� Proparty. Lw�dsr eh�N Olw <br />��;.h(A,�'v.1� Borrowar notfc�at the tYne of or prbr to an hspection epecMyinp reasonpble csuse for the hspectbn. <br />•��:����.�• 10. CondemneUon. The proceeda of any award or ckMn lor damayes, diroct or cona�qwntkl, In conn�otbn wkh any <br /> -.�.nr�. <br />-;;;.,y.., condemnatlon or othar Iakinp of any part of lhe Property,or for conveyonce In Iieu of condemnatbn, aro h�rsby assipnsd �nd s a _ <br /> _.,.k.,i,�'T� Paid to Lender. <br />-`�:�n:� �� In tha evant of a total takhp of the Property, the prxaads shQN ba �ppliad to the eume secund by thit S�curky Instrum�nt, <br />.=',i��,`�� ' <br /> whethar or not than dw, wkh �ny wcceas pald ta Borcowa. In tha ewnt of a paRl�l t�kinp ot th� Prop�rty h wAbh ih�1�Y nMfk�t <br /> - valu� of th� Prop�ty hxr�diaby l»fon th� takhp Is pual to or prNt�r th4n th� �mount o} ths wms s�cund by thM S�curNy <br /> >re%•x:'��,�. <br /> ,{ ,. .� Instrument knmsdl�tsy b�fon ths ufclnp, unNes BorrowK and l�nder othsrwlas apns In wrkinp, th� �ums securod by thM 3�curlty <br /> � `� Instrumont chaN b� roducod by tho wmount of th� prx�ds mukiplkd by tha folbwfnp (r�atbn: (a) th� total unount of th� tums <br />--�"•� ` eecund fmmedlatsly b�lae the taktny, dlvkNd by(b) tha tafr mulc�t wlu� ot th� Prop�rty frr�m�dyt�y bMon th�Wchp. My baMnw <br /> ;.��;*.'r��,i,"� <br /> -�;„�ti��c .. shaN bo paid to Bqnow�r. In th�w�nt of� putkl t�khp of th� PropMy In whbh th�fak mark�t vtlu� of Ih� Prop�ty InrrNdlatNY <br /> �a;,,,� j'���� betore the takinp is lesa th�n the amount ol the sums secured knmedi�tey bofore the taklnp, unl�ss Borrowsr Qnd L�ndM OthMwfN <br />��^-��� apree in wrkiny or unMas opplicabla law othxwlse provides, the procoads shall I» applied to tho tums aCUnd by thN S�CUrNy <br /> ..-�aon;., --• <br /> ,� Instrumant whethor or not the aums are then due. <br />_�r�y�1,'�.i`.i�•� If the Prooerty Is �b�ndoned by 8orcowe�, or M,after not{ce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oMere to m�k��n�wud w <br /> -::,�,�;;,,�y settle a clakn fqr damsqes, Bortower faNS to rospond ta Lender wkhln 30 daya after the date tne not�c� is piwn� Lenuer w.uii�oii�.d <br /> ��=''-�''��� to collect nnd�ppy th�prxaads,ot kc optbn, eRher to rostoratlon or repak of tho Proparty or to th�tums acund by thk S�curky <br /> -�at�r.� <br /> -- Inslrument, whoth�r or not thon du�. <br /> -�"'�� Unkss Lender and Borrowar atharwlaa aproa h wralny, any �ppWcatbn of procoads to prinolpal •haN not uA+nd or po�fpon� tM <br /> ._��,w.� dua date ot the monthy payments roferted to In puaprephs 1 �nd 2 or chanqs lhs unount o}euch paym�nts. <br /> ------ 11. Borrower Not Releesed: Forbeerence By Lender Not � W�iver. Extenebn ot �n. drrw tor payrrwn► w <br /> �-- - - modN�atbn ot amortWtbn ol tha eums sf►CUnd by thh S�curky Inctrum�nt pnnt�d by Und�r to�ny �uccKSOr h Inbnst of Borrow�r <br /> ���� sh�ll noc op�rats ro rel�s� lh� IybfNly o1 tha oripind Bortowsr or Bortowws wccMSOn in Int�nat. Lsnd�r�rhaN not b�nquY�M to <br /> _-*=="_'�� <br /> commenca proceedln�e�pehst any successor In fntenat or nfuse to wctand tYne for paym�nt or oth�rwla�modlfy amortbatlon of tM <br /> -- sums s�cured by thk Security Inetrum�nt by rason of any dsm�nd mad� by th� oriphal Bortovwr or Borrow�s succ�tton In <br /> --- fntsrest. Any forbwrencs by Lender fn wceroishp any rqhf or nrn�dy ahaA not ba a walver o}or proalud�th��oarck�of�ny ripht or <br /> rsnwdy. <br /> _--�� 12. $UCCEiiO« and Assiyni BOUfId; Jolnt and Several l.labiliry� CO-sipneri. Th� Cown�nt� �nd <br /> ��;�� �yrewnante of thh S�curity Instrum�nt sha8 bind end Nn�iN th� succ�saon and asslpn• of Und�r �nd Borro�w�r, subJ�ct to tIN <br /> d:.�'T provisbns af psnqraph 17. Bonowera covsnanta and�prs�rnenta ehl�M b�Joht nnd sewrnl. My Borrow�r who oaslpns thM S�curky <br />�;_��,�, Inatrument but doea not execute the Note: (a) Is co-aqninp thb SecurRy InsWm�nt nny to mortp�p�� pnu�t, and aonvsy tFuit <br /> - BorrowK'c htxeat In tha Propxty unt{Ir tho tartnc of thfa SeCUrqy Inttrwnent; (b) k not pKSOnaly obllpabd to pRy tl►� tuma �ecund <br /> `��` (oA�r a m�k� �ny <br />'��?'!�,;= by thls Sacurky Instrumanl; and (a) ayreas that L�nde and �ny olhor BorrowK m�y apn� to uct�nd, modMy, <br /> '""""��2"•'� _ accommodatbns wkh repard to term� of thfs Securky InatNmont or th�Nots wkhout that BoROwar'e cons�nt. <br /> - 13. Loan Charpes. If the ben securad by thk SaCUrRy IntWmMtt is subjvCt to a I�w whbh Nt6 m�xMlwm bui ohuflat� <br /> :�."'�:?��.��f� <br /> - t--�.�., end lhat law is ffnally hterprotod no that tna inta�est or oth�r ban charQ�s ool{eot�d or to b� coUsct�d In conn�ctbn wkh th� lo�n <br /> '-x-�w�; excead the pertnlned links, then; (y any such ban chupaF ehaM bo rsducsd by Ihe amoun! nac�s�ary to rsduc� th� ohaspo to tM <br /> � m�`.` p6rnikt6d Ikilk;nnd (b)�ny sums already collectorf hom Borrower whbh exceaded permkt�d �YnRs wIN be ralund�d to BoROw�r. Undw <br /> •�+ '~"�'�� may choos� to mako this ralund by raducinQ th� prfncipal owod undar th� Nota or by rt�khp � dk�ct paymant to Borcow�r. If� - <br /> '` 3 <`: reh,nd nduc�s prinofpU,the roduCdon wlll b�treatAd �a a partkl prop�ymant wkhout any prsp�ymM�t Ch�rp�und�r M�Nob. <br /> r 14. NoUcea. Any notfce to Borcower provlded lor In thfs Securky Instrument sh�N hs plvsn by dslN�rinU k or by maWny R bY <br /> • fkst class mall unless eppl4cebl� law requkes uso of another method. The notbe sh411 bo dfraCted to tha Propwty Addn�� or aeY <br /> ather address Borrowx desqnntes by notfce to Lendx. My notbe to Lender shdl be plvs� by fknt c�es m�A to L�ndu's addns� <br /> • steted hereh or any other addresa Lender desfpnetes by notice to Borcower. My notice provided for In thb Sscurky InstrurtMnt sh�N <br /> �� be deemed to have been gNen to 9onower or Lender when yNan ee provlded h thls par4preph. <br /> �� 15. Governiny Law; Severebtltty. Thls SeCUrMy Instrument shall be povemed by f&derel I�w �nd the yw of th� <br />, Jurisdbtbn in whfch the Property is locnted. In the event that any provlsbn or ckuse ol thfa Securky Instrument or th• Nob aonNbtt <br /> �; wRh applbable law, suCh conllbt shall not e(fect other provisbns of thls Sea�rky Instrument or the Nots whbh can b� pN�n �fhCt <br /> . . �� F wkhout the conflicthfl provfsbn. To thfs end the provisbns of thls Securky Instrument and the Note are dxcWted to t» Bawnbw, <br /> . '� 16. Borrower't Copy. Borcowur shall be phren one conformed copy of the Note nnd ot thb Securily Instrum�nt. <br /> + 17. Trenafer of the Property or a Beneticlel Intereat In Borrower� If all or eny part ot the Ploperty M rny <br /> -- - . <br /> k�terest in R Is sold or transferred (or M n beneffc{al hterest h Borrower is sald or transierratl ena doRC�wer is noi a naiuni pwsdn� <br /> wkhout Lender's prbr written consent,Lender may, al Ns optian, requlre tmrrwdlate payrrw�t In luu of aH sums s�cund by thi� �curNy <br /> Instrument. However,this optbn shall not be exercised by Lender M exerclse Is prohibked by federal kw as of the date ot thle S�CUrky - <br /> , ' Instrument. <br /> , ' � � If Lander exerc�sos this optbn, Lender shall pNe Borco�ver notfce ot acceleratbn. The notfc� sh4N provid� a pariod of not Mf• . <br /> than 30 days }rom the date the notfca Is deHvered or mafled wRhin whbh the Borrower must pay all sums secund by thb Srcurky <br /> Instrument. If Barrower falls to pay these sums prbr to the expkatbn of thfs period,Lender mey Invoke eny remedbs pertnkt�d by thb <br /> Security Instrument wRhout further not�Ce or demend on Bor�ower. Form�os� vi�o <br /> F102B.LM0(t0/V7) Pap��ol 6 . <br /> 1 � <br /> � B59 . <br /> � <br /> _� . . . . .. .__ . . _. . _. . _ . <br />